Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 630: Promotion to the divine position, first-level incense master!

"Boy, what do you want?"


Ao Zhen, who was hiding in the statue space, suddenly panicked when he heard that Lin Wudao was going to kill his god's Dao Fruit.

Before Lin Wudao could start counting, he condensed a phantom of a blue dragon and manifested it on the statue.


The eyes looking at Lin Wudao were full of anger and hatred.

As for Yan Ruoshui, there was panic and fear...

"How can it be?"

"How can a female emperor exist in today's desolate world?"

He roared in disbelief.

To this.

Yan Ruoshui looked indifferent and had no explanation.

"God of Azure Dragon, now you have two ways to go."

"First, choose death and kill you with one sword!"

"Second, imprint the true spirit of your god into this great divine genealogy and become a god."

Talking time!

Lin Wudao showed the great divine genealogy in front of Ao Zhen.

"You actually have the divine genealogy?"

"Boy, aren't you a human being? How can you master the divine genealogy?"

Ao Zhen's eyes were fixed on Lin Wudao and the great divine genealogy in mid-air.

In his eyes, he was extremely shocked!

The divine genealogy is a necessary item for establishing the incense and fire god system.

It is impossible for the outside world to know this.

It can’t be mastered either!


What he couldn't believe was that Lin Wudao not only invited a human emperor, but also had the divine genealogy.

How can humans and gods coexist?

He cannot understand!

Lin Wudao did not explain anything to Ao Zhen's shock, but just stared at him coldly.

“Do you choose to be wiped out in ashes, or do you choose to become a god?”


"Ruoshui, kill him!"

"No, no, no, don't do it, I am willing to surrender and become your god..."

Seeing that Yan Ruoshui was about to take action again, Ao Zhen was immediately frightened to death.

call out!

He did not hesitate, and immediately activated his God's Dao Fruit, integrating part of the God's true spirit into the God's genealogy.


With the integration of the true spirit of the god Ao Zhen, the originally silent great divine genealogy suddenly bloomed with bright divine light.

Waves of great divine power suddenly swept across the entire Qingming Abyss.


On the divine genealogy, changes began to appear.

I saw that the statue of Lin Wudao, the Great Demon God of Qingshan, appeared at the top of the divine genealogy.

Under his statue, another dragon-shaped statue extended.

A strong hierarchical division was formed...

[Congratulations to the host, you have conquered the Green Dragon God with your strong strength and charisma, making him your first god. 】

[You have obtained half of the incense from the Green Dragon God. 】

[Your divine domain expands to the entire Qinglong Ancient Kingdom. 】

[The hundreds of millions of subjects of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom have become your subjects. 】

[You have obtained one quadrillion luck points! 】

[Your divine level has been raised to the sixth level Incense God King! 】

[Your divine level has been raised to the seventh level Incense God King! 】

[Your divine level...]

A series of cold notification sounds suddenly sounded in my mind.


As the voice fell, Lin Wudao felt that he had a mysterious connection with Ao Zhen in front of him.

That way.

It was as if he could control Ao Zhen, including his life, death and destiny with a single thought.

It can make him ascend to the altar, and it can also plunge him into the abyss of terror that will never be restored.


Thanks to Ao Zhen's majestic incense, Lin Wudao's Qingshan Great Demon God's divine level is also constantly improving.


He directly broke the shackles of the God King and became a great god in one step.

Although he is only a first-level incense master, for him, it is also an unprecedented huge leap.

"The first-level incense master is equivalent to the fifth-level saint in the human world."

"In terms of combat power, he will crush a fifth-level saint!"

Lin Wudao was greatly refreshed.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was not in vain that he invited Yan Ruoshui from the City of All Heavens at a huge price, and now he finally got what he deserved.

"Emperor Ruoshui, thank you for your hard work this time."

"Young Master, you are serious. It is Ruoshui's great luck to be able to serve you..."

Yan Ruoshui said respectfully.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao pondered for a while, then took out a jade slip.

