Who are these people?

Looking at Tu Shan Cangyue walking out of the Qinglong Hall, the gods present and the onlookers in the live broadcast room all showed confused looks.

Especially, the people of the three major divine races.

After seeing Tushan Cangyue, everyone frowned.


They felt an inexplicable threat from Tushan Cangyue...

at the same time.

In Ye Hongyu's live broadcast room, the appearance of Tu Shan Cang Yue and others attracted everyone's attention.

[Crazy Taoist: When did the high priest come? Looking at this posture, it seems that the ancient Qinglong Kingdom has been included under the rule of the God of Qingshan? 】

[Qin Daofu: That should be the case! 】

[Qin Daofu: Otherwise, it is simply impossible for the remaining saints of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom to have such power. 】

[Crazy Taoist: Tsk, the high priest’s movements are still as fast as ever. 】

[Now, the three major protoss are going to be in bad luck...]

[Qin Daofu: Although the high priest is relatively cold, he is really decisive in killing and is ridiculously strong. 】

[The three major gods will definitely die without a burial place this time...]

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu were gloating in the live broadcast room and posting barrages.

The many onlookers were confused.

High priest?

The God of Green Mountain?

"Could it be that there is some powerful force behind the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom?"

"Judging from the tone of the evil trio, the high priest of the Green Mountain God seems to be very powerful."

"Hey, I can't see through her?"

far away.

Jiang Mubai's eyes were full of surprise.

He is gifted with a pair of eyes that can discern information about all things. Since his debut, few things have been able to blind him.


When he looked at Tushan Cangyue, he was surprised to find that he could not get any useful information from her.

That way!

It was as if a thick layer of fog shrouded Tushan Cangyue's body, preventing him from peeking.

"It's actually able to blind my perception. This high priest seems really extraordinary."

"I just don't know how strong or weak she is compared to the three major gods..."

Thinking of this.

Jiang Mubai and Ye Hongyu beside him immediately focused their curious eyes on Tushan Cangyue.


The expressions of the three major protoss in the distance became solemn after seeing the appearance of Tushan Cangyue.

"Ancestor, this man seems to be the high priest of the Dahuang Tushan clan, and he belongs to the God of Qingshan."

"From what I heard from Gong Wuque, the high priest seems to be very difficult to mess with."

"Back then, in the Shanling Realm, in front of countless people, I chopped off the head of the God's Son of the Ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"And from the looks of it, the Tushan clan seems to have taken over the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"This is not a good thing..."

The Sky God Clan!

On a divine boat, Gong Tianyi said in a deep voice to Gong Jiuxiao in front of him.

Tu Shan?

Hearing this name, Gong Jiuxiao also narrowed his eyes.

"This is a very ancient clan. I didn't expect that they still exist in this world."

His expression also began to become serious.

Tushan clan, ancient and mysterious!

It is even older than the Taiyin Clan that the Sky God Clan is attached to.

Regarding this clan, Gong Jiuxiao had only seen a few words from ancient records.

Unexpectedly, I met a real person today.

This made him not only surprised, but also surprised and curious...

"Ancestor, what should we do next?"

Gong Tianyi asked carefully.

"Just wait and see what happens!"

"Look first and then talk~"

After the words fell, Gong Jiuxiao also focused his eyes on Tushan Cangyue.

at the same time.

He glanced at the Lishan Divine Clan out of the corner of his eye, with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

At this time, the Lishan Divine Clan was already riding a tiger.

It's just right to use them to get a glimpse of the Tushan clan's background and strength...

In fact!

Everything was exactly as Gong Jiuxiao thought.

As the leader in this battle, the Lishan God Clan has no retreat. In order to revitalize the God Clan, it is the fastest shortcut to restore the power of the Lishan God as soon as possible and win the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom.

Now that we are here, there is no room for maneuver.


After taking a brief look at Tushan Cangyue, a voice full of murderous intent suddenly came from the Lishan Divine Clan's divine boat.


Following the order from Lishan Ancestor, the Lishan Divine Clan army, which had been waiting for danger, instantly moved into action.

Under the leadership of the eighteen saints, they charged towards Tushan Cangyue and others with overwhelming ferocious power.

See this scene.

The three remaining saints of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom suddenly shivered with fear.

Compared with them, the expressions of Tushan Cangyue, Wu Huan and others at the front did not change at all.

"Anyone who offends our Tushan family will die!"


An extremely cold voice resounded throughout the world.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of onlookers, Tushan Cangyue raised her hand to the void and pointed lightly.

"The Cage of Heaven and Earth!"


An invisible force suddenly bloomed at the fingertips, instantly covering the surrounding space.

A moment.

The Lishan God Clan, which had originally rushed over with great momentum, was directly imprisoned in the void at this moment.

A terrifying will of heaven and earth blessed them.

this moment!

No matter whether it is the eighteen saints of the Lishan Divine Clan or the tens of thousands of armies of the Divine Clan, they are unable to advance even an inch.

"Hiss, what kind of extraordinary method is this?"

"This high priest actually forcibly sealed off one side of the world. Not even the tenth-level saint of the Lishan Divine Clan could resist."

"Even the ancient saints don't have such power, right?"

far away.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mubai couldn't help but take a deep breath, with strong surprise in his eyes.

He is a tenth-level great saint, so he can naturally sense changes in the surrounding space.

In his opinion, Tushan Cangyue directly sealed this world, causing all the saints of the Lishan Divine Clan and the army of the Divine Clan to be imprisoned.

Even the ancient saints cannot compare with such methods.

"Could it be that she is still a great saint or a quasi-emperor?"

Jiang Mubai was shocked in his heart.

Even he was very afraid of the powerful methods displayed by Tushan Cangyue.

Not to mention, the hundreds of millions of practitioners in the live broadcast room...

at this time!

They were all stunned by Tu Shan Cang Yue's power.

[My God, what kind of ghostly trick is this? Sealing heaven and earth? 】

[Isn’t this too strong? 】

[What a scary woman! 】

[Hehe, the high priest is still as strong as ever. This move almost killed even the old master. 】

[Except Brother Ren, I have not seen anyone else in this world who can escape from the hands of the high priest. 】

[Those Lishan Protoss Clan want to take advantage of the situation to rob the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom. Are they going to hit a brick wall now? 】

[Old madman, why don’t we wait and go to the Lishan God Clan to have a go at it? 】

[I think it’s feasible, hehe...]

The live broadcast room was filled with excitement.

Everyone was marveling at Tushan Cangyue's extraordinary abilities.


Little did they know that this was just the beginning.

After sealing and imprisoning all the saints and the army of the Lishan God Clan, Tushan Cangyue gently waved his sleeves.

"You guys can go die~"


Along with the indifferent voice, under the horrified eyes of countless people, the bodies of everyone in the Lishan Divine Clan suddenly exploded.




Under the sound of shattering like porcelain, their bodies collapsed one after another, and then turned into wisps of green smoke, dissipating between heaven and earth.

Not even a bit of bones were left behind...

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