The layout and pattern of the third heaven of the City of All Heavens is not much different from that of the first heaven.

call out!

The moment he walked into the city gate, he saw a fairy light exuding a majestic aura suddenly descending.

Then, it transformed into an ancient immortal boat and stopped in front of Lin Wudao.

And, a burly man holding a black tripod walked out from inside.

Just standing there, he gave people a sense of supreme domineering power, as if he could hold up the entire world.


When he saw Lin Wudao, the man's majestic and domineering face instantly showed excitement and respect.

"Xiong Batian has met the young master!"

He bowed to pay homage.

Xiong Ba Tian?

Looking at his extremely burly body and the black tripod in his hand, Lin Wudao couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

"Xiong Batian, you've been holding the cauldron like this, aren't you tired?"

"I think you should just call Immortal Tuoding..."

Immortal Lord Tuding?

Hearing this, Xiong Batian was thoughtful and muttered a few words solemnly.

"Sir, does this name sound good to you?"

"What do you think?"

"This... as long as the young master thinks it is good, then I will be called Immortal Lord Tuoding from now on."

He said seriously.


Lin Wudao was speechless.

He was just joking, but Xiong Batian took it seriously.


"By the way, why are you here? Did Immortal Qinglan inform you?"


"The alliance leader has informed me in advance of your coming, young master, so I specially waited for him at the city gate."

Hear the words.

Lin Wudao nodded.

"I heard that you formed a mythical alliance in the third heaven?"


"Why do you choose such a name? Is there anything special about it?"

"This...according to the alliance leader, there is a mythical alliance composed of immortal emperors in the fourth heaven of the City of All Heavens."

"And, there are ten mythical immortal emperors!"

"In this case, then the third heaven must also have the ten most powerful quasi-immortal emperors."

"With this, we will benchmark against the ten mythical immortal emperors of the fourth heaven."

"Even, the Mythical Alliance will be annexed in the future..."

Xiong Batian answered honestly.

"Are you planning to create one of the top ten mythical quasi-immortal emperors in the third heaven?"

"You actually want to annex the Mythical Alliance?"

"Your ambitions are really big!"

"When you get to the fourth heaven, I'm afraid you will be the one being annexed."

Lin Wudao joked with a smile.

He did not expect that Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian would have such great ambitions and attempt to annex the Mythical Alliance.

Hua Baiyue and others are not good friends!

Wanting to annex them is simply more difficult than reaching the sky...

"How is the construction of your current Mythical Alliance going? How many of the top ten Mythical Quasi-Immortal Emperors are there?"

"This... has just begun to set up a good base, and is currently recruiting people."

"The top ten mythical quasi-immortal emperors, currently there are only two of us, the alliance leader and me."

"Well, come on!"

"Humans, you have to have ideals when living in this world. Otherwise, what's the difference between you and a salted fish?"

"What's more, what if it succeeds one day?"

Lin Wudao joked.

In his opinion, Xiao Qinglan's Mythical Alliance still has a long way to go.


He didn't hit them either.

After all, when they actually meet people from the Mythical Alliance, they will naturally understand the differences between them.

Xiong Batian didn't know Lin Wudao's thoughts.


He was still feeling inspired and happy by Lin Wudao's encouragement.

"Sir, shall we go directly to the Shinhwa League?"

"This time I heard that the origin of the Panshen Universe, the protoss, wants to surround and kill the young master. There are two thousand quasi-immortal emperors on the other side?"


"They want to fight for more people, so naturally I can't let them down."

"So, I plan to ask the Immortal Emperor to go to the Xuanhuang World and give the Origin God Clan some color."

Lin Wudao nodded lightly.

Hear this!

Xiong Batian's eyes also burst out with a fierce and fierce light.

"The Origin God Clan has a way to die!"

"Sir, how many quasi-immortal emperors do you need to summon? I will make an announcement right away."

"No need to bother."

"The Luo Tian Mansion in the third heaven has a powerful quasi-immortal emperor guard there."

"Everyone is a quasi-immortal emperor in the tenth level!"

"Just go there and recruit three thousand quasi-immortal emperors from the lower realm..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

The office in the third heaven is called Luo Tianfu.

