Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 677 Pioneer of the Divine City, retribution is coming!

"It is obvious to all that the King of Gods is the most arrogant person in the world. Throughout the universe, there are few people who can compare with him."

"I think he will definitely be able to take on the role of pioneer."

"City Lord, I propose that I, the Divine King, be appointed as the vanguard of this battle to boost the morale of our Bahuang Divine City."

"If he is a pioneer, he will be invincible..."

While everyone was watching intently, suddenly, a sonorous and powerful voice rang out.

Take a closer look!

I saw that the speaker was Yu Changqing.


As soon as he said these words, the eyes of everyone present instantly fell on Lin Wudao.

at the same time!

There were overwhelming discussions one after another.

"This makes sense. As a seventh-level god king, let God King fight against a tenth-level saint without losing. This kind of fighting power is not as good as mine."

"Ren God King, although he does not have the name of the God King of the Era, he has the actual status of the God King of the Era. I think it will work if he serves as the vanguard."

"Please ask the God King to strengthen my Eight Desolate Divine City!"

"Please ask the God King to strengthen my Eight Desolate Divine City!"

Everyone roared in unison.

Each one of them looked at Lin Wudao with extremely reverent and ardent eyes.

A moment!

He became the center of attention in the audience.

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao's heart was full of murderous intentions. Yu Changqing's actions were completely to flatter him and kill him.

Its purpose is self-evident!

I just want him to fight against the aliens, and then he can take advantage from behind.

"Ha, the abacus is pretty good."

"But, will I let you do what you want?"

"Let's deal with it for now. When we get to the battlefield, I will find an opportunity to kill you."

Lin Wudao was full of murderous intent.

He never shows any mercy towards his enemies.

Either don't take action, but once you take action, you must kill them all to avoid future troubles.

Think of this!

Although Lin Wudao was filled with murderous intent in his heart, he did not show it on his face. Instead, he nodded solemnly.

At this time, it would be impossible for him not to agree...

"As a member of the Panshen Universe, it is my duty to fight against alien races."

"Since everyone thinks highly of me, I will serve as a vanguard to strengthen the power of my divine city."

he shouted back.

As these words fell, the atmosphere at the scene was suddenly pushed to a peak.

"The God King is mighty!"

"The God King is mighty!"

Everyone let out a loud roar, and their eyes burst out with overwhelming fighting spirit.

"By the way, City Lord, the Jade God King is the well-known No. 1 God King in our Panshen Universe."

"His combat power must be even higher than mine."

"I have become a pioneer, so naturally the Jade God King should also become a pioneer and lead everyone to charge into battle together."

"Therefore, I propose that the Jade God King and I should jointly serve as the vanguard of the divine city to fight against the aliens."

"When the two god-kings of the era join hands to fight, it will definitely become a good story in the universe."


Lin Wudao turned towards Shi Jingshan and suggested.

Hear this!

Yu Changqing was startled at first, but then a gloomy look flashed across his eyes.

"Qing Yu, are you willing to be a pioneer?"

"I do!"

The words have been said to this extent, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't agree.


"In that case, it's settled that Ren Woxing and Yu Changqing will jointly serve as the vanguard in this battle."

"Each of them will lead three thousand god kings to fight against the alien race."

"I command the remaining two thousand god kings and assist from the side..."

Shi Jingshan’s majestic voice spread throughout the world.

"Follow the order!"

Everyone roared in unison.

"Let's go~"

After everyone's momentum and fighting spirit reached their peak, Shi Jingshan waved his hand and took the lead in driving the Shenzhou and flew away through the air.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao and Yu Changqing looked at each other and urged Shenzhou to follow closely behind.

Between the Bahuang Divine City and the Doomsday Divine City, there is a huge river that is thousands of miles wide.

Named, Boundary River!

To the east of the boundary river is the boundary of the Bahuang Divine City; to the west of the boundary river is the boundary of the Doomsday Divine City.

Since ancient times, the battle between the two gods and kings has been carried out on the boundary river.

An hour later.

When Lin Wudao followed the army to the boundary river, he saw that on the opposite boundary, there was already an army of foreigners, gathering momentum.

The number of people is about seven thousand!

Compared to the Bahuang Divine City, the army in the Doomsday Divine City is more ferocious, with murderous intent reaching into the sky.


Among the army, Lin Wudao also saw some ancient and powerful races.

Such as: the Golden God Clan with a mighty divine light all over the body, the Giant Spirit God Clan who is more than ten feet tall and towering over the sky, the Spirit Clan that controls the terrifying beasts...

Its majestic power caused thousands of waves in the boundary river, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Not only that.

Through the scan of the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao also noticed that there were at least two more powerful auras hidden in the army of Doomsday City.

"Doomsday City also has two God-Kings of the Age?"

"Even more than that?"

Lin Wudao was secretly surprised.


Just as he was looking around, the doomsday army in the distance suddenly became restless.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the gaze of everyone, a powerful figure with a height of more than ten feet, riding a giant beast from the wild, walked out of the army.

Wearing black armor and holding an ancient and huge halberd, he looked like a wild god of war.

"Djinn God Clan, Moleh!"

Looking at the giant man walking out, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

This man was born in the Giant Spirit God Clan and was a genuine God-King of the Era.


Obtained the title of King Qingtian.

"Who is the Yu Changqing of the Origin God Clan?"

"I heard that he is the number one god king in your universe. Do you dare to come out and fight me today?"


An earth-shaking roar resounded throughout the boundary river.


As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at Yu Changqing in unison.

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao also had a smile on his lips.

"What a good person~"

"Originally, I was thinking about how to kill Yu Changqing, but I didn't expect that the opportunity would come so soon."

"You wanted to trick me, now retribution is coming..."

I thought to myself.

Lin Wudao also turned towards Yu Changqing and looked over.

"Damn bastard!"

Seeing this sudden change, Yu Changqing cursed in his heart.

If looks could kill, Moller would have died thousands of times.


Yu Changqing was so angry that his bones were about to be crushed.


Moller on the other side didn't know what he was thinking.

"What, is that bitch Yu Changqing dead? He is known as the number one god king in the universe, but he doesn't dare to come out and challenge him?"

"It seems that the Origin God Clan and the First God King have gained their fame in vain."

"You, the geniuses of the universe, are nothing more than this..."

Seeing that no one stood up to challenge, Moller immediately sneered coldly.

Upon hearing this, how could Yu Changqing be able to bear it?

Now, he doesn’t have to accept the challenge even if he doesn’t want to!

"You bastard from the Giant Spirit Clan, your Grandpa Jade is here. If you have the ability, come over and fight."


While roaring, Yu Changqing harnessed a divine light and rushed into the boundary river.

"Why don't you dare~"

Seeing that he finally jumped out, Moller's eyes widened. He picked up the ten-foot-long halberd in his hand and charged at him fiercely.

"The halberd rules the mountains and rivers!"


With a halberd drawn out, the terrifying divine light tore through the void and turned into a long river, heading straight for Yu Changqing to kill him.

See this.

Yu Changqing was unafraid. Under the powerful blessing of the Origin Stone, his aura suddenly rose to that of a tenth-level saint.

He raised his hand and punched out, and the vast divine power surged out and turned into a big hand, directly punching through the long river.


At the same time, he took a step forward and appeared in front of Molecule almost at the moment when the river collapsed.

With a flash of divine light in his hand, an ancient golden spear suddenly flew out and killed him fiercely.

"Huh, what a small trick~"

The halberd flew through the air, and Yu Changqing's golden spear was blocked.


Moller took advantage of the situation and struck Yu Changqing with a huge ten-foot-long halberd, packed with violent and unparalleled power.

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