"Meet the high priest!"

"Meet the high priest!"

After arriving at the temple, Wu Yuanjun and Bei Gongpan immediately knelt down and worshiped with great respect.


The Night Demon God Clan is attached to the Ancient Qinglong Kingdom, while the Taicang God Clan is attached to the Motian God Clan.


The Ancient Qinglong Kingdom and the Motian Divine Clan have both been brought under the rule of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom.


The Night Demon Clan and the Taicang Clan naturally became the subjects of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom.

"Why do you two want to see me?"

After looking at it slightly, Tushan Cangyue asked lightly.

Hear the words!

Wu Yuanjun and Bei Gongpan looked at each other, then took out a wooden box and handed it to Tu Shan Cangyue.

I saw two ancient stone slabs placed in the wooden box, with mysterious lines and patterns vaguely outlined on them.

Like a broken map...

"High Priest, this is a treasure passed down from the ancestors of my Night Demon Clan. It is said to be related to the tomb of a peerless god king."

"Originally, this complete stone slab had a total of four fragments."

"One of the pieces was found by my little girl Wu Qingyu before, but now it has fallen into the hands of the evil trio."

"The remaining three pieces, one exists in our Night Demon Clan, and the other exists in the Taicang Clan."

"There is one last piece, which exists in Lishan Divine Kingdom."

"Now, our two tribes can no longer protect this stone slab, so we want to dedicate it to the great god."

"At the same time, I hope that the high priest can come forward to coordinate the relationship between our two clans and the Lishan Divine Clan."

"After all, the ancestors of our two tribes were once under the command of the God of Mount Li."

"It's just that later..."

Speaking of which.

Wu Yuanjun stopped suddenly, with a look of fear and shame on his face.

At first!

The nine great gods, as subordinates of the God of Lishan Mountain, betrayed their faith at the critical moment, causing the God of Lishan Mountain to be defeated.

Almost destroyed!

Now, the God of Lishan has returned. If he attacks them, the nine great clans of gods will surely suffer annihilation.


In order to preserve the race, Wu Yuanjun and Bei Gongpan discussed it and wanted to seek the protection of the temple by dedicating this stone slab to the tomb of the god king.

As long as the temple opens its mouth, even if the God of Lishan returns, he will not dare to attack them.

Naturally, Tushan Cangyue was very clear about the thoughts of Wu Yuanjun and Bei Gongpan.


She didn't take it too seriously.

"Whether it is the Night Demon Clan or the Taicang Clan, they are now all subjects of my Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"There is no room for internal fighting in the Kingdom of God!"

"Later, I will issue a decree in the name of the temple and notify the entire divine domain."

"Therefore, you don't have to worry about being hit or retaliated by the God of Mount Li."

"He doesn't have the guts yet..."

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.

Hear this!

Wu Yuanjun and Bei Gongpan were immediately overjoyed.

"Thank you, High Priest!"

"Thank you, High Priest!"

In excitement, the two people immediately kowtowed heavily to Tushan Cangyue.

"Is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

"Well, since there is nothing else, let's step back for now."

"By the way, Wu Yuanjun, the matter regarding your daughter Wu Qingyu can actually be saved."


Wu Yuanjun was stunned when he suddenly heard these words, and did not understand the meaning for a while.

"High Priest, Qingyu is dead..."

"Who told you she was dead?"

"Ah? Could it be that... Qingyu is not dead?"

Wu Yuanjun's eyes widened in disbelief.

His eyes were full of infinite surprise and expectation.

"Wu Qingyu was indeed killed by Luo Sansheng of the Lishan Divine Clan in the Lishan Divine Kingdom."

"It's just that Wu Qingyu has a great opportunity. Although the vitality of her physical body has been wiped out, her soul is still there."


Tu Shan Cang Yue Jade stretched out his hand, and a cyan jade bottle immediately appeared in front of Wu Yuanjun.

"Wu Qingyu is a smart person, and he knows how to measure things. He has good qualifications and potential."

"I feel sorry for her and cannot bear the death of her soul, so I asked the Great Heavenly Master to recall her soul."

