Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 687 Three Thousand Quasi-Immortal Emperors Lower Realm!


"Why did you die suddenly?"

Everything happens in an instant!

Seeing this sudden and huge change, Lin Wudao's eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise.


He has already made plans to annihilate the clones from the outside world and retreat from the battlefield of the God King.

Unexpectedly, Xing Gang, who attacked him so brazenly, died mysteriously.

What particularly surprised Lin Wudao was that not only was Xing Gang dead, but his body had also disappeared.

Even if he scanned the ten directions of space with the Eye of the Great Dao, he could not detect any trace of Xing Gang.

That way!

It's like I've never been in this world before...

"What Xing Gang performed just now seems to be some kind of secret technique of cause and effect. He moved the line of cause and effect and wanted to follow the cause and effect to kill me."

"Now, it must have suffered a backlash and been completely wiped out."

"Looking at the Panshen universe, and even the entire city of the heavens, I'm afraid there is no greater cause and effect than the system."

"It is simply a fantasy to follow the line of cause and effect to kill me."

Lin Wudao sneered secretly.

Cause and effect, invisible and traceless!

Xing Gang's method is indeed extremely strange and powerful, making it difficult to guard against.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely be doomed in the face of Karma's attack.

However, Lin Wudao was different.

He has a system!

In itself, it is the biggest cause and effect in the world.

Even if Xing Gang cultivated to the tenth level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor and mastered the secret technique of cause and effect, he still couldn't bear it.

Therefore, he was killed...

Although Lin Wudao was surprised and surprised by this result, he accepted it calmly.

Xing Gang died a bit unfairly.

It’s not a good idea to meet anyone, but I met him!

at the same time!

When they saw Xing Gang's unexplained death, many strong men and monks who were watching in Tianyuan Immortal City all showed shocked expressions.

"The unparalleled powerful man in the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor died inexplicably?"

"What happened to him?"

"I can do this, it's terrible! What kind of power can kill a quasi-immortal emperor of the tenth level?"

"There is something terrible about this boy!"

Everyone gasped.

this moment!

They looked at Lin Wudao with endless curiosity and strong fear.

The unknown is often the scariest thing.

Not only them, but even Ming Luo, who was far away from the Xuanhuang World and was peeping secretly, his pupils tightened when he saw this scene.

"Causation backfires?"

"What is the origin of this "Let Me Do It" thing? How could there be such a big cause and effect on him?"

"A small god king actually relied on the backlash of karma to forcefully wipe out a quasi-immortal emperor of the tenth level."

"Could it be that he is the reincarnation of an ancient immortal emperor?"

Mingluo took a deep breath.

His expression began to become serious.


"Everyone listens to the order and evacuates the Xuanhuang World immediately. This deal can no longer continue."

"Qingtian, you dare to trick me..."

After some careful consideration, Minluo decisively issued the order to retreat.

Through Xing Gang's temptation, he clearly realized how terrifying Lin Wudao was.

His intuition told him that if he continued to stay in the Xuanhuang World, he would be afraid that something big would happen.


He immediately notified all the quasi-immortal emperors in the Xuanhuang World and asked them to retreat quickly.

However, God did not fulfill his wish!


Just when all the quasi-immortal emperors were preparing to withdraw from the Xuanhuang World, suddenly, huge rays of immortal light suddenly descended on this world.


I saw a big hand that reached the sky tore through the sky, and with boundless momentum and power, it penetrated the door of the world in one fell swoop.

Kill all the quasi-immortal emperors blocking the door there with one punch...

"what happened?"

Seeing this sudden and shocking change, both the monks in Tianyuan Immortal City and the quasi-immortal emperors preparing to retreat were shocked.


Even Ming Luo's expression completely changed.


After that big hand punched through the world gate, a series of extremely powerful figures rushed into the Xuanhuang world like a flood.

The number of people is as many as three thousand!


Each one has the powerful strength of the 10th level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"I'm Di Tian, ​​three thousand quasi-immortal emperors?"

Seeing the mighty immortal light sweeping over, all the onlookers showed shocked expressions.

Even those high-ranking Immortal Emperors, even the Ancient Immortal Emperors, are no exception.

after all!

It is not easy to summon three thousand quasi-immortal emperors in such a short period of time.

What's more, each of these people in front of me is still at the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Looking at the entire Panshen Universe, no such force can be found.


"What is the origin of Ren Woxing? Others used two thousand Quasi-Immortal Emperors to surround and kill him, but he directly recruited an army of three thousand Quasi-Immortal Emperors?"

"These people are uniform, follow orders and prohibitions, and they all have a strong murderous aura. They don't seem to belong to Panshen Universe."

"The Origin Protoss, I'm afraid I'm going to hit a brick wall now..."

Discussions were heard overwhelmingly.


Everyone onlookers were frightened by this huge formation.

Even the Emperor of the Sky, who was paying close attention to all this at the border of the distant universe, narrowed his eyes.

His expression began to become serious.

"There are three thousand quasi-immortal emperors, and they are all at the tenth level of heaven. Where did Ren Woxing find the help?"

"These people are clearly not from our Panshen Universe..."

The Emperor of Heaven frowned.

He felt that this time things seemed to be a little beyond his expectations.


It begins to develop in an uncontrolled direction.

"The dog-like sky has made me miserable now."

"These two thousand quasi-immortal emperors are totally going to lose it, and they can't even be saved."

"Looking at this, Panshen Universe can't stay any longer and must leave quickly."

A gap in the universe.

Minluo, who was watching all this secretly, kept cursing, with strong anger and unwillingness in his eyes.

Although he had overestimated Lin Wudao's background, he eventually underestimated him.

The army of three thousand quasi-immortal emperors from the tenth level, even their group of ghost demon thieves, were unable to save the day.

These people cannot be saved!

"Qiongtian, I will keep this account in mind for you."

"One day, I will pay you back a thousand times..."


After cursing fiercely, Minluo didn't hesitate at all, and immediately turned into a strange fairy light and escaped into the void of the universe.

the other side!

Xiong Batian has brought three thousand Luotian Guards to Tianyuan Immortal City with great momentum.

"If you dare to hurt my young master, kill him!"

"Everyone involved will be killed..."

Xiong Ba Tian roared angrily.


The moment the sound sounded, Xiong Batian raised his hand, and an ancient black tripod suddenly flew out of his hand.


Just one blow penetrated those quasi-immortal emperors.

And the three thousand Luotian Guards behind him were not idle either.




The army of three thousand quasi-immortal emperors moved together, with great power, and directly surrounded those people.


Following Xiong Batian's order, an earth-shattering quasi-immortal emperor war immediately broke out in Tianyuan Immortal City.

Although the two thousand quasi-immortal emperors gathered by the Ghost Demon Thieves Group are also powerful, they cannot compare with the Luotian Guards in terms of numbers or cultivation.


Along with the earth-shattering shouts of killing and the sound of collision, the void of Tianyuan Immortal City was shattered again and again.

For a while.

Immortal blood spread all over the sky, and each of the quasi-immortal emperors was killed one after another and turned into cold corpses.


"This isn't a battle, it's just a one-sided massacre..."

The onlookers retreated and sighed.

at the same time!

Just when Xiong Batian led the three thousand Luotian army to fight against the quasi-immortal emperor of the Phantom Thief Group.

the other side.

Hua Baiyue also led Xiong Daoyi and the Mythical Immortal Emperor of the Mythical Alliance to rush to the border of the universe.

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