"Origin Talisman?"

Looking at the thing in his hand, Lin Wudao's eyes lit up.

That's an ancient talisman!

Lin Wudao had seen something like this before on the Road to Heaven in Heishui Ancient City.

Its main function is to strengthen!

However, the Origin Talisman and the Heavenly Dao Talisman are somewhat different...

Name: Rune of Origin

Level: Cosmic artifact

Introduction: After use, any item born in Panshen's universe can be upgraded to a higher level.

Note: 1. It is invalid for items outside Panshen Universe.

2. As long as it is an item born in the Panshen universe, it can be upgraded no matter what level it is.

A lot of information came into view.

After reading.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but secretly nodded, this Origin Talisman was indeed a rare good thing.

The key is that it applies to any item in the Panshen universe and has no level restrictions.

"Although the Origin Talisman has the word 'Origin' in the name of the Origin God Clan, there is an essential difference between them."

"This origin talisman originates from the origin of Panshen's universe and is the source of everything in the universe."

"And the Origin God Clan is just the Innate God Clan!"

"I wonder if this thing can raise the level of the Origin Stone to a higher level?"

Lin Wudao was secretly curious.


He thought that the Origin Stone in his hand was complete, but after meeting Yu Changqing, he realized that there was more than one Origin Stone.

What he had in his hand was just a fragment.


It seems smaller than the one in Yu Changqing's hand!

The system has never given permission for secondary enhancement, and the Origin Stone in his hand can only be used by the Emperor of Heaven.

Once it exceeds the Emperor of Heaven, it can no longer be used.


Lin Wudao has been thinking of ways to improve the level of the Origin Stone.

Now, the appearance of the Origin Talisman gave him a glimmer of hope, but he couldn't guarantee it.

The Origin Stone seemed to have an extraordinary origin that even his Great Eye could not see through.

He had a feeling in the dark that this was not something from the Panshen Universe.

"If this is the case, if you want to improve the Origin Stone, you have to fall on Yu Changqing."

"As long as I get the Origin Stone in his hand and fuse it with the one in my hand, can I increase my level?"

Lin Wudao looked at the boundary river below.

at the moment.

Yu Changqing was severely injured by Yin Dasheng and was located deep in the boundary river, which was the best opportunity to take action.


Before that, he had to deal with the God King's army in the City of Doom.

Think of this.

Lin Wudao stretched out his big hand and put Yin Dasheng's body into the system space, then looked sharply at the doomsday army on the other side of the boundary river.

"I am enough for this battle~"

Say it.

His eyes glanced at Moller, who was immediately frightened out of his wits. He immediately controlled the divine light and escaped into the distant space.


It was too late to escape at this time.


With a cold glance, Lin Wudao took a step forward and was behind Moller in an instant.

Then, a punch hit his back...


A shrill scream rang out, and under the gaze of countless people, the shadow of the giant spirit god behind Moller was shattered.

The divine body was mercilessly penetrated!

Soul, lifespan, roots, qualifications, etc., were all wiped out.

in a blink.

It was reduced to a corpse.

Then, he was taken into the system space by Lin Wudao.

Done it all!

He then looked at the doomsday army on the other side of the boundary river and killed it single-handedly.

According to Lin Wudao's current fighting strength, those world god kings are like ants in front of him, they can be destroyed with just a raise of his hand.


With one punch, the terrifying hand stretched across the void, carrying a huge divine power, and directly penetrated the doomsday army.

Thousands of god kings were killed on the spot...

"Hiss, it's too strong, too scary!"

"Is this the fighting power of the first god-king in the universe from all eternity? It's simply... terrifying."

"The God King of the World, the God King of the Era, the God King of the Era, and the God King of the Universe are all rubbish in front of him."

"It turns out that if you let me go, you are the strongest man in the universe."


There were overwhelming exclamations and gasps of air from the army in Bahuang Divine City.

at this time!

After witnessing Lin Wudao's unprecedented fighting prowess, they understood the huge gap between them.