"You work for me, I can't let you go in vain."

"There is an invincible method here. Consider it the hard work I give you."

"This method was taught by the Supreme Being!"

"Right now, you are the only one using it besides me."

"Moreover, this invincible method is also blessed with the will of the Supreme. No one else can understand it except you."


Lin Wudao handed the jade slip imprinted with the great killing technique in front of Yan Ruoshui.

Invincible method?

After hearing Lin Wudao's words, Yan Ruoshui's spiritual mind swept across the jade slip, and when he saw the method inside, he suddenly showed a look of shock.

"Sir, this is too expensive..."

"Take it!"

"I may need your continued help in the future."


Seeing that he could not refuse, Yan Ruoshui could only accept the jade slip.

There are boundless surprises in my heart!

This time.

It is truly a great opportunity and good fortune.

With this great killing technique, her combat power will not only rise to another level?

"Thank you, sir!"

Holding back the excitement and throbbing in her heart, Yan Ruoshui bowed to the ground with utmost respect.


"Now, just go back first."

"I'll call you when I need it..."



Relying on the Supreme Law, she broke through the world's barriers and left the world of the gods.

After Yan Ruoshui left, Lin Wudao immediately checked the balance of the divine crystals on his account.

As a result, this time a total of 30 billion top-grade divine crystals were spent.

"It's terrible to burn money like this."

"In the blink of an eye, there are thirty Ji Dao Emperor soldiers..."

Lin Wudao was in great pain.

These top-grade divine crystals were all earned through hard work from the Xuanhuang World.


Only the last two quadrillion are left.

"It seems that I have to exercise some restraint in the future, otherwise, even this last bit of divine crystal won't be enough."


Lin Wudao focused his attention on Ao Zhen.

at this time!

When seeing great emperors like Yan Ruoshui, who were extremely respectful to him, Ao Zhen was both shocked and frightened.

He knew that Lin Wudao definitely had an unimaginable background.

after all.

Looking at the entire world of Shenhuang, no one can call the emperor at will.

"So, if I become his god, not only will it not be a loss, but it may also be a huge opportunity?"

Ao Zhen thought silently in his heart.

Perhaps because he had an insight into his inner thoughts, Lin Wudao looked at the great divine book in his hand, and the smile on his lips became even stronger.

"Ao Zhen, sometimes surrender is not humiliation, but the beginning of glory and glory."

"Follow me and you will get everything you want."

"In the past, you spent endless thought and energy, but you were unable to achieve enlightenment and become an emperor. In the near future, you will find that becoming an emperor is easy."

"Even, it's just the starting point of your life!"

"You don't want to be trapped in this small ancient Qinglong country for the rest of your life, right?"


Can you prove the Tao and become an emperor?

Hearing this, Ao Zhen, who was originally filled with humiliation, couldn't help but raise his head and looked straight at Lin Wudao.

"Now that you have become my god, it is time for me to tell you my identity."

"This god is the Qingshan God of the Tushan clan!"

The God of Green Mountain?

Ao Zhen muttered something and found that there was no memory.

"Ao Zhen, I wish to follow the great god forever!"


After a painful struggle, Ao Zhen gave up his pride and knelt at Lin Wudao's feet with an extremely respectful attitude.

To this.

Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

"Ao Zhen, don't reveal a word to the outside world about what happened here today."

"Yes, Great God!"

"In addition, you must organize the people of the Ancient Qinglong Kingdom as soon as possible, hold a grand sacrificial event, and collect more incense."

"I have decided to attack the third-level incense master."


Ao Zhen respectfully responded.

"Great God, if this happens now, I'm afraid my power in the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom will be greatly reduced, and my faith will also be weakened."

"It may be difficult to collect a huge amount of incense in a short period of time..."


Ao Zhen seemed to have thought of something and said cautiously.

Hear this.

A mysterious smile appeared on Lin Wudao's lips.

"Don't worry, I have a way!"

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