"Father, through the narration of this messenger of heaven, I guess that there will be shocking changes in the burial place next."

"Right now, there are only two major forces in the Burial Land: our Great Wilderness Ancient Clan and the City of Ten Thousand Demons."

"Although they have been fighting each other for countless years, they have always maintained a balanced situation."

"If the Tushan clan from Shanling Realm comes here, the balanced situation will be broken."

"When the time comes, it will not be a good thing for our Great Wilderness Ancient Clan."

"Therefore, we should prepare in advance..."

Within the palace.

Ji Changsheng was silent for a moment and said in a serious voice to Ji Yinyang.

Hearing his words, Ji Yinyang also frowned.


He also felt that Burial Heaven Land might face unprecedented changes.

"This matter has to be decided by the emperor and the clan elders."

"According to the information revealed by Ren Woxing, the messenger of heaven, although the Tushan clan in Shanling Realm is weak in background, its strength is not weak."

"They believe in the gods of incense and fire, but we have already given up on the gods. Once they come to the Burial Land, a racial war will inevitably occur."

"At that time, if they stand on the side of the City of Ten Thousand Demons, it will be a huge disaster for our Great Wilderness Ancient Clan."

"Also, the Tushan clan of Shanling Realm doesn't know whether they can freely travel between the two realms."

"If we can freely travel between the Mountain Realm and the Burial Land, then our Great Wilderness Ancient Clan will be even more passive."

Speaking of which.

Ji Yinyang's expression gradually became serious.

The news about the Tushan clan in Shanling Realm made him feel an unprecedented crisis.

If it is not handled properly, the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan may die and be exterminated...

"Changsheng, please don't reveal anything about the messenger of heaven and the Tushan clan in Shanling Realm to the outside world for the time being."

"I will report this matter to Emperor Ming and the clan elders first, and then make a decision."


Ji Changsheng nodded solemnly.


The two of them left the temple one after another.

Lin Wudao ignored their concerns and concerns.


After leaving the shrine, he wandered around the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan for a long time and learned a lot of information.

Then, he slowly returned to the Ninth Magic Mountain.


"When did there actually be an additional Heaven-Confining Formation? And it's also an Imperial Formation?"

Outside the Ninth Magic Mountain.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the Heaven Prisoning Formation, a hint of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

This Heaven-Confining Formation is extremely powerful.

Even if an ordinary emperor falls into it, he will not be able to get out for a while...

"Did the City of Demons take action?"

He muttered softly.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

No matter who set up this prison formation, it was definitely aimed at the three of them.

"Things are getting interesting."

"Since you want to play, let me play with you, and also take a look at the details of the Demon Prison and the City of Demons."


The words fell.

Lin Wudao walked straight through the Heaven Prison Formation and quietly returned to the fifth floor of the Demon Prison.

at this time!

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were concentrating on handling the body of the God King in front of them.

"Crazy Taoist, Qin Daofu, please stop for a moment. I have something important to tell you."


Important things?

Hearing Lin Wudao's voice, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu looked over with doubtful eyes.

"Brother Ren, didn't you go to deliver medicine to the ancestors of the Changsheng Imperial Clan?"

"Is it possible that something good happened to you?"

The crazy Taoist asked with a smile.

To this.

Lin Wudao nodded slightly.

"Miss Qi, I have delivered the medicine for your Eighteenth Patriarch for you. He is in good condition now."

"After eating the Nine-turn Immortality Pill refined by your Immortality Imperial Clan, he has successfully extended his life for 330,000 years."

"You won't have to worry about it for a long time."

He turned to Qi Qingyu and said.

Hear this!

Qi Qingyu was immediately overjoyed.

"Thank you, Lord Messenger!"

She knelt down and thanked him profusely.

Regardless of her status as a messenger from God or the brother of her ancestor, she must remain respectful.

"By the way Ji Wudi, your father Ji Yinyang asked me to rescue you from the Ninth Demon Mountain."

"I have agreed to his request!"

"Later, I will take you back to the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan..."


Can I go back?

Upon hearing the news, Ji Wudi, who was sitting quietly in the corner, suddenly opened his eyes.

The angular face was full of strong surprise.

But after the surprise, he looked ashamed again, and then fell into deep entanglement.

That way.

He seemed to be thinking about how to face his father and clan members after returning.

Lin Wudao ignored his reaction.

"This time I went to the Burial Land to deliver medicine to the eighteenth ancestor of the Immortal Imperial Clan, and unexpectedly made a major discovery."

