Unlike other people who enter the battlefield of the God King.

Others carry magic weapons and treasures that can enhance their own strength, but Jiang Tianyin does the opposite.

The three things he brought were very strange.

First of all, there is an unparalleled sacred mountain composed entirely of top-grade sacred stones, which is as high as 100,000 feet.

But after it appeared, it immediately blocked the sky and the sun.

The divine light it bloomed illuminated the void within a radius of thousands of miles...

"Well, I'm afraid this person is not a fool, right?"

Looking at the sacred mountain composed of top-grade sacred stones, the surrounding onlookers all showed expressions of astonishment.

"This is for fighting on the God King's battlefield, not for recreation. There is no point in bringing so many divine stones."

"Others bring magic weapons and treasures inside, but this guy actually brings money inside?"

"There are all kinds of wonders in the world. Today is an eye-opener."

"Which fairy clan is this? Has his brain been caught in the door?"

"Idiot! So stupid!"

Within ten directions, overwhelming voices of sneers and taunts resounded.


In their opinion, Jiang Tianyin is a complete fool.

Because, in addition to the 100,000-foot-high sacred mountain, he also brought two other things.

Also very weird!

One of them is a sapling about ten feet tall, exuding a magnificent aura of the world.

The last thing is a corpse!

"world Tree?"

"This is a rare thing. It can be regarded as the top innate divine treasure. It is said that when it grows up, it can support a big world."

"However, although this thing is rare throughout the ages, it does not contribute to one's own combat power."

"What's even weirder is that this guy actually brought a corpse with him. What on earth is he going to do?"

"Is it true that you are going to fight with aliens when you equip these things?"

"Hmph, I think he is more likely to enjoy it..."

The voices of discussion are getting louder and louder.

Not to mention others, even Lu Bingtian couldn't stand it anymore.

"Jiang Tianyin, right?"

"Your Emperor's Immortal Sect is, after all, the top force in this Xuanhuang world. Can't you find a decent treasure?"

"What's the use of carrying these things with you?"

"The sacred stone, the world tree, and the corpse, will these help you in the battlefield?"

Lu Bingtian said with a calm face.


Even he thought Jiang Tianyin was here to make a joke.

Faced with everyone's ridicule and Lu Bingtian's doubts, Jiang Tianyin just smiled and didn't care.

"Deacon Lu, these are the things I want to bring in."

"I can be very sure and certain that these three things are of great use to me."

"They can help me kill the enemy!"

Jiang Tianyin replied extremely seriously.


Kill the enemy with money and corpses?

Hearing this, everyone sneered.

"Are you sure you don't want to replace anything else and insist on taking these three to the God King's battlefield?"

"Yeah, I'm sure!"

"Then it's up to you, next one~"

Good words can't persuade the devil to die.

Since Jiang Tianyin insisted on bringing these things in, Lu Bingtian did not persuade him too much.

He had already reminded him that it was Jiang Tianyin's own business to listen or not.


After Jiang Tianyin put away the sacred stone, world tree, and corpse, Lu Bingtian's eyes fell on Lin Wudao again.

Following a ray of fairy light, a chaotic-colored ancient cauldron flew out.

"The Cauldron of Origin!"

"A low-grade innate divine treasure?"

Lu Bingtian frowned slightly as he looked at what was illuminated by the Mirror of Tai Cang.

"Is this what you're taking into battle?"


"Is there only one Cauldron of Origin? Nothing else?"


Lin Wudao shook his head slightly.

His answer once again made everyone around him feel surprised.

"This is also a weird thing!"

Everyone thought secretly.

"Then what level of cultivation are you at now?"


Lu Bingtian asked out of nowhere.

"Now, I am the seventh-level God King..."


The words fell.

Lin Wudao raised his hand and punched the Tai Cang Mirror.

[Seventh level god king, comparable to a saint! 】

A line of text manifested.


Looking at the information displayed by Tai Cang Mirror, the people around him, as well as Lu Bingtian, all cast extremely surprised looks.

"The seventh-level god king can have the power of a saint. Your qualifications and strength are very good."

