Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 657 You have divine power, and I have the will of heaven and earth!

"Magic weapon!"

Seeing the ancient seal that struck through his divine domain, the God of Sky suddenly condensed his eyes.

Tushan Cangyue held in his hand an artifact that could suppress the divine level, but there was actually a powerful magic weapon in his hand.


The magical weapon in front of me is also blessed with the extremely grand will of heaven and earth.

Even the Sky God felt a strong threat rising in his heart.


"It seems that I really underestimate you."

"I didn't expect that a mere high priest of a temple would have a lot of treasures in his hands."

"However, do you think you can fight against this god with just a magic weapon and a divine weapon?"

"You don't understand at all the power of the incense gods..."

The Sky God sneered coldly.

His majestic and mighty voice spread in all directions, resounding throughout the entire Dragon City.


The moment the words fell, the incarnation of the God of Sky suddenly grew taller and larger under the shroud of divine light.

In the blink of an eye.

He then became a terrifying god who stood tall against the sky and had a body of ten thousand feet.

Standing in the void, exuding unparalleled divine power.

It seems to be able to hold up the entire world!

"Dayue Divine Art!"


The Sky God let out a deep roar from his throat, and saw His big hand stretched out, spanning thousands of miles in an instant.


Along with the earth-shaking huge roar, a huge mountain was pulled up from the ground by Him.

Then, with his vast divine power, he threw the mountain in his hand towards Tushan Cangyue.

Wherever it passed, the momentum and power it exuded razed the entire Dragon City to the ground.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

In just an instant, the mountain cut off by the Sky God struck in front of Tushan Cangyue.

See this scene.

Tushan Cangyue held the sword of war in her hand and lightly swiped it against the incoming mountain.

All of a sudden!

The mountain was cut off directly.

"Divinity: Heaven Collapse!"

"Divinity: Earth Destruction!"

A huge mountain cannot pose a threat to Tushan Cangyue.

The Sky God didn't count on this either.

He just wanted to have some influence on Tushan Cangyue.


Just as she cut off the huge mountain with one sword, the Sky God decisively sacrificed his divine power.

Driven by the powerful divine power of incense, a vast divine domain instantly covered all directions.

Tushan Cangyue shrouds it.


This divine realm gradually evolved into an ancient and magnificent divine kingdom, and the powerful will of the gods filled the world.

this moment!

The God of the Sky, in the posture of a supreme god, stands high in the middle of the sky and earth, looking down on all living beings in the world.

That way.

It seems to dominate the entire world.

In fact, it is indeed the case!

When the ancient and mysterious divine kingdom appeared, Tushan Cangyue immediately felt that it was fundamentally different from the previous divine realm.

It seems that this space has really been assimilated by the God of Sky and has become a part of His kingdom.


Being in this divine kingdom, Tushan Cangyue clearly felt that the sky seemed to be collapsing and the earth seemed to be wiped out.

The entire Kingdom of God is collapsing crazily...

The aura and power emanating from it shocked her greatly.

This scene is very similar to the previous collapse of the mountain realm.

If anyone else were to suddenly face this terrifying scene of destruction, they would definitely be frightened and panicked.


Tushan Cangyue is different.

She had seen such scenes and sights once before, and she already had the mental capacity to bear them.

not to mention!

All these scenes are not real, but an illusion created by the God of Sky with his powerful divine authority and power.

If the God of the Sky really possesses the power to assimilate a piece of heaven and earth and turn it into his own divine kingdom.

Then, he will not be just a third-level god.

all of these.

all fake!

Through the eyes of her own destiny, Tushan Cangyue easily penetrated the horrific scene of the end of the world.


Facing the constantly collapsing sky and the madly shattering earth, there was no trace of panic or fear in her eyes.

The whole person was as calm and calm as ever.

With a gentle wave of his jade hand, the Seal of the Great World in his left hand suddenly flew out, directly fixing the world.

at the same time!

Holding the sword of war in her right hand, she stepped out in front of the God of Sky and killed him without mercy.

"Wall of the Kingdom of God!"

"Skyscraper Sword!"

When Tu Shan Cang Yue came to kill him, the Sky God calmly pointed out.

