Name: Qiongtian Sacred Tree

Level: God

Quality: top notch

Introduction: 1. In the past, the God of the Universe in the beginning of the universe, after trying to complete the title of the most powerful God in the universe, unfortunately encountered a sneak attack by cosmic bandits. At the last moment, he penetrated his incense Taoist fruit into the cracks of the universe, and was later used as a cosmic bandit. As garbage, collected in the space ruins of the first heaven of the City of All Heavens.

2. The divine fruit in the sky, evolved by the mighty power of the city of the heavens, eventually became a sacred tree of incense.

3. After the fruits of the Sky God Tree are swallowed and refined by the gods of incense and fire, you can obtain a natal magical power: Ragnarok.

Notes: 1. Ragnarok, the natal magical power created by the God of the Sky in the past, can evolve a divine realm after being used.

2. Within the scope of the divine domain, the divine power exerted by the incense god itself increases by one level.

3. Within the scope of the divine domain, the divine spells, divine spells, and magical powers performed by the incense gods themselves are ten thousand times more powerful.

4. Ragnarok is only effective for incense gods at the level of superior gods, main gods, and great gods. It is invalid for gods who surpass the superior gods.

The Eye of the Great Dao swept over it, and the specific information about the Sky Divine Tree came into view instantly.

After reading.

Even Lin Wudao couldn't help but praise loudly.

"It's really a good baby!"

A bright light burst out from his eyes.


He finally understood why Gaitian mobilized so many troops and recruited a hundred strong men from the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor to come to this ruins of space.

It turns out that it is for the Tao and Fruit of the God in the Sky!


The God of Qiongtian is actually a god who has the title of the universe and is the most powerful god of the era.

His natal magical power is simply outrageously powerful.

Comparable to the invincible method in the world!

This sacred tree in the sky has a fatal attraction for any incense god in the world.

at this time.

Lin Wudao couldn't move his eyes away when he saw it.

"If I obtain Ragnarok, this invincible natal magical power, I can completely conquer the gods of the Nine Meridians of Taiyin."

Say it.

He took a few deep breaths and immediately came to the sacred tree of the sky. After looking at it carefully, he carefully picked off the sacred fruit.


The Sky Divine Fruit is the incense crystallization of the Divine Tree.

When Lin Wudao picked off the Divine Fruit of the Sky, the golden sacred tree that was originally shining with divine light began to collapse instantly.

In just a few breaths, it was completely wiped out...

at the same time!

Without the support of the divine power of the divine fruit, incense and fire, the entire Qiongtian Divine Kingdom began to collapse.

"Master, leave quickly, this kingdom of God is going to collapse."


Seeing the collapse of Qiongtian Divine Kingdom, Xiao Qinglan waved his sleeves, and the vast power surged out, directly rolling up Lin Wudao and rushing out of the long river of time and space.


They turned into a ray of fairy light and flew straight away from the black hole in the universe.


God's wish is not fulfilled!


Just as Xiao Qinglan and Lin Wudao were rushing towards the outside world, suddenly, a big hand covering the sky suddenly suppressed it from the space fault.

at the same time!

The surrounding space seemed to be forcibly sealed by some powerful force.

"Is it finally here?"

Seeing this sudden change, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

He knew that Gaitian was coming.


Just when Xiao Qinglan raised her hand to wipe out the big hand with one finger, huge rays of fairy light surged from a distance.


Those fairy lights turned into more than a hundred figures, surrounding Xiao Qinglan and Lin Wudao.

The leader was a man in purple robe.



"It's such a huge battle. One hundred powerful men from the 10th level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor were actually invited to descend on this spatial ruins."

"I wonder which universe you are the emperor's son from?"

Xiao Qinglan squinted her eyes and said quietly.

Based on the battle in front of him, Gai Tiandu was no ordinary person. His identity was definitely the heir of an Immortal Emperor.


He is the descendant of the Ancient Immortal Emperor!

"Fellow Taoist, you don't need to know who we are."

"The things in this Kingdom of Heaven are left behind by a friend of mine from the beginning of the universe and cannot fall into the hands of outsiders."

"And, we've been looking for it for a long time."

"I also hope that fellow Taoist friends can give it to us..."

At this time.

Xuanjizi took a step forward, stared at Xiao Qinglan, and said.


