Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 725 The quasi-emperor of the Zhen family, the emperor’s corpse appears!


Just when Lin Wudao was in shock, the ancient black pagoda, packed with unparalleled power, crashed into him.


With a muffled groan, and under the gaze of countless people, Lin Wudao was knocked away.

The extremely powerful impact forcefully drove his body into the distant sacred mountain.

[This is... Quasi-Emperor Soldier! 】

Looking at the black pagoda descending on Taiyi Mountain, Jiang Mubai suddenly made a shocked sound.

The expression on his face instantly became serious and dignified.


Talking time!

I saw him twisting the magic formula, and an ancient bronze palace suddenly appeared from the void above his head.

A vast divine light bloomed, as well as a sky-shaking aura.

It is even more powerful than the black pagoda that broke through the void.

This bronze palace contains an imperial quasi-emperor weapon!

"Sister Yu, let's go up quickly."

"Looking at this posture, a peerless powerhouse with a quasi-emperor level has arrived. We must be extremely careful."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be affected..."

Jiang Mubai said hurriedly.

Hear the words!

Ye Hongyu also saw that the situation was a little out of control. She responded and immediately went to the Bronze Palace with Jiang Mubai.

With this imperial quasi-emperor weapon, even the quasi-emperor's unparalleled power can be resisted.

at the same time.

After seeing Jiang Mubai take out his Quasi-Emperor Soldiers to evade, other cultivators watching around Taiyi Mountain immediately evacuated the place as quickly as possible.

Just kidding, those are quasi-emperor soldiers!

Since the opponent has dispatched quasi-emperor soldiers, it must be a powerful person with quasi-emperor level coming.

The power and power that exploded were definitely not something that ordinary people could bear.

Even the Great Sage must die...


Now, they can get away as far as they want.

Once a fight breaks out, it will be too late to retreat.

In fact!

And indeed it is.


Just as the black pagoda blasted Lin Wudao away in one fell swoop, a man in black clothes suddenly appeared through the air with a sky-smoking aura.

The divine light behind me stretches for thirty thousand miles!

Standing in the void with his hands behind his hands, he gave people an unparalleled majesty, as if he could hold up the entire world.

As soon as he saw this person, Ye Hongyu's live broadcast room suddenly exploded...

[The quasi-emperor of the Zhen family, Zhen Dingtian! 】

[Unexpectedly, this battle actually attracted Master Zhen. This man is a ruthless character. 】

[I heard that Mr. Zhen just broke through the barrier not long ago, and broke through his own shackles, reaching the fifth level of the quasi-emperor? 】

[This is a ruthless man, a lunatic who will not risk his life in a fight. 】

[It turns out that the madman from the Zhen family has arrived, and now there is something good to watch. 】

[I don’t know if I will die if I let myself go...]

An overwhelming barrage of comments kept coming from the live broadcast room.

this moment!

Everyone's eyes were tightly focused on Zhen Dingtian.

at the same time.

They were also extremely concerned about Lin Wudao's life and death.

In fact.

Not only the cultivators watching were paying attention to Lin Wudao, but Zhen Dingtian himself looked at the crumbling sacred mountain in the distance with his cold eyes.


Without any hesitation, he suddenly raised his big hand, and the black pagoda on his palm immediately smashed into the ruins in the distance with unparalleled power.

The terrifying power of the quasi-emperor exploded, directly cutting off the mountains in the distance.

Then, razed to the ground!


Zhen Dingtian has already seen that Lin Wudao is not dead...




Moreover, he kept bombarding the ruins of the sacred mountain in the distance again and again.

That way, it seemed that Lin Wudao was not given any chance to breathe.

I want to use the Quasi-Emperor Pagoda in my hand to force him to death.


Although Zhen Dingtian had a good idea, he didn't understand Lin Wudao's power at all.


Just as he was controlling the black pagoda and conducting the tenth bombardment, a cold snort came from the ruins of the distant sacred mountain.

"The quasi-emperor of the Zhen family is nothing more than this..."

The words fell!

I saw a big hand that reached the sky, suddenly rushed out from the ruins of the sacred mountain, and punched the black pagoda hard.

The terrifying power directly blew Zhen Dingtian's pagoda away, and even Zhen Dingtian himself couldn't help but take half a step back.


Feeling the unparalleled power soaring into the sky, a hint of surprise and solemnity flashed across Zhen Dingtian's cold eyes.

"Is this person also a quasi-emperor?"

His eyes were focused.


Thinking of this, he recalled the black pagoda with his big hand, and then stepped out to the ruins of the sacred mountain.

I saw a fierce and unparalleled figure suddenly came in front of me. Without any nonsense at all, I raised my fist and struck hard.

Take a closer look!

