"Cang Yue, the high priest of the Xuantian Divine Dynasty will come later. Send someone outside the temple to greet him."

Qingshan Temple!

Tushan Cangyue was discussing with Yin Siming and others various matters in the divine domain, as well as the takeover of the thirty-six great divine clans.


Lin Wudao's majestic voice rang out from her soul.

Someone from the Xuantian Divine Dynasty came?

A hint of surprise and surprise flashed across her cold eyes.


I was very surprised that the Xuantian Divine Dynasty arrived at this time.


Judging from Lin Wudao's tone, the other party was not looking for trouble.

Thinking of this, she suddenly had concerns in her heart.

"Yu Kui!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"There will be distinguished guests coming to the mountain realm later. You go outside to greet them and bring them to the temple."


After hearing the order, Yu Kui nodded respectfully, then turned around and strode out of the temple.

Distinguished guest?

At the same time, upon hearing Tu Shan Cangyue's words, the rest of the people present also showed curious expressions.

"High Priest, who is this distinguished guest that Yu Kui personally welcomes?"

Tu Shanruo couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked aloud.

To this!

Tushan Cangyue did not explain and continued to discuss the previous topic...

Dong Dong Dong~

About half a quarter of an hour later, accompanied by a steady sound of footsteps, Yu Kui entered the temple with three middle-aged men.

"A person from the Xuantian Divine Dynasty?"

"High Priest Shang Xuan, a quasi-emperor at the extreme level of the Imperial Way?"

"Priest Lu Qingya is a quasi-emperor in the tenth heaven; priest Chen Kaitian is a quasi-emperor in the ninth heaven."

"It's really a big deal."

"In addition, in Shang Xuan's consciousness, there is also the God of Xuantian, who is actually an ancient dragon cypress from the mythical era."

"It's really incredible that I can survive to this day..."

Glancing over the three of them, Yin Siming instantly understood their identities and strengths.

I couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

He did not expect that just as the God of Litian retreated, the powerful men of the Xuantian Dynasty came to the Shanling Realm.

"Looking at it like this, it doesn't seem like he's here to avenge the God of Litian."

He was thoughtful.


He secretly passed the message he saw to Tushan Cangyue through sound transmission.

Since she had already prepared, Tushan Cangyue was not too surprised.

at the same time!

After entering the Qingshan Temple, Shang Xuan and the others looked around calmly, feeling secretly shocked in their hearts.

"The Tushan clan is indeed extremely mysterious!"

"I didn't expect that there is such a huge world hidden in this temple."

"Even the Lord God doesn't have such means..."

Shang Xuan felt slightly awe-inspiring.

Now, he finally realized firsthand how mysterious and unpredictable the Tushan clan was.

No wonder, even the God of Litian stumbled.

Thinking about this!

He couldn't help but feel a little more deeply afraid of the Tushan family.


Just when Shang Xuan and others were secretly shocked, the originally silent statue suddenly burst into brilliant light.

Immediately afterwards.

A majestic and majestic shadow appeared in the divine light.

The God of Green Mountains!

Seeing that phantom, Shang Xuan and others instantly narrowed their eyes.

"The high priest and the great heavenly master stay, the others exit the temple!"


A loud voice sounded from the temple.


Although they were very curious about the identities and origins of Shang Xuan and others, they did not dare to disobey the oracle.

At that moment, after bowing respectfully, everyone exited the temple.

"Lu Qingya, Chen Kaitian, haven't you two long wanted to see the Kingdom of God opened by the Great God Qingshan?"

"Now, let's go out and experience the great god's power."


As Shang Xuan's voice sounded, Lu Qingya and Chen Kaitian also turned around and exited the temple.

"Shang Xuan of Xuantian Temple has met fellow Taoist Tushan!"

After everyone left, Shang Xuan immediately saluted Tushan Cangyue.

"Tushan Cangyue, Qingshan Temple, met fellow Taoist Shang!"

"Qingshan Temple Yin Si Ming, I have met fellow Taoist Shang!"

The three of them greeted each other.


Shang Xuan then looked at Lin Wudao above the statue.

"Your Excellency, the Great God of Qingshan, today Shang Xuan visited the Shanling Realm rashly to congratulate you on the oracle of our lord, the God of Xuantian."

"Congratulations to the great god for your promotion to the divine position!"

"Besides, the God of Litian makes arbitrary decisions and has disturbed the Great God. I hope the Great God will forgive me."

