
After taking over the Nine Meridians of Taiyin and the territory of the thirty-six great divine clans, the divine domain has experienced unprecedented expansion.

Thanks to the magic and heaven-defying power of the Seal of the Great World, and under the infusion of the vast power of heaven and earth, Tushan Cangyue's cultivation level has been greatly improved.

From the original fifth-level saint, he became a first-level great saint in one step.

As for Yin Siming and others, their cultivation is still quite weak...

After the improvement of previous initiations, Yinsi's life cultivation reached the level of a third-level saint.

The three goddesses Tushan Ruoruo, Yu Ling'er, and Xiao Ziyi have also cultivated to the realm of saints.

As for Li Heishui and others, their cultivation level is between the sixth-order divine king and the tenth-order divine king.

The strongest ones are Yu Zhentian and Yu Kui!

The two of them are from the Sunset God Clan, and they are blessed by the mark of Lin Wudao God, and they are always cleansing themselves with divine power.


Yu Zhentian's cultivation level has reached the tenth level of God King.

As for Yu Kui, due to his special status, he stayed at Qingshan Temple all year round and often received benefits and blessings.


His cultivation has reached the level of a second-level saint.

Even more powerful than Tushan Ruoruo and the other three goddesses...

after all.

The first to get the moon is the one near the water!

Furthermore, Tushan Ruoruo and the others are often lazy and do not like to practice. It is also normal for their cultivation to fall behind.


At a glance, Lin Wudao had a detailed understanding of the situation of everyone present.

According to their cultivation and strength, they are not worthy of their current status and cannot cope with the current situation.


It needs to be greatly improved!

After thinking for a moment, Lin Wudao made a decision...


Relying on his powerful divine power and will, he forcibly gathered the fate of Qingshan Divine Kingdom together.


In an instant, with Qingshan Temple as the center, the wind and clouds in the sky rolled back, and bursts of huge golden light of luck suddenly swept across.


In the astonished eyes of countless people, it evolved into flowers of luck.


There are even nine lucky golden dragons!

The majestic luck is surging like the ocean, and the golden dragon is wandering in it...

This shocking vision immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone looked at Qingshan Temple with shocked and confused eyes.

"Could it be that there's something big going on again?"

Someone said in surprise.

"should be!"

"These are all luck. If it were blessed by me, I would be able to become a saint immediately, right?"

"I don't know how the great god will distribute this luck..."

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting in secret.

Lin Wudao ignored the reaction from the outside world.

at this time!

He was looking at the system panel in front of him.

I saw that there were many items and techniques that needed to be upgraded, as well as the required luck values.

[1. "The Great Way of Gods and Demons: Holy King Scroll", 3000 flowers of luck! 】

[2. "The Great Way of Gods and Demons: Ancient Holy Scroll", 7,000 flowers of luck! 】

[3. "The Great Sage Scroll", 15,000 flowers of luck! 】

[4. The baptism of God elevates you to the Dharma of Saints, and cultivates to the state of Great Perfection, 20,000 flowers of luck! 】

[5. The baptism of God elevates you to the Holy King's Dharma, and cultivates to the state of Great Perfection, 30,000 flowers of luck! 】

[6. The baptism of God upgrades to the ancient holy method, and cultivates to the state of Dzogchen, 40,000 flowers of luck! 】

[7. The pure lands of the heavens are elevated to the state of Dzogchen. Luck value: 200,000 flowers of luck! 】

[8. The seed of the soul, the treasure that grows into a saint, 5,000 flowers of luck! 】

[9. The seed of the soul grows into the treasure of the Holy King, 10,000 flowers of luck! 】

[10. The seed of the soul grows into the treasure of the ancient saint, 20,000 flowers of luck! 】

[11. The Seven Kills Ascension Technique, deduced into the ancient holy method, 10,000 flowers of luck! 】

[12. The art of repairing the sky with Taixu has been deduced into an ancient holy method, 8000 flowers of luck! 】

[13. The Eight Forms of Divine Martial Arts, deduced into the ancient holy method, 30,000 flowers of luck! 】

[14. The supreme law of chaos is deduced into the law of the Holy King, 50,000 flowers of luck! 】


"The appetites of these gold-swallowing beasts are getting bigger and bigger, and they can almost no longer be fed."

