"Immortal Lord from another universe!"

"An ancient immortal emperor of heaven, one of the ten mythological immortal emperors..."

Looking at the eleven approaching figures, the Immortal Emperors and Ancient Immortal Emperors who were peeping and watching in the dark all narrowed their eyes.


They all clearly realized that these people in front of them were not the Immortal Emperor and the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Panshen Universe.

But a strong man from another universe!


Those powerful beings who were qualified to enter the City of All Heavens could see the origins of Hua Baiyue and others at a glance.

The top ten mythical immortal emperors of the Mythical Alliance!

"It's indeed them!"

"Now the Origin God Clan is in big trouble. I'm afraid they will follow in the footsteps of the Clan of the Immortals on the other side."

"Hiss, these people actually show up again?"

"The Origin God Clan is finished, there is no hope..."

Looking at Hua Baiyue and others, many powerful beings in Panshen Universe were shocked.


What happened to the Immortal Clan on the other side shocked the entire Panshen Universe.

How long has it been since then? Will another great immortal clan be suppressed?

Think of this.

Everyone was shocked and terrified!

at the same time.

I am also full of curiosity about Ren Woxing's identity and origin.

Being able to recruit an army of three thousand quasi-immortal emperors, and even ancient immortal emperors of heaven, this energy is terrifyingly powerful.

In fact!

Not only the Immortal Emperors and Ancient Immortal Emperors who were watching were shocked, Mo Qingtian was even more shocked.

The eyes looking at Yudao Yi were full of fear...

"This...fellow Taoist, what happened this time was that I, the God Clan, made the mistake first."

"This fellow Qiong Cang acted arbitrarily and offended Mr. Ren, which was not the original intention of the divine race from which I originated."

"Now, I have captured the culprit Qiongtian and left it at your disposal."

"We have absolutely no objection!"

"Besides that, my origin God Clan is also willing to apologize to Mr. Ren."

"Fellow Taoist, actually this is all a misunderstanding..."

Mo Qingtian took a deep breath and said.

Talking time!

He waved his big sleeves and handed the fairy spirit from the sky to Xiong Daoyi and Hua Baiyue.

There was even more respect on his majestic face.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads!

The other party is an ancient immortal emperor who has reached the extreme realm of Heavenly Dao. Not to mention him who is at the extreme realm of Imperial Dao. Even the first ancestor Su Taiyi has to kneel down.

If the other party makes a big fuss, their origin God Clan will definitely not be able to handle it.


Even as the leader of the Origin God Clan and the majestic Ancient Immortal Emperor of the Taoist Realm, Mo Qingtian did not dare to show the slightest arrogance.

Don't even dare to be presumptuous in the slightest!


Facing his gesture, Xiongdao Yi looked calm, while Hua Baiyue and others also had sneers in their eyes.

"Qingtian Immortal Lord, with just a few words, do you want to get rid of all the guilt of the divine race from which you originated?"

"Don't tell me, your origin gods don't know what happens in the Xuanhuang world."

"You are the majestic Taoist Immortal Emperor. Not even the slightest change in the Panshen Universe can be hidden from your eyes."

"Everything in the Xuanhuang World has probably been under the attention of your origin God Clan for a long time, right?"

"However, in the face of the sky surrounding and killing my young master, you just ignored him and let him go as he pleased."

"Now that you see us coming, you actually want to push the sky out and use it as a scapegoat?"

"Although, all these things were indeed planned by Qiong Cang's willful actions."

"However, you, the Protoss, can't even think of getting rid of the relationship..."

Hua Baiyue said coldly.

Although she was only at the tenth level of the Immortal Emperor, there was a huge gap between her and Mo Qingtian's ancient Immortal Emperor.

However, she has the support of the Supreme Being behind her.

Not afraid at all!

Facing her aggressive ridicule, Mo Qingtian did not dare to show it even though he secretly hated her.

"Then I don't know, how do fellow Taoists want to resolve this matter?"

After being silent for a while, he asked.

Hear the words!

Hua Baiyue snorted.

"About this matter, we are naturally not qualified to make the decision. Everything has to be decided by the Young Master."


"I think the young master will arrive soon..."

A dull voice sounded slowly.

Say it.

Hua Baiyue raised her hand and directly caught the fairy spirit in the sky.

There were waves of fierce light floating in his eyes.

"In that case, let's wait until your young master arrives."

"I am from the God Clan and am willing to do my utmost sincerity to compensate for this matter..."

