"Let me regain my freedom. To achieve this step is more difficult than reaching the sky."

"It's almost impossible!"

"The four iron chains on my body are made of Nine Heavens Mysterious Gold. Under the suppression of the will of heaven and earth, even the Emperor of Heaven cannot escape."

"And the extremely powerful imperial weapons forged by the great emperor cannot be destroyed at all..."


Just as Qi Daolin was lamenting, Lin Wudao stretched out his big hand, and a mysterious black ancient sword appeared in front of him out of thin air.

It exudes a terrifying aura that destroys everything.

"This is……"

Looking at the sacrificial sword in front of him, Qi Daolin's eyes flashed with a touch of surprise and surprise.

With his vision and knowledge, he can naturally see the power of this sacrificial sword.

Far from being comparable to ordinary imperial soldiers!

"My Dao Sacrifice Sword is the world's top ultimate emperor weapon. It can cut down the will of heaven and the origin of the world, and it can cut down all living things."

"As long as you are under the Emperor of Heaven, you can kill anything!"

"If I use this sword, can I cut off the Nine Heavens Mysterious Gold Chain on your body?"

Lin Wudao said with a smile.

Hear the words!

Qi Daolin stared at the sword of sacrifice, examined it carefully, and then nodded.

"You, the Imperial Soldier, are indeed the best in the world."

"With its unparalleled sharpness, it should be able to cut off these Nine Heavens Mysterious Gold Chains."

"However, this still does not allow me to be free."

"These four chains on my body have blessed the origin and will of this world. They are with the Burial Heaven."

"As long as the chains are cut off, this world will inevitably collapse and be destroyed."

"In addition, even if the problem of the chains is solved, we still have to face the curse of the entire Sky Burial Mountain."

"There is only one way to the Buried God Mountain in eternity!"

"Every time you take a step on the stairs above, your life span will be reduced by ten thousand years, and your own cultivation level will be reduced by a small level."

"Therefore, even without the restraints of the chains, I still can't get out of the God Burial Mountain."

"Although you are a messenger from God, it is not that easy to help me regain my freedom."

"Even if you have that ability, I can't pay you the price you want..."

Qi Daolin said calmly.


If the chains are cut off, the land of burial will also collapse?

Hear this.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but frowned.

How similar is this scene to the previous collapse of the Mountain Realm?


The Shanling Realm also collapsed because the First Emperor controlled the origin of the world.


The chains on Qi Daolin's body were also related to the origin and will of the Burial Land, which made Lin Wudao think of the First Emperor.

"Is this burial place related to the First Emperor?"

An inexplicable thought came to his mind.

After some thinking, he didn't have any clue, so he could only keep this guess in his heart for the time being.

"These four chains and the curse on the Burial God Mountain are indeed a troublesome matter."

"But it's not impossible to solve!"

"Perhaps, it won't be long before you can regain your freedom."

Lin Wudao said meaningfully.

To this!

Qi Daolin glanced at him but did not answer.

"By the way, according to my understanding, the reason why you are imprisoned here is not only because of your defeat in the past, but also because you are a tomb keeper."

"Whose is that tomb deep in the Burying God Mountain?"

At this time.

Lin Wudao thought of the mysterious tomb in the distance, so he asked curiously.

"That tomb is a taboo!"

"It existed long ago, endless years ago, and the era is extremely long."

"Buried inside is a God-King!"

"According to the ancient legend of our Immortal Imperial Clan, that divine tomb may be related to our Immortal Imperial Clan."

"In the ancient era, and in the years before, my Immortal Imperial Clan has always been the tombkeeper of this burial place."

"The name of Burial Land also comes from the owner of this tomb..."


The entire Immortal Imperial Clan are all tombkeepers?


Just burying a god-king?

As Qi Daolin spoke, Lin Wudao suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Is the owner of the tomb...the Burial God King?"

He took a deep breath and asked.


When he said the name, Qi Daolin's eyes clearly showed a hint of surprise and surprise.

"Do you also know about the Burial God King?"


Lin Wudao nodded solemnly.

at this time.

After receiving Qi Daolin's confirmation, a huge wave arose in his heart.

The Burial God King is the fifth God King in the Panshen Universe since ancient times.

It's just slightly weaker than him, Xiao Lanyue, Qi Qingsi, and the World God King.

Is this kind of existence dead?

Lin Wudao didn't believe it!

"Or is it just the same name?"

"The Heaven-Burying God King here is not the Heaven-Burying God King ranked fifth in the Panshen Universe?"

"Moreover, this tomb where the God King is buried may actually be related to the Immortal Imperial Clan."

"In this case, the origin is huge..."

He kept thinking in his mind.

If it was the fifth God King of the universe, how could such an unparalleled person fall so easily?

Those buried here may just have the same name.


Even if the god-king with the same name can let the Immortal Imperial Clan guard his tomb, he definitely has a terrifying origin.

"If his tomb is dug, will there be a world-class treasure inside?"

Think of this.

Lin Wudao immediately cast his blazing eyes towards the deepest part of the Burying God Mountain.


He took steps and walked over...

"Don't go anywhere near there!"

"It contains a world-shaking horror and the most terrifying curse in the world. Even if the Emperor of Heaven sets foot there, he will die without a burial place."


Qi Daolin's plain voice rang out.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao smiled and didn't take it to heart.

If it were before, he might still be afraid.

Now, relying on the Stone of Origin, his clone can resist the attack of the True Immortal.

It can destroy the Emperor of Heaven, but it cannot destroy him.

call out!

With the idea of ​​​​finding out what was going on, Lin Wudao ignored Qi Daolin's warnings and reminders and disappeared in a flash.

After a while.

He came to the deepest part of the Burying God Mountain...

In the deepest part of the Burial Mountain, the sky and the earth were dark.

The surroundings are filled with the aura of endless silence and death.

And, there is great terror!

Here, even the Emperor of Heaven who has cultivated the Golden Body of Heavenly Dao cannot hold on for ten breaths and will be cursed to death.

Fortunately, Lin Wudao had the Origin Stone, and the curse could not erode him.

After making sure that he would not be contaminated by the curse, he began to look at the scene around him.

at this time!

In front of him was a huge tomb that was extremely ancient.

The tomb is not only entangled with the terrifying power of curse, but also the power of cause and effect.

Once you touch it, you will definitely be infected with terrible consequences...

Lin Wudao glanced over, and his attention fell on an ancient tombstone that was ten thousand feet high.

[The tomb of the God King! 】

Six ancient and vast characters came into view.


After just one glance, Lin Wudao felt a huge and boundless aura coming.


On the left and right sides of the tombstone, there is a stone pillar erected on each side, with mysterious words engraved on it.

[Bury the immortals, bury the gods, and bury the human world! 】

[Bury all living beings in the sky and on the earth! 】

"What a big spirit!"

"These two sentences, taken together, mean: bury heaven and earth, immortals and gods, and all living beings in the world."

"This God-Burying King is of a very high standard..."

Lin Wudao became more and more curious.


He looked at it carefully with the eye of the avenue.

Although this tomb is entangled with the vast power of cause and effect, his eye of the road cannot see through the clues.

However, you can still see some brief information.

[Owner of the Tomb: Burial God King]

[Introduction: Panshen Universe, the first era of the age of gods and demons, his first incarnation was buried in the great world of gods. 】

【A lifetime of great brilliance! 】

[Universe title: Burial Sky! 】

"Is this really the fifth Heavenly Burial God King in the universe?"

"Now, it's about to happen~"

Looking at the information fed back by the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao's eyes shone brightly.

This burial place is indeed the right place.

Here is simply a huge treasure house...

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