As his words fell, a group of powerful quasi-immortal emperors around him instantly burst out with frightening immortal power, shaking the time and space in this area.


This is a threat to Chi Guoguo!

If Lin Wudao doesn't hand over the Qiongtian Divine Fruit, they will take action.


Xiao Qinglan is not someone to be trifled with either.


Just when a group of quasi-immortal emperors erupted into smoke, there was also immeasurable immortal light rippling behind him.

Immediately afterwards.

Three extremely powerful immortal bodies manifested themselves in the vast immortal light.

Reflecting a space and time...

"The Third Immortal Body?"

"Are you Xiao Qinglan, the number one person under the Immortal Emperor in Panshen Universe?"

Seeing the third generation immortal body manifesting behind Xiao Qinglan, Xuan Jizi instantly narrowed his eyes.


Gai Tiandu's cold eyes also fell on Xiao Qinglan.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Xiao Qinglan's reputation is not only in the Panshen Universe, but also in the Taichu Universe, it is extremely resounding.


Gai Tiandu had only heard of this person, but he didn't expect to see a real person in the ruins of this space today.


Beside him, there was a young man who even he couldn't see through.

It looks like Xiao Qinglan is protecting him...

"Is this person also a descendant or descendant of a certain ancient immortal emperor?"

Gai Tiandu was shocked and doubtful.

Although he couldn't see through Lin Wudao's identity and origin, he had to get the Qiongtian Divine Fruit in his hand.

This is about his great future!

not to mention.

This is the spatial ruins of the City of All Heavens, where fighting and fighting are not restricted.

Although Xiao Qinglan is the number one quasi-immortal emperor in Panshen Universe, he is not weak on his side either.

One hundred powerful men from the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, even if Xiao Qinglan has extraordinary abilities, cannot resist them.


He felt he could handle it.

"Do it!"

"Kill these two people and take back the Qiongtian Divine Fruit."

Gai Tiandu decisively issued the order.


Following his order, the one hundred quasi-immortal emperors present were about to kill him ruthlessly.

See this scene.

Lin Wudao's expression changed.


"If you dare to take action, I will destroy this Qiongtian Divine Fruit. By then, no one will be able to get it."

He roared violently.

Upon hearing this, the quasi-immortal emperor who was about to take action stopped instantly and looked at Gaitiandu.

"Hmph, are you threatening me?"

Gai Tiandu's expression turned completely gloomy.

A pair of cold eyes stared closely at Lin Wudao and the Qiongtian Divine Fruit in his hand.

To this.

Lin Wudao looked at him without fear.

"You're right, I'm threatening you!"

"I can live without this Sky Divine Fruit, but you can't live without it."

"You have mobilized so many people. If you want to get it, it must be extremely important to you."

"As long as your people dare to take a step forward, I will completely destroy it."

"When the time comes, you won't be able to get what I can't get."

A cold voice sounded slowly.

Hear the words!

Gaitian narrowed his eyes.

"what do you want?"

a long time.

He stared at Lin Wudao and asked coldly.

He understood that Lin Wudao wanted to negotiate terms with him...

"Is it something I want...think about it first."

Lin Wudao replied lightly.

Say it.

He pretended to think.

However, he was secretly transmitting messages to Xiao Qinglan.

"Immortal Lord, can you handle these one hundred quasi-immortal emperors?"


"With my strength, I can definitely fight against them, but it's not easy to kill them."

"After all, the other side is more powerful than others!"

"Furthermore, all the quasi-immortal emperors who can come to the City of All Heavens are outstanding at this level, and none of them are simple."

"I can hold them back, but Gaitiandu can't take care of them."

"Once he takes action against you, Master, I'm afraid you won't be able to resist..."

Xiao Qinglan said in a deep voice.

To this.

Lin Wudao also nodded secretly.

This was exactly what he was considering.

Space ruins, you can only leave, but not enter!

Once his clone is wiped out by Gaitian, he must go outside the ruins of space.

By then.

If he wants to take away this Sky Divine Fruit, he has to buy it at the original price.

He couldn't afford that price.


He had to find a way to stay in the ruins of space and find a way to earn money to buy the Qiongtian Divine Fruit.

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao thought for a while and suddenly had an idea.

The Gaitiandu in front of him can completely meet his requirements...

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