"God of Azure Dragon, do you have anything else to say?"

Tushan Cangyue asked without emotion.


"If that's the case, are you still having trouble moving now?"

"My subordinate Ao Zhen, pay homage to... pay homage to the high priest..."


The words fell.

Ao Zhen's whole body was filled with incense, and then he transformed into a mighty and domineering middle-aged man and appeared in front of Tu Shan Cang Yue.

He bowed respectfully to her.

Tushan Cangyue was able to exercise Lin Wudao's divine power and was endowed with the will of God.

As a god, none of his actions can go against Lin Wudao's divine power and will.


Under the mighty power of the ruling god, even as a third-level god, he was ruthlessly suppressed.

Even Tushan Cangyue was able to sanction him.

If he continues to disobey to the end, I am afraid that all the accumulated incense on his body will be cut off.

By then.

Even the current first-order great god cannot be saved.

this moment!

Ao Zhen finally realized how terrifying Tu Shan Cang Yue was and how decisive he was in killing, and his idea of ​​giving power to others was completely shattered.

Tushan Cangyue snorted coldly at Ao Zhen who showed respect and surrender.

"God of Azure Dragon, please remember your current identity."

"In addition to being the god of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, you are also the god of Qingshan. Everything must obey the will of the god."

"Whether you are a human being or a god, you must be self-aware and find your own position."

"Even if you are a god, you must obey the jurisdiction of the Qingshan Temple. Disobeying the temple is disobeying the will of the great god."

"Based on your behavior just now, I will kill you on the spot, and the great god will not say anything."

"Yes, yes, I was confused for a moment. Please forgive me, the high priest..."

Ao Zhen bowed in fear.

Now, He is really afraid.

"Today, I have come to help the ancient Qinglong Kingdom tide over the crisis under the orders of the Great God."

"I will make the decision for you in everything that happens later."

"Now that the Ancient Qinglong Kingdom has been included, under the rule of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, are the people of the Great God."

"Anyone who dares to take advantage of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom is an infringement of our Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"In addition, the great god is also always paying attention to everything that happens in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom..."


Is the great god here too?

Ao Zhen was shocked when he suddenly heard this.

If the God of Qingshan has always been there, then did Tushan Cangyue sanction him just now with the tacit consent of the great god?


Thinking of this, Ao Zhen couldn't help but feel panic in his heart.


He had sworn to declare his allegiance to the God of Green Mountain, but now he was violating it.

Once the great god comes down to blame, I'm afraid...

The more he thought about it, the more panic Ao Zhen felt.

"My God, forgive me. I will never dare to do it again."

He prostrated heavily on the ground, his body trembling continuously.

"Get up."

"Tushan Cangyue is the spokesperson of this god and is responsible for governing and managing all affairs in the world."

"Her decision is the will of this god!"

"Since this is your first offense and you have been punished accordingly, I will no longer care about you."

"Next time, kill him directly!"


A majestic and majestic voice sounded out of thin air in the Qinglong Temple.

Ao Zhen was so frightened that he trembled.

My heart was full of panic and fear, but also felt infinite bitterness and sadness.

Thinking about him, the majestic Green Dragon God, he was a tenth-level god in the past, but now he has fallen into this situation.

For a moment, Ao Zhen couldn't help but feel intense aggrieved...

Neither Lin Wudao nor Tushan Cangyue paid much attention to the change in his expression.

After subduing Ao Zhen, Tu Shan Cangyue took Li Yantian and Wu Huan to the outside world.

Next up!

Just wait patiently for the enemies to arrive.

The huge changes in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom spread rapidly throughout the surrounding areas like wildfire in the past few days.

The Lishan God Clan, Motian God Clan, and Beidou God Clan bordering on it are even more ready to move.

It is said.

The three major protoss have all dispatched powerful saints and armies of protoss, preparing to carve up the ancient Qinglong Kingdom in one fell swoop.

Under this situation, a large number of practitioners took notice and rushed to the ancient Qinglong Kingdom to watch the excitement.

call out!

One hundred thousand miles away from the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, an ancient divine boat cut through the void and landed here.

On top of the Shenzhou, stood a man and a woman, two young figures.

The man has a tall and tall body, a face as sharp as a knife, and a noble demeanor.

The woman, dressed in red, is filled with enthusiasm, liveliness and joy.

Like a fire spirit on earth...

at this time!

The woman in red is holding a palm-sized jade in her hand, watching the content on it with relish.

The man in brocade clothes behind her had a deep frown on his face, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Sister Yu, the patriarch said that the age of great strife is coming, so we should go back and practice hard."

"Don't be obsessed with this divine guide to the world."

"If we wander around all day like this, it won't take long before we are definitely surpassed by the rest of the tribe."

"When the time comes, I will be too embarrassed to go out and meet people..."

There was a long silence.

The man in brocade clothes finally couldn't help but speak and persuaded.

Hear this!

Ye Hongyu snorted without looking back.

"Jiang Xiaobai, if you want to go back, go back by yourself. I won't go back anyway."

"Cultivation is so boring, how can it be as interesting as the outside world?"

"Furthermore, you talk about cultivation every day, but I haven't seen you break through to the Quasi-Emperor in these years."

"One Jiang Qitian in the Jiang family is enough. Why are you worrying so much when you have nothing to do?"

"Is it possible that you still want to surpass Jiang Qitian and compete with him on the Imperial Road?"

She pouted.

Hear the words.

The man in brocade suddenly blushed and clenched his fists tightly.

"Ye Hongyu, how many times have I told you, don't call me Jiang Xiaobai, my name is Jiang Mubai."

"I am also the eighth emperor of the Jiang family. In the future..."

"So what if you rank eighth? Can you beat Jiang Qitian?"

"I...can't beat him."

When Jiang Qitian was mentioned, Jiang Mubai was immediately discouraged.

Although he is the eighth-ranked emperor of the Jiang family, his talent and potential are extraordinary.

However, compared to Jiang Qitian, there is still a gap.

at this point!

Jiang Mubai had to admit.

"Tch, isn't that right?"

"The future of the Jiang family is being planned by Jiang Qitian and your ancestors of the Jiang family. Why are you worrying so blindly?"

"Since you can't compare to Jiang Qitian, why not enjoy your life?"

"Wouldn't it be wonderful to see all the mountains and rivers in this desolate world with me by your side?"

Ye Hongyu said with a smile.

Regarding her words, Jiang Mubai frowned even more tightly.

"As the emperor of the Jiang family, I naturally have a share in the honor and disgrace of the Jiang family."

"Although I can't compare to my brother from the Qitian clan, I can't lose the prestige of the Jiang family."

"Sister Yu, you better listen to me. There is no future for wandering around and broadcasting live."

"Let's go back, practice with peace of mind, and bring glory to the Imperial Clan in the future."

"I don't believe that your Ye family will allow you to do this, not doing your job for a day and just letting yourself go."

Jiang Mubai hummed.

As soon as he mentioned this, Ye Hongyu's beautiful face suddenly showed a smile.

"Jiang Xiaobai, of course no one in my Ye family cares about me."

"Because, the Ye family has my eldest sister. She alone is worthy of many of the emperors of your Jiang family."

"If nothing else happens, I will definitely be able to attain enlightenment and become emperor in the future."

"So, I don't have to worry at all..."


As soon as these words came out, Jiang Mubai moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a helpless sigh.

"With your eldest sister here, we can indeed support the glory of your Ye family."

His eyes showed bitterness.

The emperor's daughter of this generation of the Ye family is a monster who suppresses many men in the world of gods and cannot hold their heads up.

Even the first emperor of their Jiang family seemed to be slightly inferior.

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