
When the middle-aged man in green clothes arrived, many great emperors and heavenly emperors gathered around the tenth avenue all looked over in unison.

One by one, their eyes revealed awe...

"Sir, this person is the deacon of Haotian Mansion, Nalan Changqing."

"He is the host and manager of the first layer of the city of heavens and the ruins of space."

Ji Yuan introduced in a low voice.

Nalan is evergreen?

Lin Wudao looked at it curiously and nodded slightly.

Nalan Changqing's cultivation level is not very high, he is only in the late stage of True Immortal, but due to his status as the deacon of Haotian Mansion, he is very noble.


He is also the manager of the space ruins and holds great power.

On this tenth avenue, there are definitely beings that countless great emperors and emperors of heaven would dream of making friends with.

after all!

As the manager of the space ruins, no one knows the specific location of the treasure better than Nalan Changqing.

"This guy seems quite approachable, he should be easy to talk to, right?"

Lin Wudao looked at it for a few times and said with a smile.

Upon hearing this.

Ji Yuan, who was beside him, suddenly had a wry smile on his lips.

"Sir, Nalan Changqing can't take things at face value."

"Although he looks approachable, he is actually an 'approachable person'."

"As long as there is a divine source, he will kiss anyone..."


A million people?

Lin Wudao heard the hidden meaning in Ji Yuan's words.

"This Nalan Changqing, as the deacon of Haotian Mansion, is he still greedy for money?"

"Well, cultivators are also human beings, and they must have some hobbies, haha."

"You will know the specific details later, Master."

"Nalan Changqing is in the first heaven and is very good at making money..."

Making money?

When Ji Yuan said this, Lin Wudao suddenly became very interested.

He really wanted to see how Nalan Changqing made money.

Nalan Changqing may have sensed Lin Wudao's attention.


He just smiled lightly, as if saying hello, and then looked away from him.

His expression also began to become serious.

"Today is the first day of the treasure hunt in the City of All Heavens, which happens once every hundred years."

"Now, I will read out the rules of treasure hunting."

"First, the space ruins are my first heaven. It is for the welfare of the creatures at the level of the Great Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor. Creatures who are not the first heaven can enter the space ruins, but they are not allowed to take anything away."

"Second, fighting is not prohibited in space ruins. Everything depends on luck and strength."

"Third, space ruins do not limit cultivation levels, and the highest level Immortal Emperor can enter."

"Fourth, after entering the space ruins, you can come out at any time; but after you come out, you cannot enter again."

"Fifth, when encountering a threat to life, everyone can carry out legitimate defense, regardless of life or death."

"Sixth, if anyone violates the above regulations, Haotian Mansion has the right to revoke his cultivation and permanently deprive him of the qualification to enter the City of All Heavens."

One rule after another came from Nalan Changqing's mouth.

Everyone present had heard these words many times, and there was no big reaction.

On the contrary, Lin Wudao looked surprised.

"The space ruins actually don't prohibit people from the second and third heavens from entering?"


"Anyway, even if they go in, they can't take away the contents."

Ji Yuan replied with a smile.

"But, wouldn't this squeeze the living space of the first heaven and cultivators?"

"If there are descendants of great power who come with a large number of true immortals or immortal kings, what will happen to the great emperor and the emperor of the first heaven?"

"When it comes to treasure hunting, people in the first heaven are definitely not as good as those in the two heavens above."

Lin Wudao frowned.

To this!

Ji Yuan nodded in agreement.

"Sir, the situation you mentioned does indeed exist."

"However, the space ruins are very large and contain too much space and space faults."

"Even a quasi-immortal emperor can't finish all the shopping in three days."

"Even one in a billion areas cannot be visited."

"Therefore, if you want to obtain opportunities and treasures from the space ruins, you also need great luck."

“Many people go in, but just as many come out empty-handed.”

“When the space reaches an unimaginable level, there is no such thing as fairness and unfairness.”