Looking at the prices displayed on the panel, even Lin Wudao, who had been mentally prepared, couldn't help but gasp.

He had just recorded 37,073 flowers of luck, which were nothing to mention in front of these gold-swallowing beasts.

It’s not even enough to fit between their teeth!

Unfortunately, these are things he often uses, and it won't work without improvement.


To elevate the Pure Land of the Heavens to Dzogchen, a terrifying 200,000 flowers of destiny are needed.

"This is too scary~"

Lin Wudao sighed bitterly.

He simply can't afford to feed these gold-swallowing beasts...

[The system deduces "The Great Way of Gods and Demons" to the Great Holy Scroll! 】

After some careful consideration, Lin Wudao said helplessly.

at the moment!

The Dao Shen Demon Sutra can no longer keep up with the rhythm, and must continue to improve.


[You have consumed 25,000 flowers of luck to deduce the "Sutra of Gods and Demons" to the Great Holy Scroll. 】

[Can cultivate to the tenth level of the Great Sage! 】


Along with the system prompts, vast amounts of information poured into Lin Wudao's soul like a torrent.


Together they became an ancient and mysterious cultivation method.

See this.

Lin Wudao did not hesitate, and immediately imprinted the Holy King Scroll, Ancient Holy Scroll, and Great Holy Scroll of "The Great Way of Gods and Demons" on the souls of everyone present through the control of divine power.

Done it all!

He then set his sights on Yin Siming.

As the Great Heavenly Master of the Kingdom of God and the Lord of the Six Divisions, he has a respected status and a prominent position.

His cultivation level is too low...

Think of this!

Lin Wudao began to control the majestic destiny of Qingshan Divine Kingdom and pour it into his body.


Feeling the sudden huge amount of luck, Yin Siming suddenly felt enlightened.

He immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, and then frantically ran the "Dao Shen Demon Sutra" and the "True Interpretation of Destiny", smelting them vigorously.




As the controller of the Heavenly Book, Yin Si Ming's talent is extremely outstanding, and the creatures in the desolate world cannot compare to him.

Under his crazy smelting, his own cultivation began to skyrocket at a terrifying speed.

Half a day later.

With the help of Lin Wudao's powerful divine power and will, Yin Siming finally refined the luck in his body.

My own cultivation level has reached the fifth level of the Great Sage!

Lin Wudao blessed him with almost half of the luck of Qingshan Divine Kingdom.

It can be said that he has placed great high hopes on him...

"Thank you, God!"

Feeling the majestic power in the divine body, even with Yin Si Ming's calmness and composure, he couldn't help but show a look of surprise.


He knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Wudao with an extremely respectful and pious attitude.

"Well, get up."

"As the Great Heavenly Master under this god, the leader of the Six Divisions, and the face of the Kingdom of God, my strength cannot be weak."

"According to my observation, you are in charge of the Book of Fate. Now that you have reached the level of a great sage, it is time for you to undergo an all-round transformation."

"Next, Qingshan Divine Association will enter a stable period. You should take this opportunity to settle down."

"Give yourself a complete sublimation."

"Otherwise, as a dignified Heavenly Book controller, you will be somewhat inferior compared to other Heavenly Book controllers under this god."

Lin Wudao said majestically.

"I will obey the oracle's instructions!"

Yin Siming nodded respectfully, a strong sense of urgency rising in his heart.

In fact!

As the controller of "Book of Destiny", his qualifications and skills are indeed somewhat beyond the pale.

It's time for an all-round transformation and sublimation...


After explaining Yin Si's orders, Lin Wudao looked at the others again.

Immediately afterwards.

He also uses divine power to control luck and improve everyone's cultivation.

Another half day passed.

After almost 90% of Qingshan Divine Kingdom's luck was consumed, everyone's strength finally ushered in a big change.

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