"After you go back, you can enshrine her soul in the ancestral temple of the gods and nourish it with the luck of the gods."

"After three hundred and sixty days, it can be guided and injected into a newly pregnant fetus."

"In this way, Wu Qingyu can be reborn."

"As long as it is properly nurtured in the womb, your future achievements will definitely be no worse than your previous body."

Qingyu is not dead!

Listening to Tu Shan Cangyue's story, Wu Yuanjun was so excited that he burst into tears.

"Thank you, the high priest, for your mercy. Thank you, the high priest, for your mercy..."

"Thank you to the Great Heavenly Master for saving my little girl. Wu Yuanjun is very grateful."

"The kindness of the Great Heavenly Master will never be forgotten by the Night Demon Clan..."

Dong Dong Dong~

With infinite excitement and gratitude, he knelt down crazily.

To this.

Tushan Cangyue nodded slightly.

"If there is nothing else, please leave."

"From now on, you should restrain your tribe and serve the great god devoutly. Then you will have your divine grace and good fortune."

"I will obey the decree of the high priest!"

"I will obey the decree of the high priest!"

While talking.

The two of them bowed profusely for a while, then turned and left the Qingshan Temple.

After they left, Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming immediately took out the stone slabs in the wooden box and examined them carefully.

"High Priest, this is the tomb of an ancient god king."

"The name of the owner of the tomb is Huang Tianji. He lived in the extremely glorious mythological era and obtained the title of Heaven in the Godly World."

"It's called, God King Yuxiao!"

"This Jade Sky Divine King, Huang Tianji, was not a god king during his lifetime, but a quasi-emperor who had cultivated to the extreme realm of heaven."

"His combat prowess is claimed to be the greatest among the emperors."

"Huang Tianji lived a life of great splendor and glory, and finally died in a battle with a foreign race against a great emperor."

"His tomb was buried with extremely high standards by the Human Emperor. I think there must be a lot of good things in it."

"There are four stone slabs like this in total."

"The other two pieces are in the hands of the evil trio."

"High Priest, I think this is a good opportunity to take advantage of..."

Yin Siming said meaningfully while introducing the origin and information of the stone slab.

Hearing his words, Tushan Cangyue was also thoughtful.

"You mean to hand over these two stone slabs to the evil trio?"


"According to the style of the evil trio, they must be vigorously looking for this thing."

"In the Age of Mythology, there is no way they can refuse a large tomb of a quasi-emperor of heaven."

"We can use these two stone tablets to trade with the evil trio."

"When the time comes, we will have another trump card in our hands."

"After all, the evil trio are extremely powerful in terms of strength and methods."

"Especially, their ability to get things done is simply incredible."

"Now that we have formed an alliance with the Xuantian Divine Dynasty, if we encounter anything difficult to deal with in the future, we can play the trump card of the evil trio."

"I believe that it will definitely have a good effect by then..."

Yin Siming narrowed his eyes and smiled sinisterly.

These two stone slabs can completely control the evil trio.

Tushan Cangyue also thought his suggestion was good.

"Now, the evil trio is in Shanling Realm?"


"Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu have been cultivating in Tianyi Tower, and Ren Woxing has nowhere to go."

"Well, let Yu Kui go and talk to Yu Shan later, and then let the three evil men come to the temple."


While talking.

Yin Siming summoned Yu Kui and whispered a few instructions, then the latter turned and left.

After he left, Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming began to convene the rest of the clergy to discuss many matters in the divine domain.

at the same time!

The conversation between the two of them and the two stone slabs were also clearly seen by Lin Wudao.

"Era of Mythology, Jade Sky God King Huang Tianji?"

"He's actually a quasi-emperor of heaven?"

"Interesting, it looks like we have something to do again..."

A smile appeared on his lips.


While he was practicing, he listened to the arrangements made by Tushan Cangyue and others.

that's all!

Two days passed quickly.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Two days later, the great gods from the thirty-six great divine clans in the outside world finally came to the Shanling Realm to pay their respects.

In addition, there are seven great gods of the Nine Meridians of Taiyin.

After incorporating them all into the Qingshan God System, Lin Wudao ushered in another huge harvest.

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