It was Lin Wudao who was knocked out by him before.

Although he suffered from his terrifying attacks one after another, Lin Wudao did not suffer any harm on his body.


The momentum and power released by Lin Wudao were not weaker than him in the slightest.


When facing Lin Wudao, Zhen Dingtian also felt an inexplicable threat.

"Is this son's strength beyond the fifth level of quasi-emperor?"

He was surprised and doubtful.

Lin Wudao ignored Zhen Dingtian's thoughts.

What about the quasi-emperor?

With his invincible body and the invincible technique of Qiankun Strike, even the Quasi-Emperor can still be killed.

"Zhen Dingtian, if I can't kill you with three punches, I lose..."


An extremely arrogant voice spread throughout the space in all directions.


Beat Zhen Dingtian to death with three punches?

Hearing this, both Ye Hongyu and Jiang Mubai who were live broadcasting, as well as the hundreds of millions of viewers watching in the live broadcast room, were all shocked.

Zhen Dingtian is a powerful person from the fifth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

If you want to kill him with three punches, you have to be at least the sixth level of Quasi-Emperor.

Is Lin Wudao so powerful?

Everyone was in disbelief!


After hearing Lin Wudao's arrogant voice, Zhen Dingtian himself snorted coldly.

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

"Today, I want to see why you beat me to death with three punches..."


As Zhen Dingtian finished speaking, he saw a mighty divine light behind him, and a phantom of ten thousand feet standing upright appeared in the void.

[The Dharma of the Holy Emperor! 】

[Zhen Dingtian is visualizing the same Dharma of Futian Holy Emperor as Zhen Tianjiao? 】

[Hiss, he is worthy of being a quasi-emperor. The same Holy Emperor's Dharma has become many times more powerful in the hands of Third Master Zhen. 】

[Now, it may be difficult for Ren Woxing to kill Zhen Dingtian with three punches. 】

[Ha, I want to see how he ends up...]

Everyone was talking happily.

Zhen Dingtian didn't know much about the hundreds of millions of monks watching in the live broadcast room, and it was impossible to pay attention to it.


At this time, Lin Wudao's powerful fist had already struck down hard.

See this scene!

The fierce light in Zhen Dingtian's eyes...

"Futian's first move, ascend to heaven!"

He performed the Three Futian Styles without hesitation.

In an instant, his potential was tapped to the extreme. Originally, he only had the combat power of a quasi-emperor in the fifth heaven.

at this time.

Inspired by Futian's first move, he has already reached the quasi-sixth level.

With powerful combat power, Zhen Dingtian activated the Human King Tower in his hand and directly broke the void with one blow.

The vast power wiped away Lin Wudao's fist.


After the first punch was shattered, before Zhen Dingtian could take a breath, Lin Wudao's second punch came again.

This punch was more than a hundred times more powerful than the first punch.


It has reached the quasi-sixth heaven!

"damn it!"

"This kid actually hides his strength..."

Zhen Dingtian gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Second style, ascend to the sky!"

"The third form, Futian!"

Dong Dong~

He took two steps forward in succession and performed all three Futian moves in one go.

The Three Futian Styles are the Great Emperor's method, extremely powerful.

Under its stimulation, Zhen Dingtian's combat power has skyrocketed, and he has surpassed the shackles and reached the quasi-sixth level.


The price in exchange was that the muscles and bones throughout the body were shaken, and the flesh and blood collapsed...

Even he couldn't bear the powerful blessing of Futian's Three Styles.

The whole person is on the verge of collapse!

But fortunately, with the blessing of Futian's three moves, he finally shattered Lin Wudao's terrifying hand without any danger.

"Hey, where is the person?"

The end of the crisis was originally a joyful thing.


Zhen Dingtian was filled with panic and uneasiness.

Because, at this time, he did not see Lin Wudao.


Just when he was shocked, a strange figure suddenly appeared behind him.

He raised his hand and punched hard.

"Not good~"

Feeling the overwhelming crisis coming from behind, Zhen Dingtian's hair stood on end instantly.

"Hmph, you want to kill me?"

"You are not qualified yet..."


Just when the terrifying hand was about to fall on Zhen Dingtian, an ancient copper coffin suddenly stood in front of him.

"This is……"

Looking at the copper coffin that suddenly appeared, Lin Wudao's expression changed slightly.

at this time.

He had already recognized that the copper coffin in front of him was the one he had seen through Li Heishui's Treasure Book of Heaven and Earth.

Inside, there is a terrifying emperor corpse.


It's too late to stop now.


His powerful Qiankun blow hit the copper coffin and blew the coffin lid away on the spot.

All of a sudden.

A supreme aura that destroyed the heaven and earth suddenly surged out.

Covering the entire land of China...

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