Even the city lord Shi Jingshan’s eyes widened.

"The Ancient God King of Taoism has the talent for transcendence!"

"Perhaps, before the end of this era, another godless Lord will be born in our Panshen Universe."

"If I can witness such a grand event in my lifetime, I will have no regrets in life..."

Shi Jingshan was filled with excitement and expectation.

He seemed to have foreseen the scene of Lin Wudao transcending the ages, breaking the boundaries of the universe, and transcending the Immortal Emperor.

"Mr. Jiang, you are in great luck!"

he said with envy.

Hear the words!

Jiang Tianyin clenched his fists, his eyes filled with infinite surprise and excitement.

This investment was so right!

Definitely the most heroic decision in his life...

"According to the unparalleled appearance displayed by Mr. Ren, if nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely be able to transcend the universe in the future."

"If I can maintain my relationship with him, I will definitely have an extremely bright future and good fortune in the future."

he thought happily.

"Jiang Tianyin!"

Just when he was thinking and longing, suddenly, Lin Wudao's voice came from the distance.

Take a closer look.

I saw that he had already crippled all the Doomsday Army on the other side of the boundary river.

Most of the god kings were killed by him alone!

"Young Master is mighty!"

"Congratulations to the young master for winning the title of the First God-King in the Universe."

Jiang Tianyin stepped forward and congratulated.

To this.

Lin Wudao nodded calmly.

Then, he pointed to the many corpses of the God Kings on the battlefield.

"You help me collect the corpses of these foreign god kings, I will keep them for use."


After hearing the order, Jiang Tianyin rushed into the battlefield as quickly as possible without any hesitation.

Collect all the corpses of the foreign god kings.

This is an opportunity to show off!

at the same time.

While Jiang Tianyin was collecting the corpses of the aliens, Shi Jingshan also led the army from the Eight Desolations Divine City and began to strangle the remaining remnants of the god kings.

As for Lin Wudao, he rushed into the boundary river...

The boundary river is cold and dark.

It is filled with boundless evil and sin, which can corrode and pollute the divine body and soul.

Relying on the mysterious induction of the Origin Stone and the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao quickly found Yu Changqing's traces.


He was lying on the river bed, leaning against a cold boulder, using his own divine power to hold up a space.

This makes it impossible for the water in the boundary river to erode.


Due to Yin Dashie's brutal blow, his soul was severely damaged, and now it is very difficult to move.

If you want to break out of the boundary river, you are even more powerless...


"Damn alien bastard, if it weren't for you, how could I have fallen into this situation?"

"Originally, everything was planned, but now... now I'm afraid I can't even protect myself."

"I hope the city lord and others can come down to look for me, otherwise..."

Yu Changqing's face showed pain and despair.

After all, he was also a God-King of the Era, but in the end, he fell into ruins in the hands of Yin Dashai.

The face of the Origin God Clan was completely disgraced by him.


The plot against Lin Wudao also failed.

This made him more and more frustrated.

"According to the strength of that man's attack, he is definitely a God King of the Universe. Let me do what I want, that guy is definitely not an opponent."

"If the Bahuang Divine City is defeated, then wouldn't I also have to..."


Yu Changqing seemed to have thought of something terrible, and there was a strong fear in his eyes.


Just when he was secretly frightened, a cold figure broke through the cold river water and came in front of him.

"Emperor Changqing, it seems that your condition is not very good."

The joking voice sounded slowly.

Hear this!

Yu Changqing suddenly woke up, his eyes staring straight ahead, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Let me do it?"

"You actually... you didn't..."

"I wasn't beaten to death by Yin Dasheng, right?"

Lin Wudao seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

To this.

Yu Changqing nodded, the shock in his eyes getting stronger.

"What are you doing here? That foreign god king..."

"Of course he was killed by me."


Killed by you?

Yu Changqing's pupils tightened.

"and you……"

"Of course I'm here to take you on your way."


The words fell.

Lin Wudao directly hit him with a big killing technique.

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