"It's just that, in that way, people in the second and third heavens will be much more efficient."

"Others, there is no difference."

Ji Yuan kept introducing various situations about space ruins.

He spoke carefully, and Lin Wudao also listened carefully.

After his detailed introduction, Lin Wudao also gained a better understanding of space ruins.

[System, do the space ruins of the Tenth Avenue fall under the jurisdiction of the first heaven? 】

【Does not belong! 】

[The space ruins of the first heaven are in the gap between various universes, and are not in the same dimension as the City of the Heavens at all. 】

[The ruins of space that the host sees now are just projections of the city of the heavens with great power. 】

[The real space ruins are extremely far away. 】

[In that place, the host cannot exercise supreme authority and power. 】

[Space ruins are extremely dangerous! 】

[Although it cannot be compared with the previous cosmic tide, creatures at the level of the Great Emperor and Heavenly Emperor are also very easy to perish if they encounter misfortune. 】

[Therefore, host, please proceed with caution! 】

Unable to exercise the power of the Supreme Taoist Talisman?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.

It would be a pity that he could not use his greatest authority in the city of the heavens.


Although you cannot exercise the authority and power of the Supreme Taoist Talisman in the ruins of space, you can do so outside.

As long as you are properly prepared, there will be no problems.

Think of this.

He immediately sent a message to Xiao Qinglan through the Supreme Dao Talisman, asking him to come as soon as possible.

As long as you have Xiao Qinglan as a powerful bodyguard, you don't have to be afraid even if you go to the ruins of space.

After contacting Xiao Qinglan, Lin Wudao looked at Nalan Changqing in the distance again.

at this time!

He had put away the seriousness on his face and put on a smiling face again.


Then, in Lin Wudao's surprised gaze, Nalan Changqing waved his hand, and numerous stone boxes appeared in the void in front of him.

"Deacon Evergreen, he's going to start making money again."

Helpless sighs came from the crowd.

"Everyone, I have finished explaining the rules about space ruins."

"While there is still some time, I plan to send you a wave of benefits."

"Everyone has seen these stone boxes in front of you. They contain various opportunities and fortunes."

"Including: Kung Fu, secret techniques, imperial weapons, treasures of the Heavenly Emperor, innate divine objects, immortal treasures, etc."

"These things are all carefully selected by me from the ruins of space."

"The stone box is divided into three levels!"

"The Great Emperor's Stone Box contains one hundred billion of the best divine crystals; the Heavenly Emperor's Stone Box contains one hundred thousand kilograms of the best divine crystals."

"Immortal stone box, one hundred million immortal stones."

"In these stone boxes, there are many treasures, many opportunities, and many good fortunes."

"Exactly what can be dispensed depends on one's luck."

"Opportunities don't come every day, they only come once in a century. Don't miss it if you pass by..."

Under the gaze of everyone, Nalan Changqing raised his voice and shouted loudly.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wudao was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Is this Nalan Changqing's money-making project?"

"Selling blind boxes?"

he asked speechlessly.

To this.

Ji Yuan nodded with a wry smile.

"This is how Nalan Changqing makes money!"

"Although this method has been used countless times, it has always been enduring."

"As long as this space ruins still exist, then this money-making project can continue."

"With this project, the money Nalan Changqing made is simply immeasurable..."


Lin Wudao was stunned.

"Does anyone really buy it?"

"Yes, and there are many!"

"But if you were fooled once, how could you continue to be fooled a second time..."

"Because opening a blind box can be addictive!"

"No one can resist the temptation of a unique opportunity, not even the Great Emperor, the Emperor of Heaven, or even the True Immortal."

"If you don't believe it, Master, you'll know just by looking at it..."

Ji Yuan raised her hand and pointed into the distance.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao immediately looked up and saw a large number of great emperors, heavenly emperors, and true immortals surrounding Nalan Changqing.

While paying the money, the blind box is opened.

That kind of scene made Lin Wudao stunned...

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