"Humph, it's not certain who will die!"

Seeing Zhao Qinghou killing Zhao Qinghou at the slightest disagreement, Wu Huan naturally did not tolerate him.

"Please help me kill the enemy!"

He thought silently in his heart.


The moment the voice sounded, the mark of God imprinted in his body bloomed with bright divine light on Sunday.

Immediately afterwards.

Waves of majestic power suddenly surged out from the mark.

In just an instant, his cultivation level was upgraded from the fifth-level God King to the fifth-level Great Sage.

"Hercules Fist!"

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Wu Huan was excited and his hands were not idle.

With a loud roar, he raised his hand and punched Zhao Qinghou opposite him.

All of a sudden!

I saw an extremely fierce fist rushing out, carrying overwhelming power and momentum, pressing towards Zhao Qinghou.

"This is...a fifth-level great sage?"

"How can it be?"

Seeing Wu Huan's explosive power, Zhao Qinghou's pupils suddenly tightened, and the expression on his face changed drastically.


In his eyes, Wu Huan was just an ant that could be destroyed with a raised hand; who knew that this so-called ant now had more power than him.

For a moment, Zhao Qinghou's cognition suffered a huge impact...


Just when he was extremely shocked, Wu Huan's fist power had suppressed his attack and landed hard on him.


Accompanied by painful groans and blood flying all over the sky, Zhao Qinghou flew upside down like a kite with its string broken.

"Hey, he's not dead?"

With this punch, Wu Huan used all his strength. The strength of the fifth-level great sage, coupled with the blessing of the powerful divine fist, was enough to kill the third-level great sage.


What surprised him was that although Zhao Qinghou suffered a serious blow, he did not die.

Take a closer look.

I saw waves of mighty divine light blooming from Zhao Qinghou's body.

Through the broken skirt, a piece of cyan inner armor can be vaguely seen...

"The treasure of the great sage of humanity!"

A flash of light flashed across Wu Huan's eyes.


Without any hesitation, he took a sudden step forward, carrying overwhelming murderous intent, and instantly arrived in front of Zhao Qinghou.

"My surname is Zhao, Grandpa Wu will send you back to the west..."


Between roars.

Wu Huan used all his strength, aimed at Zhao Qinghou's chest, and stepped down hard.

"Xuan Tian moves the magic!"

Seeing Wu Huan coming to kill him with great ferocity, Zhao Qinghou was immediately frightened to death.


At the critical moment, he turned over his hand and took out an ancient blue jade talisman and crushed it. His whole body instantly turned into a ray of blue light and disappeared out of thin air.

"Don't run away, thief~"

Wu Huan had been guarding Zhao Qinghou from escaping for a long time. He saw him crushing a jade talisman and trying to move it away.

call out!

It's too late, but it's soon.

The moment Zhao Qinghou left, a war spear appeared in his hand, aimed at the green light, and threw it fiercely.


"Damn bastard, one day Japan will peel off your skin and crush you to ashes..."

In the void, the ferocious roar of Zhao Qinghou came.

Pa da~

at the same time.

When the sound disappeared, a ball of scarlet blood fell from the air.

In addition, there is a cyan inner armor as thin as cicada wings...

"Damn it, I let this old thief escape!"

Wu Huan cursed fiercely.

His methods are still not strong enough.

If it were the Great Heavenly Master Yin Si Ming or the High Priest Tu Shan Cang Yue, even if Zhao Qinghou was 10,000 times more powerful, he would still die.


"I am ashamed of the great power of God's blessing to allow Zhao Qinghou to escape."

Wu Huan knelt on the ground and bowed guiltily.

The powerful power of the fifth-level great sage actually caused Zhao Qinghou, a third-level great sage, to escape. He felt sorry for the power granted by the great god Qingshan.


"You can run away from the gods, but you can't run away from the temple!"

"While there is no one guarding the temple right now, I have to search for a wave of treasures and try to go back to atone for my sins from the great god."


A bold idea came to Wu Huan's mind, and his fiery eyes looked at the ancient and solemn Beidou Temple in front of him.


The statue of the God of the Big Dipper, both in terms of material and incense smell, is extremely grand and extraordinary.


In the temple, many treasures are enshrined...

Bang bang bang~

With the thought of atonement, Wu Huan first put the statue of the God of Beidou into a storage bag.

Then, a frantic search began.

Wherever he went, almost everything of any value was moved away.

At a glance, it looks like locusts passing by...

the other side!

As Wu Huan activated the mark of God in his body, Lin Wudao, who was far away in the Shanling Realm, also sensed his situation.

"Zhao Qinghou escaped?"

"Hey, this guy Wu Huan is actually searching the Beidou Temple? Where did he learn this habit?"

"Why are you like a bandit?"

After feeling it carefully, he felt a little sorry for Zhao Qinghou's escape.

But he was more surprised by Wu Huan's behavior.

This was not taught by him!

"I must have learned it from Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu..."

He thought seriously.

Say it!

He focused his gaze again on the God of Beidou in the distance.


With one step forward, Lin Wudao instantly appeared in front of the God of Beidou and stepped heavily on him.

at this time!

After suffering his brutal punch, the body of the God of Beidou was smashed to pieces, and large areas of incense continued to collapse.

Even the Divine Dao Fruit in his body was covered with cracks under the huge impact.

That way!

It seems like it could be shattered at any time...

"God of the Big Dipper, you are so brave, you dare to challenge the majesty of my lord Qingshan."

"It seems that you don't know how the God of Taiyin died."

"Tell me, if I kill you now, will the God of Li Tian behind you show up and save you?"

Lin Wudao joked.


As he spoke, he began to exert force on the soles of his feet.

Under the blessing of the vast will of all living beings in the Human Emperor Seal, a stream of mighty divine power poured into the body of the God of Beidou, frantically impacting his divine path fruit.

"no, do not want……"

"I would like to recognize the Great God Qingshan as my master, and I would like to become the Great God Qingshan..."

The God of Beidou cherishes his life very much.

Under the threat of death, he chose to surrender and seek mercy.


Lin Wudao didn't give him that chance.


The moment the God of Beidou begged for mercy, he exerted force under his feet and directly crushed his divine body.

Immediately afterwards.

His big hand suddenly stretched out, about to grab the Divine Dao Fruit of the God of Beidou.


Just when Lin Wudao stretched out his hand, a powerful divine power suddenly surged out from the Dao Fruit of the God of Beidou.

"What a great protector of Qingshan!"

"How can you kill this god who is a god? You just don't take this god seriously..."


A majestic and majestic voice rang out.


Accompanied by the mighty divine light, under the gaze of countless people, an ancient and sacred shadow of a god appeared in the void.

This phantom is so tall!

He is like a sky-reaching giant, standing between heaven and earth, exuding unparalleled divine power and divinity.


After just one glance, many people from the Shanling Realm who were weak in cultivation felt suffocated.

Compared to them, Lin Wudao's expression was always indifferent and calm.

"The God of Litian!"

He narrowed his eyes.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth...

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