"The future is limitless!"

"If he reaches the tenth level of the God King, he may have the potential to challenge the Era God King."

Lu Bingtian praised.

"May I have your name?"

"Let me do it!"

"Well, that's a good name, but your current cultivation level is still a little low. If you go to the battlefield of the God King, you may not be able to survive."

"Why don't you go back and practice for a few more years, waiting for the next God King battlefield to open?"

He pondered for a while and suggested.

The qualifications and potential displayed by Lin Wudao made Lu Bingtian feel that he was a talent that could be made.

In the future, if you can cultivate to the tenth level of the God King and successfully attack the Era God King, you will definitely have peak combat power when you go to the God King battlefield.

If it falls now, it would be a pity...


Lin Wudao did not accept his kindness.


"Fighting against foreigners is a common man's duty!"

"Although I am weak, I still want to do my part."

"Besides, I am confident that I will not die..."


Hearing Lin Wudao's overconfident words, Lu Bingtian's brows suddenly tightened.

"Confidence is a good thing, but if you are overconfident, it will be a disaster."

"Well, since you insist, let's go to the battlefield and gain experience."

"Come here, let Ren Woxing and Jiang Tianyin be incorporated into the Divine City Guards."

Lu Bingtian ordered without looking back.

Divine City Guard?

Lin Wudao's eyes were stunned.

According to his observations, it seems that the Divine City Guards are not the vanguard and warriors on the battlefield, but are used to defend the city.

"Does this mean I should stay behind?"

He thought secretly in his heart.

At this moment, Jiang Tianyin came over furtively.

"Master Ren, the battlefield of the God King is extremely dangerous, and those alien races are even more terrifying."

"I'm worried that my life may be in danger if I go to the battlefield, so I want to make a deal with you..."


Hearing this, Lin Wudao's heart moved, and he seemed to understand Jiang Tianyin's thoughts.

at the same time!

He also saw through the intrigue behind this.

It must have been Mu Jiutian who revealed the news of his coming to Jiang Tianyin.


Jiang Tianyin made preparations in advance.

This can be seen from the items he carries.

"He's really a clever guy who can find opportunities to find opportunities."

He chuckled to himself.


He liked this result very much.

"What kind of deal does Mr. Jiang want to do with me?"


"I plan to use these sacred stones, the World Tree, and the body of the God King of the Universe in my hands to ask Mr. Ren to protect me."

"I wonder...what do you think, Master?"

Jiang Tianyin asked cautiously.

"You and I have been incorporated into the Divine City Guards. There seems to be no hope of going to the battlefield. Are you still afraid of encountering danger?"

"Well, Mr. Ren, you don't know something. No place on the battlefield of the God King is absolutely safe."

"Even if you stay in the divine city, you may die."

"Master Ren, I absolutely believe in your strength. With you here, I can absolutely rest assured."

Jiang Tianyin said with a smile.

While talking.

He handed over a storage ring.

See it!

Lin Wudao pretended to think for a moment, and then reluctantly nodded.

"Mr. Jiang also helped me a lot at the God Burial Ground."

"This time, I cannot stand idly by, neither emotionally nor rationally."

"Master Jiang's safety depends on someone..."


Lin Wudao stored the storage ring in the system space.

[System, that sacred stone mountain composed of the highest-quality sacred stones, how much is the highest-quality sacred crystal worth? 】

【Nine trillion! 】

[Well, a little more than last time. 】

[To raise so many top-quality sacred stones in one day, it seems that Jiang Tianyin also put a lot of thought into it. 】

[With him here, I am equivalent to getting a long-term meal ticket. 】

Lin Wudao thought happily.


Under the charm of a large number of sacred stones, his impression of Jiang Tianyin became even better.


Seeing Lin Wudao accepting the things, Jiang Tianyin's heart was filled with excitement.

His relationship with Mr. Ren has become one step closer.

call out!

Just when they were each happy, suddenly, a divine light descended and turned into a purple-robed man, appearing in front of them.

"Fellow Taoist, please return the body of my clan's genius to our clan."

A powerful voice suddenly sounded...

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