what happened?

Everything happened in an instant, and no one could react.

When they woke up, they saw that Jiang Wentian's right arm had been chopped off, and scarlet blood flowed out, staining a large area of ​​the ground red...


Seeing this horrific scene, everyone present suddenly took a breath of air, and their faces were full of shock and horror.

at the same time.

Jiang Wentian himself also had constricted pupils...

The previous knife gave him an extremely terrifying aura!

other side.

At least he is also a master of Dzogchen in the Sea of ​​Suffering!

Moreover, he has a grudge against himself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wentian felt extremely heavy. He endured the severe pain in his body and turned his head to look outside the hall.




I saw, along with the sound of steady footsteps, a cold figure gradually came into view.

It was a man in black!

He was tall and tall, with cold eyes. He was dragging a bloody long knife in his hand, and his whole body exuded a monstrous aura, like a peerless god of death from hell.

"Lin...Lin Wudao?"

someone exclaimed.

The tone revealed extremely strong shock.


Is he Lin Wudao? Jiang Qingxue's good-for-nothing fiancé?


When they heard that the person coming was the famous useless man in Qingyuan Ancient City, everyone present changed their expressions, and then, one after another, shocked eyes fell on him.

As for Jiang Wentian, his eyes widened even more!

His pale face was full of shock and disbelief...


He couldn't believe his eyes. That knife just now was made by Lin Wudao? Isn't he a useless person? How could he have such powerful power?

"Come here, kill him!"


A loud roar sounded from Jiang Wentian's mouth.

call out!

call out!

call out!

As soon as the words fell, three powerful figures arrived at the family hall and charged towards Lin Wudao Zhen menacingly.

The person who came was a tribute from the Jiang family!

They are all masters who have cultivated to the fifth level...

"Young people who don't know how to live or die dare to come to the Jiang family and let me go and die..."


While he was talking, one of the old men in green raised his hand and struck Lin Wudao fiercely.

Powerful power swept through the hall.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding guests were shocked and fled as fast as possible for fear of harming Chi Yu.

Among the people present, only Lin Wudao remained unmoved!

Facing the terrifying attack of the old man in green, his eyes were full of indifference...


Without even looking at it, he raised his hand and struck out with a palm.


The great power is released like a celestial river, covering all directions.

The seemingly terrifying blow of the old man in green was directly destroyed by Lin Wudao's palm.

Finally, a big hand hit him in the chest...


The shrill screams resounded throughout the hall.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Lin Wudao punched the fifth-level worshiper through the chest with a palm and fell to the ground ten feet away, extinguished.

Obviously, he is too dead to die!


"This...how is this possible? Isn't Lin Wudao a useless person? How could he have such terrifying power? He...he killed the worshiper in the fifth realm with one palm?"

In the hall, someone exclaimed.

The scene in front of them subverted their understanding!


The eyes of everyone looking at Lin Wudao were full of fear...

Lin Wudao ignored their reactions.


After killing the Qingyi worshiper with one palm, he did not let go of the other two. He thrust out his big hand and the other two fifth-level worshipers were instantly captured.

"Don't...don't kill me..."

"Spare your life!"

Under the absolute power, the two Luntai realm worshipers began to beg.

I hope Lin Wudao can show mercy.


Lin Wudao turned a deaf ear to their pleas.


The extremely sharp sound of bone cracking was heard, and in the eyes of everyone with great fear, the two worshipers of the fifth realm had their necks broken.

All life in the body was wiped out!

In the blink of an eye, all three members of the Jiang family died at the hands of Lin Wudao...

"How could it be so...how could it be like this..."

This scene.

Jiang Wentian was extremely frightened.

The offerings from the fifth realm are his greatest support.


In front of Lin Wudao, he had no power to fight back!

This made him feel extremely desperate...

"Lin Wudao, my Jiang family has no grudge against you, why are you so heartbroken? What's more, my daughter Jiang Qingxue is still engaged to you."

"In name only, I am still your future father-in-law!"

"Now you come to Jiang's house in a fierce manner and kill three of me in succession. What are your intentions?"

Jiang Wentian asked sharply.

The words are full of hatred!


No grudges or grudges? Future father-in-law?

Hear this.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Lin Wudao's mouth...

"If you want to know the answer, just ask your good daughter!"

An emotionless voice slowly sounded.

Say it.

Lin Wudao didn't give Jiang Wentian any chance to resist. He stepped in front of him and pinched his neck.

Immediately afterwards, the three enshrined corpses were put into the bronze coffin.

【Ding dong~】

[You buried Ding Sihai’s body and obtained 10,000 low-grade spiritual stones. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones! 】

[You collected Zhao Shanhe’s body and gained one year of cultivation. After strengthening the system ten times, you gained ten years of cultivation! 】

[You collected Li Fentian’s corpse and obtained the fifth-level spiritual weapon Qingfeng Sword. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained the sixth-level spiritual weapon Qingming Ancient Sword! 】

Three beeps sounded in my mind.


After ten years of cultivation, although Lin Wudao did not break through to the middle stage of divine transformation, he was one step closer.

As for the 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones and the sixth-level spiritual weapon Qingming Ancient Sword, he quickly glanced at them and lost interest.

He will get a lot of things like this in the future!


Didn’t pay too much attention to it!


He held the bloody long knife in one hand and pinched Jiang Wentian's neck with the other, and strode out of the Jiang family.

"Tell Jiang Qingxue that if I don't see her within three days, I will kill Jiang Wentian..."

A cold voice came from afar.

Hear this!

Everyone present was trembling with fear.

"Too cruel!"

"It turns out that all this is the hatred between Lin Wudao and Jiang Qingxue..."

"What happened to Lin Wudao? How could he become so powerful overnight?"

"I heard that he went to Shenxu..."

Divine ruins?

Could it be that he has gained some great fortune?

Everyone was shocked and confused!

Lin Wudao ignored their reactions.

After the Jiang family left, he went straight to the Renjian Building...

"Welcome, uh...little brother, are you here again?"

Tu Shan Linger greeted.


When her eyes fell on the bloody long knife and the extremely miserable Jiang Wentian, her little face turned pale with fear...

at the same time!

Lin Wudao's arrival also attracted Jun Qianmo's attention.

"Young Master Lin, what are you doing?"

"Publish a message for me on Tongtian Baojian, saying that the Jiang family has been exterminated by me. In three days, I will kill Jiang Wentian at Wuyou Villa."


Is this to attract Jiang Qingxue back?

Jun Qianmo instantly understood Lin Wudao's intention.

"Thirty thousand low-grade spiritual stones!"


Without hesitation, Lin Wudao took out the spirit stone.

"Wait a minute~"

Jun Qianmo didn't ask any further questions. He turned around and took out a Tongtian treasure mirror and started to operate it quickly.


There is a result!

"Okay, you can go to Tongtian Baojian and take a look..."

Hear the words.

Lin Wudao clicked on the Tongtian Baojian, and sure enough, a message was updated.

[Hot news: Jiang Qingxue’s family, the ninth true disciple of Taixuan Sect, was exterminated by Lin Wudao today, and Jiang Wentian will be killed in three days! 】



Lin Wudao dragged Chang Dao and Jiang Wentian, turned around and walked out of the Renjian Building.

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