"Right now, I, the Great Demon God of Qingshan, am only a first-level god. I can't even defeat Ao Zhen."

"If they really confront those incense gods of Taiyin Nine Meridians, they will definitely be suppressed."

"What's more, there is a God of Taiyin who is at least a fifth-level god, peeping in the dark."

"Since I can't improve my divine level, I can only think of ways to improve my divine power..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

A thought!

He looked at the ten divine powers he possessed.

Including: divine perception, divine right of sacrifice, divine right of war, divine right of blessing, divine right of domination, divine right of destruction, divine right of killing, divine right of life, divine right of death, and divine right of creation.

His eyes scanned the ten divine powers in turn, and finally, after careful consideration, Lin Wudao chose to control the divine power.

This is the most powerful divine authority among the ten great divine authorities!

[Divinity: Dominance]

Introduction: This divine authority is the fourth divine authority exclusive to the Great Demon God Qingshan, which governs the sky, the earth, and all living beings!

1. Tongtian: Divide the forbidden area of ​​​​the divine domain, but all creatures entering the divine domain will have their strength reduced by half a realm.

2. Unify the land: With the divine domain as the boundary, control the mountains, rivers and the earth. In a single thought, change the world and reshape the rivers and mountains!

3. Rule all living beings: Control the life, death, and destiny of the people under your command. One thought is life, one thought is death, one thought is heaven, and one thought is hell.

Note: Within the realm of God, everything from the people can be taken away or given to them. Including: strength, lifespan, bones, blood, soul...

4. Control the divine power and control all living beings in the world. Within the divine domain, you are the real god, controlling all existence.

Detailed information about the governing divine power is presented before your eyes.

After reading this!

Lin Wudao fell into deep thought.

[System, can luck points be consumed to increase divine power? 】

【Can! 】

[How many flowers of luck are needed to upgrade the divine authority to the second level? 】

【Ten thousand flowers! 】

[The third level of divine power requires 30,000 flowers of luck! 】

It's really expensive.

Looking at the price given by the system, Lin Wudao secretly took a deep breath.


He took a look and saw that there were only 5,386 flowers of luck left on his account.

If you want to upgrade your divine power to the second level, you still need at least half of your luck value.

"Now, I still have two quadrillion top-quality divine crystals left. I can also go to the City of All Heavens and buy hundreds of corpses of the Saint King."

"If you're lucky, you should be able to get some luck points."

"However, it is still a bit difficult to rely on my own financial resources."

"It seems that it is necessary for Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu to help."

"After all, they both have a lot of treasures on them."

"Since everyone uses the body together, I can't just let me pay for it..."

Lin Wudao made up his mind.

He was going to find Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu to invest.

after all!

They can also use it if they buy the body of the Saint King.

"Ao Zhen, I already have a plan for the next action."

"What you have to do now is pretend to be miserable!"

"The more miserable you are, the more people outside will believe you, and then come to attack the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"When the time comes, a god will come to kill them."

Lin Wudao ordered lightly.


"Master, how can I pretend to be miserable?"

"Hmph, do you still want me to teach you this?"

With a cold snort, Lin Wudao ducked out of the Qingming Abyss.

"God of Qinglong, remember that your ancestors of the ancient Qinglong country have some connections with me, Demon Tianling, so I will not kill them all today."

"Only nine-tenths of your cultivation will be cut off!"

"You, take care of yourself..."

The cold voice spread throughout Longdu.

Say it!

Lin Wudao harnessed a divine light and left the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom with overwhelming power.

After he left, Ao Zhen's angry and hateful roar also came from the Qingming Abyss.

"Motian Ridge, you are bullying me too much!"

"I will remember this grudge."


As the words fell, Ao Zhen activated his divine power and directly shattered all the statues of gods enshrined within the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom.


At the same time, under the horrified gazes of countless people, the Luck Golden Dragon in the sky of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom was also rapidly shrinking in size.

That way.

It seems like it will be shattered at any moment...

Seeing this scene, countless people of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom were immediately shocked, and all of them were shocked and frightened to the extreme.

"The collapse of destiny is a sign of national destruction!"

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Damn Motianling, why do you treat our Qinglong Ancient Kingdom like this?"

"Master, please don't let anything happen to you..."

Hundreds of millions of people knelt down and prayed wildly at this moment.

Once the ancient Qinglong Kingdom is destroyed, it will also be a disaster for them.

Everyone hopes that the God of Azure Dragon will be well.


Compared to the people of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, Gong Tianyi and others who were watching in the crowd showed gloating smiles.


My heart was filled with excitement and joy.

this moment.

They saw the hope of picking up bargains!

"Ancestor, the statue of the Azure Dragon God collapsed. It seems that He has indeed suffered huge damage."

"Moreover, in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, almost all the saints have died. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Should we make a plan to bring the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom under the rule of our Motian God Clan in one fell swoop?"

Gong Zhan secretly transmitted the message.

The words are full of expectations.

To this!

Gong Tianyi's eyes also had bursts of bright light.

“This is truly a unique opportunity!”

"In the ancient Qinglong Kingdom right now, the God of Qinglong is seriously injured and dying, and all the saints with peak combat power have been killed by the evil trio."

"Let's go back and discuss it immediately, and then prepare to send troops to the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"Our Ferris God clan has been silent for so many years. It's time to start the divine war and open up territories for the great gods."

Gong Tianyi said in a deep voice.


With a wave of his hand, he immediately took Gong Zhan, Gong Wuque and others and left the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom as quickly as possible.

at the same time.

Some people from other great protoss tribes also left one after another.

They all saw a golden opportunity.

Everyone wants to take a bite of this big fat piece of Qinglong Ancient Country...


"Let you be happy first. When the time comes, you will all die without a burial place."

The deepest part of the sky.

Looking at the group of gods quickly leaving, Ao Zhen's eyes showed cold murderous intent.

After seeing Lin Wudao's powerful power and background, he didn't think that these little trash could compete with Lin Wudao.


They must all be suppressed!

Thinking of that scene, Ao Zhen couldn't help but secretly look forward to it...

Lin Wudao ignored the situation in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom and the reactions of the Motian God Clan and other gods.

at this time.

He has returned to Fengming Tower.

"Brother Ren, how's it going?"

"Did the Green Dragon God kill him?"

As soon as they saw Lin Wudao, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu immediately gathered around and asked.


"If nothing else happens, there will be great things to see in the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom next. The other protoss will not let go of such a good opportunity and will definitely find a way to carve it up."

"Hey, if this is the case, then the ancient Qinglong Kingdom may be on the verge of collapse..."

The crazy Taoist showed a gloating smile.


They all couldn't wait to go to Qinglong Ancient Country and watch the excitement.

"By the way, through this incident, I found that our strength is still not strong enough."

"Therefore, I am going to buy some corpses of the Saint King through my special channel."

"In this way, we can all become stronger quickly."

"It's just that the corpse of the Saint King is too expensive. Just the corpse of the first-order Saint King requires three trillion top-grade divine crystals."

"I have limited financial resources, so I would like to ask you to invest..."

Buying the body of the Saint King?

Hear this!

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were startled at first, but then they showed excited expressions.


Of the more than 8,000 true god corpses purchased through Lin Wudao, they all became true gods in one fell swoop.

If you can buy the body of a strong man, you won't have to dig up graves everywhere.

"Brother Ren, I can't let you suffer alone."

"Yeah, we have to do something..."


While speaking, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu waved their hands and took out many treasures and piled them in front of them.

I’ll update one chapter first, and then update it in the middle of the night!

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