"My lord, the God of Xuantian, in order to express my apology, has specially ordered me to bring ten quasi-emperor treasures and come to make amends."

"I hope the great god can forgive the disrespectful crime of God Litian..."


Talking time!

Shang Xuan waved his hand, and ten extremely powerful quasi-emperor treasures instantly appeared in front of him.

"The treasure of the ultimate quasi-emperor!"

"Ten Thousand Years of Divine Essence!"

"Yin Yang Flower of Life and Death!"

"Taiyi Xuanjin!"

"True Dragon Treasure Tree!"

Looking over the quasi-emperor's treasures, Yin Siming couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

Xuantian Temple is really a big deal!

Once released, there are ten top-notch quasi-emperor treasures.

"A mere gift is not respectful."

"I hope God won't dislike it, haha..."

Shang Xuan said with a smile.

To this!

Lin Wudao, who was above the statue, shook his head slightly.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency."

"Actually, everything that happened before was just a misunderstanding. This god only took action as a last resort for the sake of the people of the Kingdom of God."

"However, since it is Xuantian Temple's wish, I cannot refuse."

"I will accept it..."


As soon as he finished speaking, the ten quasi-emperor treasures in front of him disappeared out of thin air.

"God of Xuantian, come out and meet me."

"Next, we should get down to business..."


A majestic voice came down.


In an instant, a ray of divine light bloomed from the center of Shang Xuan's eyebrows, and then the figure of the God of Xuantian appeared in the temple.

The incarnation of its gods blooms with great power.

"The God of Xuantian, Meng Ji!"

"The old monster who has survived since the era of mythology has gone through so many catastrophes and yet he has not perished?"

"Moreover, he has become a tenth-level god more than once?"

When his eyes touched the incarnation of the God of Xuantian, Yin Siming could not help but be secretly shocked.

According to his insight, Meng Ji, the God of Xuantian, turned out to be an old monster from the end of the mythical era.

Although the Human Emperor's strength and will were extremely weak at that time, it was evident that he could survive in that era.

The key is!

He is still alive to this day.

This is simply a shocking miracle!

"How many thousands of years does this have to last..."

Yin Siming was shocked in his heart.

The God of Xuantian has cultivated to become a tenth-level god at least nine times, but he never chose to attain enlightenment.

Now, it’s the tenth time!

For such existence, Yin Siming could not imagine what it was for.

"God of Xuantian, please tell me your reason for coming."

"There are no outsiders here, and you don't have to have any scruples. The conversation between you and this god will not be leaked to other people."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

Hear the words!

The God of Xuantian nodded.

"If that's the case, then I'll speak up."

"I believe that fellow Taoist Qingshan is very clear about this god's intention."

"Soon, the Xuantian Divine Dynasty will go to war with the Fusang Divine Dynasty to compete for control of the East Sky Divine Continent, the West Sky Divine Continent, and part of the Central Divine Continent."

"I hope that fellow Taoist Qingshan can help my Xuantian Divine Dynasty."


Divine war?

Hearing this, Yin Siming was secretly speechless.

He had made such a guess before, but now that he heard the God of Xuantian say it himself, he couldn't help but be shocked.

This is a big war involving most of the Divine Continent...

Once a war breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous!

As for Xuantian God's plan, Lin Wudao could somewhat guess.


He was not surprised!

When the mysterious voice of Xuantian fell, he also began to think carefully.

For a while.

The huge temple fell into deathly silence, and no one spoke.

It wasn't until a long time later that Lin Wudao raised his head again.

A pair of eyes, staring closely at the God of Xuantian!

"Fellow Taoist, do you think the Qingshan Divine Kingdom has that kind of strength to participate in the war between the Divine Dynasties?"


"I am convinced of the Tushan clan's background and the methods of fellow Taoist Qingshan."

The God of Xuantian nodded solemnly.

"Well, since fellow Taoist values ​​and trusts me so much, it would be a bit unreasonable for me to shirk you."

"It's okay to help Xuantian Divine Dynasty, but I have a condition."

"After defeating the Fusang Divine Dynasty, I want the entire Nantian Divine Continent..."


The entire Nantian Divine Continent?

Shang Xuan was secretly shocked.

This appetite is really big!


Although he was shocked, he did not speak. Like Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming, he always remained silent.

This is a game and negotiation between the two big guys. They can only listen but cannot interrupt.

at the same time!

After hearing Lin Wudao's conditions, the God of Xuantian also fell silent...

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