Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 675 If this person is not eliminated, he will become a big trouble!


After finding the floating island where Lin Wudao was, Yu Changqing raised his hand and punched it hard without any hesitation.


At this time, Lin Wudao was practicing meditation in a palace on the floating island. When he sensed the terrifying aura from the outside world, his brows suddenly furrowed.

A thought!

His body disappeared instantly.


Just as the front foot left, an extremely powerful weapon suddenly came down and directly punched through the floating island where Lin Wudao was.

Everything on the floating island was ruthlessly destroyed...

"what happened?"

"Damn it, are the aliens from the Doomsday City attacking?"

"This momentum and power...are enough to rival a tenth-level saint. Who is doing it?"

Yu Changqing's fierce punch instantly broke the peace of the Bahuang Divine City.

All of a sudden!

Divine light filled the sky soaring into the sky, and everyone raised their eyes to look in the direction of Lin Wudao.


After a careful search, they zeroed in on a mysterious man.

This man was over ten feet tall, with an extremely majestic physique, and a golden divine light surrounding him.

So powerful!

"The Golden God Clan from another universe?"

Seeing the man's figure and the shocking vision displayed, the expressions of the people watching suddenly changed.


In an instant, they all took out their magic weapons and treasures, with murderous intent surging in their eyes.


Yu Changqing's appearance is completely based on the race from the outer universe.

After all, his true identity cannot be discovered...

As for the murderous aura of the people around him, he didn't take it seriously.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

If he wants to leave, no one can stop him!

at the moment.

The most important thing is to test Lin Wudao's background.


Just when his eyes were searching for traces of Lin Wudao, a cold figure suddenly appeared from the void.

"Oh, are you finally willing to show up?"

"Let me test your strength today. If you are just a paper tiger, then I will kill you directly."

"If you still have something to hide, then try your depth..."

Say it!

Yu Changqing took one step forward, carrying an extremely powerful momentum, and headed straight towards Lin Wudao, killing him.

at the same time.

When he saw Yu Changqing's disguised appearance, Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

"Original God Clan, Yu Changqing!"

"Hmph, do you think that by changing your body shape, aura, and appearance, and pretending to be a golden god from the outer universe, I won't be able to see through your true identity?"

"Do you think my Eye of the Avenue is just a decoration?"

Lin Wudao sneered secretly.

"Hey, it's actually a clone?"

"Moreover, the cultivation level of the tenth-level god king can actually show the power of a tenth-level saint?"

"This seems to be somewhat similar to my Origin Stone..."

He frowned slightly.


Just when Lin Wudao was in shock, Yu Changqing had already arrived in front of him with the overwhelming momentum.

Without any nonsense at all, he raised his hand and struck hard.


Once you take action, go all out!

The powerful aura of the tenth-level saint swept through the ten directions of space, overwhelming many surrounding god kings, and they were shocked.

The cultivation level of the tenth-level god king can show the combat power of the tenth-level saint, which can only be matched by the god king of the era.

"This person is actually the God-King of the Era of a foreign race?"

"Hmph, there is a road to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in. Since you are here today, don't leave."

"Wait a minute, attack with all your strength!"

While talking.

Everyone has formed a circle of encirclement, preparing to keep 'Yu Changqing', the God-King of the Era of the Outer Universe, here forever.

at the same time!

Shi Jingshan, the city lord of Bahuang Divine City, also rushed to the scene. Just when he was about to take action, his figure suddenly stagnated in place.

The majestic face showed an incredible expression...


Lin Wudao took action!

Although he can't be sure yet, the secret of Yu Changqing seems to be related to the Origin Stone.

However, this does not affect his suppression.


Just when Yu Changqing rushed towards him with great momentum, Lin Wudao also used the Origin Stone to unleash the momentum of a seventh-level saint.

Immediately afterwards.

He raised his hand and struck Qiankun with a blast.


Qiankun strikes, blessing one's body with the power of heaven and earth. The stronger the physical body, the stronger the combat power.

With one blow, Yu Changqing's attack was not only wiped out, but he himself was also punched away.

The body was like a kite with broken strings, and it hit the floating island in the distance.


The extremely powerful impact almost shattered the entire floating island...


What's amazing is that Yu Changqing didn't suffer any harm when he suffered such a terrifying attack.

call out!

Almost in an instant, he rushed out of the ruins and killed him again.

See this scene.

Not only were the gods and kings watching around him showed shock, but even Lin Wudao also narrowed his eyes.


At this time, the Origin Stone in his body seemed to sense something and began to tremble slightly.

"Does Yu Changqing also have the Stone of Origin in his body?"

"The origin of the gods and the origin of the stone. Is there any connection between the two?"

"Could it be that...the Stone of Origin is not just one piece? Or is it that the ones in my hand are also fragments?"

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

this moment!

The way he looked at Yu Changqing changed dramatically.

If it had been before, he might have simply wanted to suppress Yu Changqing.

But now, it is impossible to let it go easily.


Thinking of this, Lin Wudao immediately opened up his stance and started a fierce battle with Yu Changqing.

Boom boom boom~

Since Yu Changqing possesses the Stone of Origin, the clones he condenses are also very powerful.

In this battlefield of the God King, Lin Wudao could not show other methods and could only fight with him fiercely.


With his powerful physique and many invincible techniques, Yu Changqing is no match at all.

Although he couldn't smash Yu Changqing's body, Lin Wudao could hold him down and beat him.

Watch this scene.

Yu Changqing was also shocked in his heart. The power displayed by Lin Wudao far exceeded his expectations.

"It's so well hidden!"

"Today, if I hadn't tried to test you, no one would have known that you actually had such a powerful fighting force."

"Oh, seventh-level god king?"

"This strength alone is enough to rival the God King of the Era..."

Yu Changqing was shocked.

this moment!

He had an inexplicable fear of Lin Wudao, who was not weaker than him.

"Now that the result has been obtained, there is no need to test it again."

"This person is a huge threat to me. I must find a way to get rid of him."

"Otherwise, if I want to attack the God King of the Universe, this person will definitely become the biggest obstacle."

Think of this!

Yu Changqing glanced at Lin Wudao with murderous intent, and then with a thought, the evolved identity disappeared instantly.

"Hey, where is the person?"

"where it goes?"

"This thief has such weird methods!"

"Our Bahuang Divine City has another powerful enemy..."

"If this person is not eliminated, he will become a big trouble!"

Overwhelming discussion sounded from the crowd.

They searched frantically but found no trace of the man.


I don’t even know how the other party left.

This result made the God King present look a little solemn.

If they meet this person on the battlefield, it will definitely bring them a huge disaster.


Compared to the huge threat presented by 'Yu Changqing', they were even more happy that they had another powerful combat force on their side.

"Little brother, I remember that your cultivation level is only a seventh-level god king?"

Shi Jingshan came to the front and asked.


"Now, I am indeed at the level of a seventh-level god king."

"Okay! Great!"

"Little brother, you can fight with a tenth-level saint as a seventh-level god-king without losing. Even compared to the god-king of the era, you are not too generous."

"This time, Deacon Lu made a mistake, hahaha..."

Shi Jingshan laughed and looked at Lin Wudao with amazed eyes.

His expression was full of surprise and excitement.

Having one more person with combat power comparable to the God King of the Era would be a great thing for their Eight Desolate God City.

This means that the hope of winning has increased by one point.

"Come here, let's have a feast!"

"Today, let's all have a good drink, and tomorrow we will kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds on the battlefield together."

"Fight for the universe!"

Shi Jingshan shouted.

Say it.

With a wave of his hand, he immediately led many god kings to the square outside the city lord's palace.

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