
The moment Hua Baiyue pricked her with a needle, a shrill scream came from the Cursed God Puppet.

See you!

On the surface, the outlined face of Ming Luo began to become distorted.

That way.

It seems that he is suffering from some great pain...

Indeed, it is so!


In the gap in the void outside Panshen's universe, Minluo, who was fleeing frantically, suddenly began to tremble violently.

His face was full of intense shock and pain.

at this time!

He felt an unprecedented terror coming upon him.


Under that great terror, all the immortal veins in his body shattered and then disappeared in an instant.

Even though he has already cultivated the body of the Immortal Emperor, he will even be promoted to the Ancient Immortal Emperor soon.

However, faced with the sudden terror, he still couldn't resist.


In just an instant, all his immortal veins collapsed.

"Is this...a curse?"

"How is it possible? Who is cursing me behind my back? Who knows my information?"

A strong panic arose in Ming Luo's heart.

The person who can curse him must be at least an Immortal Emperor level being.


According to his understanding, there seems to be no curse master of this level in the Panshen universe.

"Is it the force behind Let Me Go?"

For a moment.

He thought of a possibility!


Just when he was shocked and confused, suddenly, another terrifying curse force descended on the immortal body.

He was not allowed to have any resistance at all, and his immortal bones were directly shattered by the earthquake.

Then, it turned into nothingness...


The immortal body lost the support of the immortal bones, and Minluo collapsed directly to the ground.

"The immortal veins and bones are shattered one after another. What kind of curse is this?"

call out.

It's too late, it's faster than that!

When the immortal bones around his body were wiped out by the curse, Minluo gave up his immortal body without any hesitation.

Its fairy spirit escaped into the void of the universe.

He knew that after the immortal veins and immortal bones, the immortal body would definitely face even more terrifying curse erosion.

In fact, he was right.

"Three injections of sepsis!"

"Four needles cut off the cultivation level!"

"Death by five needles!"

Suddenly, a series of disembodied sounds reached Minluo's ears from somewhere.


Along with a loud sound, Mingluo clearly saw that the immortal blood in his immortal body began to decline crazily.

Cultivation and lifespan were directly cut off!


A few moments later, under his horrified gaze, the entire immortal body suddenly collapsed, turned into powder and dust, and dissipated into the void of the universe.


Seeing this scene, Mingluo couldn't help but take a breath of air, and there was strong fear in his eyes.

This curse made him shudder.

The curser who cursed him behind his back was terrifying to the extreme.

"With such a terrible curse, I'm afraid even the Ancient Immortal Emperor will be cursed to death, right?"

"Fortunately, I had the foresight to abandon my immortal body directly, otherwise...ah..."

Mingluo just felt lucky for his wise decision.


At this moment, the mysterious curse quietly invaded his fairy spirit.

See this scene!

Mingluo was scared to death.

At this moment, he could no longer remain calm and calm, and the fairy showed unprecedented fear.

"No...don't, don't kill..."


As soon as he let out a horrified roar, the power of the curse that invaded the fairy suddenly exploded.

Even if he is about to become the Ancient Immortal Emperor, he still cannot resist it.


Under that terrifying curse, Mingluo watched helplessly as his fairy spirit was devoured and wiped out bit by bit.

this moment!

Hua Baiyue, who was far away at the edge of the universe, suddenly took the sixth needle to destroy his soul.

Not only that.

In order to prevent Minluo from having other back-up tricks, Hua Baiyue continued to insert the seventh needle.


In an instant, the Immortal Emperor's golden elixir in Minluo's body, as well as all the marks on himself, were ruthlessly wiped out by the power of the causal curse.

He is no longer found in this world.


All traces left by Min Luo have also been erased...


As Minluo was cursed by cause and effect and died, the cursed puppet in Hua Baiyue's hand also shattered in an instant.

at last.

It turned into a burst of black smoke and disappeared.

That’s it!

The two chief culprits who besieged and killed Lin Wudao, Emperor Qiongcang and Ming Luo, both died without a burial place.

The immortal body and the immortal spirit were all completely wiped out.

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao on the side felt a flash of shock in his eyes.

Curse, impossible to guard against!

The old days.

He suffered a curse from his fiancée Jiang Qingxue, which reduced his lifespan by one year every day and almost died.

Originally, that kind of curse was already very scary, but compared with Hua Baiyue's cursed god puppet, it was still nothing.

There is no comparison at all!

Moreover, not only was he surprised, even Xiong Daoyi and Mo Qingtian had serious expressions.

Looking at Hua Baiyue, there was an inexplicable fear in her eyes.

"It turns out that she is a curse master!"

"Now with just the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor, I can curse and kill the half-step Ancient Immortal Emperor. If I reach the Ancient Immortal Emperor, wouldn't it be..."

Xiongdao was slightly shaken.

Now, he finally understood what the threat he felt from Hua Baiyue was all about.

"Sir, Ming Luo has been cursed to death!"

Ignoring the fearful looks of others, Hua Baiyue turned her head and said with a smile to Lin Wudao.


"Your Cursed God Puppet is very well made, and its lethality is also very powerful."

Lin Wudao nodded in appreciation.

Hear the words!

The smile on Hua Baiyue's face became even stronger.

"These are all little toys I made in my spare time. If you like it, I have a few more here..."


She turned her palm over, and three identical cursed puppets immediately appeared in her hand.

Then, he handed it to Lin Wudao.

"This... I'll come to you for it when I need it."

Cursed God Puppet, he is naturally very jealous.

However, I simply can’t afford it!

Anything beyond the system regulations will require payment.

The cursed puppet can curse and kill the half-step ancient immortal emperor. Such a thing requires an unimaginable amount of top-quality immortal sources.

He couldn't take it out.

Compared to Lin Wudao, the other nine mythical immortal emperors behind Hua Baiyue looked at the cursed god puppets with passion.

They also long for this thing.


After Lin Wudao finished speaking, Hua Baiyue did not continue to display it and put it away directly.

at the same time.

Lin Wudao also set his sights on Mo Qingtian...

"Clan Leader Mo, you don't know that the Emperor of the Sky colluded with the Ghost Demon Thief Group to surround and kill me, right?"

"Master Ren, I..."

"Since you know what Qiongqiang has done and are still conniving behind it, it shows that you also want me to die."

"No, no, no, Mr. Ren, you have misunderstood. How dare we, the Protoss of Origin, have such thoughts."

"It's all a misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding."

Mo Qingtian was shocked and defended crazily.


Lin Wudao would not believe a word he said.

"You have to pay the price for watching the fun!"

"In this world, if someone wants me to die, I can only let him die."

"Daoyi Immortal Lord, kill him..."


As Lin Wudao finished speaking, Xiong Dao next to him suddenly stretched out his big hand, and without giving Mo Qingtian any chance to resist, he directly suppressed him and caught him in his hand.

"Sir, this is a misunderstanding."

"Ancestor, save me~"

On the verge of death, Mo Qingtian immediately roared loudly.

"Fellow Taoist, keep someone under your command!"

call out!

Just when Xiong Daoyi was about to squeeze Mo Qingtian to death, suddenly, an anxious voice came from the distant void of the universe.

Immediately afterwards.

A ray of fairy light descended and transformed into the figure of Su Taiyi...

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