In an instant.

The void in front of him rippled, and under the influence of the majestic incense divine power, a powerful barrier was condensed.

Blocking the attack of the sword of war.

Immediately afterwards.

Taking advantage of the defense of the Kingdom of God, the God of the Sky used his divine power to evolve countless terrifying divine swords.

They formed a mighty sword river, engulfing Tushan Cangyue fiercely.

"Heaven and earth are me, and I am heaven and earth!"


Facing the terrifying divine sword Changhe, a cold whisper came from Tushan Cangyue's mouth.

The will of the entire Qingshan Divine Realm suddenly blessed her.

For a moment.

She herself has become the most powerful magic weapon.


As her cold voice fell, the sword that was strangled crazily suddenly collapsed under everyone's gaze.


In the blink of an eye, it turned into nothingness...

Seeing this scene, the imprisoned and bound Motian Clan in the distance, as well as the hundreds of millions of viewers in Ye Hongyu's live broadcast room, were greatly shocked.

[Tsk, tsk, this Qingshan High Priest is incredible. 】

[It’s more than outrageous, it’s simply terrifying! 】

[With a human body, fighting against the gods of incense and fire is really awesome. 】

[The god of the Motian God Clan is a third-level god. How can the Qingshan High Priest not fall behind? 】

[The high priest is still as domineering and powerful as ever. 】

[That big seal is also a good treasure...]

Countless people were secretly amazed.

at this time.

They were all shocked by the methods and combat power shown by Tushan Cangyue.

Even Jiang Mubai and Ye Hongyu, who were from the Imperial Clan and were well-informed, were greatly surprised.

Their eyes looked at Tushan Cangyue, full of surprise.

"Using himself as a magic weapon to bless the will of a world for his own use. The Qingshan High Priest is too powerful."

"This method is simply...monstrous."

Jiang Mubai praised.

He has naturally seen the magic weapon used to deal with the incense god.


He has never seen anyone who uses himself as the foundation to bless the will of heaven and earth.


It was an eye-opener.

"Looking at this posture, it is impossible for the God of Sky to suppress the High Priest Qingshan."


"If his god himself comes in person, he might still be able to succeed."

"This incarnation of a god alone has limited power..."

Jiang Mubai smiled lightly.

There is still a huge gap between this divine incarnation of the God of Sky and his true form.

"Will the true God of the Sky come?"

"Hehe, depends on whether He cares about his majesty and face."

"If He wanted to see His power diminished and the faith of His people collapse, He would not have come."

"But if you want to maintain your divine power and belief, then He will definitely come."

"What's more, the God of Sky is obviously very interested in the artifact in the hands of High Priest Qingshan."

"I'm sure the God of Sky will not tolerate this."

"Let's just wait and see..."

Jiang Mubai analyzed with a smile.


He continued to look at the Sky God and Tushan Cangyue in the distance.




At this time, along with the earth-shaking roar, the battle between one person and one god became more and more intense.

The power of incense gods and human gods swept across the entire Dragon City.

With the Qinglong Hall as the center, the surrounding area was reduced to ruins...

Seeing the horrific scene, the onlookers were all shocked and inexplicable.

at the same time.

Seeing the battle between Tushan Cangyue and the Sky God, Lin Wudao, who was far away in Qingshan Temple, also narrowed his eyes.

"Cang Yue, you entangled the God of Sky with all your might and lured His true form here."

"The longer you delay, the more anxious the Sky God will become."

"He is very interested in the Sword of War and will not let it go easily."

"Once he can't bear it anymore, I will definitely come to the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"At that time, we will suppress it directly!"

"It's boring to kill an incarnation of a god. If you want to kill, just kill the god himself..."

Lin Wudao's voice sounded in Tushan Cangyue's mind.

Hear the words!

Tushan Cangyue holds the sword of war in one hand and the seal of the great world in the other, blessing the will of heaven and earth on himself.

Then, he got into a fierce battle with the God of Sky.

No matter how powerful the Sky God's attack is, she can rely on her own weapons and advantages to forcibly resolve it.

For a while.

The battle between one person and one god seems to have reached a stalemate.

And everything that happened here was clearly seen by the God of Sky.

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