"The eighteenth ancestor of the Immortal Imperial Clan was actually a Heavenly Emperor in the past, and he lived for nearly four million years."

"Nowadays, the great emperor still has the powerful strength of the tenth level."

"Besides that, what's more important is that in the deepest part of the Burying God Mountain, I also found an ancient tomb of the God King."

"The owner of the tomb is called the Burial God King!"

"He was the God-King of the Universe in the first era of the age of gods and demons many years ago."

"Ranked fifth in the entire universe!"

"According to my guess, the entire Burial Land exists because of him."

"Although it is only a tomb of the God King, its value is greater than that of the Great Emperor or even the Emperor of Heaven."

"If we dig the tomb of the God-Burying King, we will surely gain a huge amount of wealth."

Lin Wudao told everything he saw on the Burying God Mountain.

After hearing his words, the eyes of Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu suddenly lit up.

They had known about the God King of the Universe before.

That is a person with great luck, great opportunities, great fortune, great perseverance, and great wisdom.

Each one of them is the top genius and monster in the universe.

Their graves are of immeasurable value!

Even if it is just a God King, he will definitely gain a lot after digging...

Think of this.

Both of them couldn't hold it any longer.

"Brother Ren, just tell me, when will you do it? I can't bear it anymore, haha."

Qin Daofu kept rubbing his palms.

Looking forward to it!

"Qin Daofu is right. It is rare to encounter the tomb of the God King of the Universe here. This is a great wealth."

"When will we do it?"

The two of them stared at Lin Wudao without blinking, waiting for his answer.

"Don't worry yet!"

"The God-King of the Burial Sky is, after all, the fifth-order God-King in the universe. There are extremely terrifying curses and karma on his tomb."

"Even the Emperor of Heaven cannot bear it!"

"I don't know if you can resist..."

Lin Wudao said in a deep voice.


cause and effect?

Upon hearing this, the two looked at each other, and then both smiled.

"As a gravedigger, the last thing I'm afraid of is curses and karma."

The crazy Taoist smiled evilly.

"I am a person who has given salvation to the dead, so naturally I am not afraid."

"What's more, I have the Underworld Code to protect me. No matter how strong the curse is, it can't do anything to me."

"As for cause and effect, I am one of the biggest causes and effects in the world."

"Is it possible that a mere God-Burying King has greater karma than me?"

Qin Daofu said contemptuously.

This is not because of his arrogance, but because of his strong confidence in himself.

"Well, I also believe that it won't be difficult for you."

"However, before that, we still have to dispose of the corpses of these God Kings to slightly improve their strength."

"After all the things at hand are finished, let's go to the Burying God Mountain and dig the tomb of the God King."

"In addition, I discovered some interesting things in the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, and I want to go back to the Divine Wilderness World."

Return to the wild world?

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu cast thoughtful glances.

"Brother Ren, are you planning to tell the high priest about the existence of the Tushan family here?"

Qin Daofu asked.


"I think the high priest and the great god Qingshan will definitely be very interested in the burial place."

"When the time comes, if the Tushan clan comes to the Burial Land, there will be a lot of excitement."

"I'm afraid I'll have a fight with the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan..."

Lin Wudao squinted his eyes and said.

Both Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu agreed with his words.

"The high priest has a strong character and is decisive in killing!"

"The Great Wilderness Ancient Clan and the Shanling Realm have been separated for millions of years, and have already formed two different branches and systems."

"There will definitely be a race war in the fight for legitimacy and dominance."

"According to the personality of the high priest, if the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan cannot be conquered, they will definitely be suppressed with force."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid the Great God Qingshan will also come."

"I'm afraid this burial place will be turned upside down..."

The mad Taoist smiled evilly.

at this time!

He couldn't help but have strong expectations for the racial war that might break out next.


As long as there is a war, people will definitely die.

As long as people die, then they can make a fortune.

When they thought of this, the two couldn't help but become happy...

Lin Wudao ignored the excitement of Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu.

After informing him about the Burial God King, he took Ji Wudi and left the Demon Prison quietly.


When he arrived outside the Ninth Demonic Mountain, he raised his hand and fired out a sacrificial sword energy, directly wiping out the Heaven-Prisoning Formation.


He took Ji Wudi and left like that.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao destroyed the prison formation with one sword. Li Qingchen, who was far away in Wangtian Shrine, his pupils suddenly tightened.

His face instantly became extremely ugly...

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