According to his understanding, there is a powerful guard in each heaven of the City of All Heavens to maintain order.

The scale is about 10,000 people!

The cultivation level of Luo Tianfu's guards should not be lower than the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to maintain the order of the third heaven.

"Batian Immortal Lord, the Supreme Lord has granted me a decree. You can go directly to Luotian Mansion to recruit."

"Besides, I heard from Immortal Qinglan that your immortal clan is currently in charge of the destiny of the universe?"


"In this case, I still need a powerful Ancient Immortal Emperor to control the situation. Please help me go to your universe and find one."


Ancient Immortal Emperor?

As soon as he heard this, Xiong Batian's heart suddenly surged with unprecedented excitement and excitement.

This is a good opportunity to show off!

"Don't worry, sir, I promise to complete the mission."


"Go and do your work, I'll go shopping in the third heaven..."

Say it.

Lin Wudao put his hands behind his back and left.

call out!

After he left, Xiong Batian took a few deep breaths. He first went to Luo Tian Mansion and read out the Supreme Edict.


He returned to the fairy clan in his own universe without stopping.

The mysterious universe!

It is a lower universe that belongs to the same universe alliance as Panshen Universe.


The person in charge of the destiny of the universe is Yuan Chen Immortal of the Taihao Immortal Clan, whose cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the ancient Immortal Emperor.

The Taihao Immortal Clan is an extremely ancient ethnic group. It is an innate Immortal Clan and has multiple branches of the Immortal Clan.

Xiong Batian's branch ranks eighteenth among the Taihao Immortal Clan.

This is because, among their tribe, an Ancient Immortal Emperor at the extreme realm of Heavenly Dao was born.

As a result, his status among the immortal clan was improved.

Call it the Eighteenth Ancestor!

call out!

After completing the recruitment task of Luo Tian Mansion's three thousand quasi-immortal emperors, Xiong Batian returned to the Taihao Immortal Clan as quickly as possible.

Genting Fairy Palace!

The ancestral land of the Taihaoxiong clan is located on the thirty-third heaven of a great origin world.

Those who are less than the Ancient Immortal Emperor are not allowed to set foot here.

Xiong Batian, as the first genius of the Taihao Xiong clan, is no exception...


On the 33rd level, Xiong Tyrant rang an ancient fairy bell, and the vast fairy sound was transmitted to Yunding Fairy Palace.

"Whoever rings the bell, tell me your name!"


Suddenly, within the vast fairy light, a majestic and mighty voice came.

Vaguely, there was a shadow reflected in the sky.

behind it.

The divine wheel, which evolved from the eight laws of the universe, was slowly turning. Just taking a glance at it, Xiong Batian felt immense pressure.

This is an ancient immortal emperor from the eighth heaven!

A peerless powerhouse like this would be enough to become an ancestor-level existence among the immortals in other lower universes.

However, in the Taihao Immortal Clan, they can only serve as the gatekeepers of the Immortal Palace...

This is the majesty and heritage of the Destiny Immortal Clan!

"Xiong Batian, there are urgent matters related to the fate and glory of our Xiong clan, and we need to report to the clan leader."

"I beg you, Immortal Lord, to spread the word!"


After suppressing the shock and fear in his heart, Xiong Batian knelt down and knelt down in worship with an extremely respectful attitude.

"Oh, is it related to the fate of my Taihaoxiong clan? Your tone is quite serious."

From the sky, a dull voice came.

It seems that some disapproval.

Hearing this, Xiong BaTian immediately became anxious.

"This matter is indeed related to the fate of my Xiong clan and even the entire Taihao Immortal Clan."

"If there is any mistake or mistake, I, the Taihao Immortal Clan, cannot afford it."

"I also ask the Immortal Lord to inform the clan leader!"

"Xiong Ba Tian is willing to guarantee with his own life that what he said is absolutely true and is of great significance."

He kowtowed heavily.


Seeing how solemn and panicked he was, the phantom of the Immortal Lord in the sky also cast a surprised look.

"In that case, then come up~"


The words fell.

A ray of fairy light descended and turned into a vast fairy road, appearing in front of Xiong Batian.

See this.

He took a deep breath, then strode forward...

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