Mo Qingtian sighed.

This was the first time since his debut that he felt so aggrieved.

at the same time!

There is a strong regret in my heart. I should not have sat on the sidelines before, otherwise things would not have reached this point.


There is no regret medicine in the world!

It’s too late to undo what’s already been decided…

Lin Wudao didn't know much about the confrontation at the border of the universe.

at this time.

He was watching coldly the battle between the Quasi-Immortal Emperors in Tianyuan Immortal City.




Under the powerful power of the three thousand Luotian Guards, the fate of the two thousand quasi-immortal emperors of the Ghost Demon Thieves Group has long been doomed.

Soon, they were ruthlessly suppressed.

Two thousand people, all dead!

For this ending, Lin Wudao did not have any sympathy or mercy.

Those who kill will always be killed!

If he hadn't had a strong background in the City of All Heavens and could recruit an army of three thousand quasi-immortal emperors, anyone else would have died long ago.

Since you have done something wrong, you have to bear the consequences...

Death is their end!

"Sir, the two thousand quasi-immortal emperors have all been suppressed."

Xiong Batian came to the front and reported respectfully.


Lin Wudao nodded.

"Wait a while and collect all the resources carried by these two thousand quasi-immortal emperors."

"Then, divide it into five parts!"

"One percent of it, give it to Jiang Tianyin!"

"One-tenth of it will be given to the Mu Immortal Clan; one-tenth will be given to the three hundred quasi-immortal emperors who have contributed to the space ruins before."

"Give the remaining half to Luo Tianfu!"

"The last half is for the Mythical Alliance!"

"In addition, collect the corpses of these two thousand quasi-immortal emperors for me."

"I'll put it at your place for now."

"This young master will be of great use in the future..."

He pondered for a while and said.


Upon hearing this, Xiong Batian immediately led people to collect various resources left by the quasi-immortal emperors.

After a while.

Three hundred treasures of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, as well as various other treasures, were handed to Jiang Tianyin.

"Sir, this is too expensive, I..."

Looking at the treasure handed over by Xiong Batian, Jiang Tianyin swallowed hard and hurriedly refused.

This time!

Two thousand Quasi-Immortal Emperors came from the Ghost Demon Thief Group, and there were thousands of Quasi-Immortal Emperor treasures alone.

Even if it was one percent, Jiang Tianyin got almost thirty pieces.

This was the first time he had seen so many treasures of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor even when he was alive in the Emperor's Immortal Sect.

"Take it!"

"I will never be stingy with anyone who helps me."

"You've helped me a lot, and you've done a lot of good work. This should be regarded as your hard-earned money."

Lin Wudao smiled and patted his shoulder.

Jiang Tianyin has a smart mind, knows how to measure, and knows how to advance and retreat. The key is to know what to do.

Lin Wudao still had a good impression of him.

from now on.

Or you can become his God of Wealth!

"Thank you, sir!"

"Jiang Tianyin, as well as the entire Huangji Immortal Sect, are willing to follow the young master to the death."

He immediately stated his position seriously.

To this.

Lin Wudao just smiled and did not answer.

"I'll go to the universe border first and take a look. Xiong Batian, please clean up the mess here."

"Then, go back on your own."

"By the way, consider this great killing technique as a reward from me for your hard work."

"And Mu Jiutian, the Supreme Lord has already said hello to the Master of Haotian Palace in the First Heaven."

"Later, you can go there to receive a temporary right to use the Black Railway Talisman."

"From now on, you can enjoy a 10% discount on purchases in the City of All Heavens."

"Only after your cultivation reaches the level of Immortal Emperor can you truly possess a black iron talisman."

While talking.

Lin Wudao handed another piece of jade slip imprinted with the Great Killing Technique to Xiong Batian.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Xiong Batian and Mu Jiutian paid their respects in surprise.

One of them obtained the invincibility method, and the other obtained the authority of the Black Railway Talisman.

For them, it is a great blessing!

Especially, the Black Railway Talisman.

Not only enjoy the 10% discount on the City of All Heavens, but more importantly, the identity and status it symbolizes.

This is something countless people can never dream of.

Even the Immortal Emperor, even the Ancient Immortal Emperor, only used white jade Taoist talismans.

Mu Jiutian should be the first owner of the black railway talisman.

Although it is only a temporary permission, it is enough to make countless people envious of it.

Who calls him the supreme follower?

Of course our own people must be treated specially...

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