Messenger of the Mountain?

Looking at the black bone boat traveling in the sea of ​​suffering, a trace of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

According to his investigation, this bone boat was actually made from an ancient ferocious beast of the Heavenly Emperor level.


It also blesses the rules and will of this world, making it immune to the erosion and restraint of the sea of ​​suffering.

The powerful figure on the black bone boat is the messenger from the Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain.

Eighteen people in total!

Each one has the cultivation level of a great sage...

"Brother Ren, before you arrived, Qin Daofu and I carefully explored this sea of ​​suffering."

"It turns out that this place seems to be very similar to the Shanling Realm. Whether it is the will of heaven and earth or the original power, it is almost the same."

"According to our guess, the Burial Land and the Mountain Realm are very likely to be one."

"It's just that, for some reason, the Burial Land and the Mountain Realm are separated."

"In addition, there is a vast continent 180 million miles away."

"That place should be the so-called Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain."

"There is another special point. When entering the Burial Land from the outside world, your cultivation level will be suppressed to a great level."

"This place seems extremely extraordinary!"

"Qin Daofu and I plan to find an opportunity to have a big fight after we go to the Magic Mountain."

"This is a good place to make money..."

The crazy Taoist sent a message secretly.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao also raised his eyes and looked at the sea of ​​suffering around him, and the result was indeed what the crazy Taoist said.

The sea of ​​suffering here is almost no different from the mountain world.

"According to Qi Qingyu's words, the Immortal Imperial Clan has existed in the land abandoned by the gods for a total of 3.36 million years."

"So, the Heaven Burial Realm and the Mountain Realm should have been separated at that time."

"Besides, before coming here, I already learned some ancient secrets through channels."

"This god-forsaken land was once part of the god-forsaken world a long time ago."

"It's just that later because of the battle between heaven and earth, it was separated and became a place of exile for the remnants of the old era."

"In fact, the world of Shenhuang is also incomplete. The complete world has a total of thirty-six square meters of land."

"Therefore, outside the world of the gods, there is a broader world, I don't know where it is."

Lin Wudao said thoughtfully.


"The world of Shenhuang is actually incomplete?"

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu both looked shocked.

None of them thought that the world of Shenhuang actually had such an ancient background.

"Brother Ren, I heard that the Shanling Realm was the territory of the Tushan clan a long time ago."

"Since the Heaven Burying Land and the Mountain Realm may be a whole, is it possible that there are also members of the Tushan clan here?"


Qin Daofu made a bold guess.

As soon as he said these words, Lin Wudao was also startled...

"It is indeed possible!"

"However, the specific situation will become clear after we go to the Magic Mountain."

"Let's just wait and see what happens and understand the situation before taking action."



Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu both nodded in agreement.


Just as they were talking secretly, the black bone boat had already arrived in front of them.

"Who is coming?"

A cold, hoarse voice came from the bone boat.

The speaker was a man wearing a cloak.

His cold eyes kept glancing back and forth at Lin Wudao and others...

"We are members of the Changsheng Imperial Clan, and we have come to Burial Heaven to investigate the eighteenth ancestor of our clan."

Qi Qingyu hurriedly spoke.

While talking.

She took out the jade talisman and showed her identity.

"what about you?"

The Magic Mountain Envoy glanced at the jade talismans of Qi Qingyu and Qi Rufeng, and then looked at Lin Wudao and the others.

"I'm here to visit the prison too!"

Lin Wudao showed his jade talisman.

As for Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu, they stood there awkwardly.

"You two don't have the jade charms to visit the prison, so you must be the exiled prisoners."

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find shore!"

"Come with us to the Magic Mountain to accept punishment..."

A cold voice sounded slowly.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao and the other three looked at each other and walked directly onto the bone boat without saying anything.

See this.

Qi Qingyu and Qi Rufeng also quickly followed behind the crazy Taoist.

The Hundred Thousand Demonic Mountains are extremely vast!


I don’t know how long it took, but when the black bone boat cut through the vast sea of ​​suffering and reached the other shore, ancient majestic mountains came into view one after another.

Exuding the aura of eternity...

At a glance!

Those terrifying magic mountains are like a demon god standing between heaven and earth.

The vast evil energy surged like a flood.


Deep in the Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, Lin Wudao could still clearly feel the extremely majestic aura.

Like a great emperor on earth, subduing the heavens and the earth!

"Is there still an emperor in this burial place?"

He was secretly surprised.


At this moment, the black bone boat docked at the edge of a magic mountain.


Along with Xuntian's fierce aura, a sinister middle-aged man in white arrived.

He is a quasi-emperor!

This person's eyebrows are like daggers, and his face is extremely ferocious...

At first glance, he looks like a ruthless character.

"Ninth Master Bai Shura, command the Ninth Demonic Mountain!"


With one glance, Lin Wudao understood the identity of the visitor.

"Meet Master Ninth!"

"Meet Master Ninth!"

"Meet Master Ninth!"

At the same time, the eighteen Demon Mountain envoys on the bone boat also knelt down and worshiped with great respect.

To this.

Bai Shura ignored it.

His cold eyes kept scanning Lin Wudao and others.

"Who came to visit the prison?"

A voice without any emotion suddenly sounded.

Hear this!

Qi Qingyu, Qi Rufeng, and Lin Wudao immediately took out the jade talismans in their hands.


Without any nonsense, Bai Shura waved his sleeves and directly collected all the jade talismans in the hands of the three people.

"Come here, imprison all of them into the Ninth Magic Mountain."


As Bai Shura's voice sounded, an envoy from the Demon Mountain immediately stepped forward, preparing to detain everyone.

Seeing this scene, Qi Qingyu and Qi Rufeng's expressions changed suddenly.


"We are members of the Changsheng Imperial Clan, and we came here to visit the prison with jade talismans. We are not prisoners of the Burial Land."

"Master Ninth, why do you want to imprison us too?"

Qi Qingyu said angrily.


"No matter who you are, even if the emperor comes to this burial place, you must obey my orders from the City of Ten Thousand Demons."

"We have suffered losses in the recent war and need to replenish our manpower."

"Since you are here, stay here for the time being. When we defeat the Great Wilderness Ancient City, we will let you go back."

"From now on, you are all prisoners of the City of Demons."

"Come here, imprison them all in the Ninth Demon Mountain, and when the war begins, send them to the battlefield."

Bai Shura said with a cold face.


As the order was issued, many Magic Mountain envoys immediately came forward to capture Lin Wudao and others.

"Damn it, you..."

"Don't be anxious, take a look first and then talk."

"As long as we are here, nothing will happen to you."

Just when Qi Qingyu was about to fight desperately, a plain voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

Hear the words!

She glanced at Lin Wudao beside her and suppressed the anger in her heart.

"Take them all away!"

Glancing at Qi Qingyu coldly, Bai Shura waved his sleeves, and a group of Demon Mountain envoys immediately stepped forward and bound them with iron chains.


Taking them to the prison of the Ninth Magic Mountain...

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