The invitation letter is full of weirdness!

It was unknown what kind of material it was made of. There were two ancient and mysterious characters engraved on the dark cover, although Lin Wudao did not recognize them.

However, through the feedback from the eyes of the gods, he knew the meaning of those two words.

Shockingly, the end! !

"It's indeed an invitation from the Terminator Organization."

"To be able to produce such weird and magical things, this Terminator organization seems to be extremely extraordinary. I don't know if there are other strange people besides crazy people."

"If I have a chance, I would like to see it..."

Lin Wudao murmured in a low voice.


He opened the invitation letter and saw that it was blank without any writing.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao looked at it a few more times and then put it away.


He did not leave Dayan's ancestral land, but found a quiet place and concentrated on practicing...

after one day!

Lin Wudao woke up from his training.


The system has been updated!


[The first update of the invincible corpse collection system has been completed. The main content of this update includes the following aspects. Please read it carefully. 】

[1. New definition of a strong person: The target of collecting corpses must have a higher level of cultivation than the host in order to be defined as a strong person. 】

[Note: If the cultivation level is lower than that of the host, you will not get any items after collecting the body! 】

【2. Added item synthesis function! 】

[Under this function, the host can synthesize the same kind of items, taking the essence and discarding the dross! 】

[3. Reward a corpse refining furnace, which can extract part of the essence of the corpse and strengthen your own cultivation! 】

[4. Reward twelve mourners, exclusive followers of the host! 】

[Note: The Undertaker is immortal and will never betray. The host can consume a certain amount of luck to make it more powerful! 】

A series of notification sounds sounded in my mind.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao was silent for a long time before he could fully digest the contents of this system update.


The threshold for collecting corpses has been raised!

Only by collecting corpses that are one level higher than one's own can one obtain items owned or touched by the deceased during his or her lifetime.


Lin Wudao's cultivation is the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation. If he follows the standard of a strong person defined by the system, he must collect the souls that return to the true state before he can reap the rewards.

Everything below the truth is invalid!

To this.

Although Lin Wudao was a little surprised, he didn't have much resistance.

after all!

The more powerful a person's cultivation is, the more precious the items he owns and comes into contact with. They are a level higher than himself and are within the acceptable range.

In addition, it is the item synthesis function!

Lin Wudao was very curious about this function...


With a wave of his hand, he took out all five Ji Dao spiritual weapons in his hand.

"System, can these be synthesized?"


"The host can choose one of the Yakuza weapons as the foundation, and then extract all the essence of the other Yakuza weapons to make them of better quality."

Is this still possible?

Lin Wudao felt like he had discovered a new continent!

He thought for a while and decided to integrate all the essences of the remaining four Ji Dao spiritual weapons into the Great Desolate Cauldron.

Forge a powerful weapon!

"Ding, the luck value is not enough, it cannot be synthesized!"


Synthetic items also require luck points?

Lin Wudao frowned.

"Sacrifice all the resources obtained from the Dayan Ancestral Land this time!"

no way.

Now he is a poor man. In order to synthesize more powerful Ji Dao spiritual weapons, he has to sacrifice many resources collected from the Imperial Dao Stone Tower.

Anyway, there’s no point keeping it!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained 1.28 million luck points!"

"How many luck points are needed to combine the four ultimate spiritual weapons, the Dayan Sword, the Great Sun Magic Furnace, the Xuantian Seal, and the Chixiao Ancient Sword, with the Great Wilderness Cauldron?"

"Eight hundred thousand!"

so much?

Lin Wudao frowned even more tightly.

"Synthesize it!"


He still chose synthesis.

Although the loss of 800,000 luck points made him very sad, it would definitely be a good deal if he could exchange it for a top-notch Ji Dao spiritual weapon.


Lin Wudao was still full of expectations for this synthesis...

[Synthesizing, please wait~]




Waves of mysterious Taoist sounds lingered in my ears.

at this time.

Lin Wudao stared at the five Ji Dao spiritual weapons in front of him without blinking. He saw that they were shrouded in the mighty divine light, and there was a thunderous sound of gold and iron clashing inside.

It seems that it is being re-forged!


After a while, the light dissipated.

In an instant, a large black cauldron with an ancient and clumsy shape came into Lin Wudao's eyes.

Release the vast power of the extreme...

The void was so compressed that it became condensed!

Name: Great Wild Cauldron

Level: Spirit Soldier

Quality: top notch

Yakuza Restrictions: Eighty-one

Introduction: It is synthesized from four Ji Dao spiritual weapons, including Dayan Sword, Da Sun Magic Furnace, Xuantian Seal, and Chixiao Ancient Sword, by extracting their essence and Ji Dao restrictions.

Function: 1. Suppress an area!

2. Destroy all things and become invincible in the extreme realm!

3. It can plunder the spiritual power of heaven and earth and turn it into a cauldron of spiritual water, which can be used to water elixirs to speed up growth. It can also be used for cultivation to strengthen one's own cultivation.

Brand new information is presented in front of you.

After reading.

Lin Wudao was greatly shocked!

Integrating all the essences of the four Ji Dao Spirit Weapons, the quality of the synthesized Great Wilderness Cauldron has reached the top level of Ji Dao Spirit Weapons...


The three major functions it has are also extremely powerful!

"It's true that I spent 800,000 luck points to combine four pieces of Ji Dao spiritual weapons. The Great Wild Cauldron did not disappoint me. With it in hand, my power becomes even more powerful."

Lin Wudao's eyes were dazzling!

After examining it for a long time, he put the Great Wild Cauldron into the system space.


His eyes fell on the corpse refining furnace again...


As soon as I thought about it, an ancient octagonal furnace with a strange shape appeared in front of me.

It's ten feet tall!

The whole body exudes a strange and mysterious aura.

Name: Inferior Corpse Refining Furnace

Quality: lowest quality

Introduction: This object can smelt the corpses of all living things in the world, extract one ten thousandth of the essence, and turn it into the user's cultivation.

An inferior corpse refining furnace?

One ten thousandth of the essence?

Seeing the information presented, Lin Wudao fell into deep thought.


A bold plan emerged in his mind...


With the update of the system, items can only be obtained by collecting corpses that are one level higher than his. Those whose cultivation level is lower than his will be wasted.

If those corpses were put into a corpse refining furnace and smelted, would they be reused as waste?

When the time comes, he can increase his cultivation!

Although one in ten thousand is indeed too few, if the number of corpses is large enough, it can still increase a lot of cultivation.

This is a shortcut to cultivation! ! !

Think of this.

Lin Wudao's eyes were full of light.

this moment!

He seemed to see a broad road appearing before his eyes...

"System, since there are inferior corpse-refining furnaces, there must be high-quality ones, right?"


"When the host's cultivation reaches a certain level, or the system is updated again, there will be a certain chance of obtaining a high-quality corpse-refining furnace. In addition, the host can also consume luck points to upgrade inferior corpse-refining furnaces."


Going around and around, you still need luck!

"By the way, what happened to the twelve mourners?"

"Those are servants given to the host. They are physically immortal, absolutely loyal, and will never betray. Each of them possesses extremely powerful combat power."

"Within the great realm, invincible!"

"There are twelve mourners in total, and the leader is named Li Yantian. His cultivation in the early stage of Tongtian can kill Tongtian Dzogchen, and he can fight hard to return to the true state without being defeated."

"For specific details, please let the host know..."


As the sound of the system fell, a slight ripple suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

Immediately afterwards.

Twelve figures like gods and demons appeared in front of them out of thin air...

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