"Can you tell me about the top ten mythical immortal emperors?"


Yuan Cang nodded lightly.

"The top ten mythical immortal emperors come from the Mythical Alliance. They are the ten strongest immortal emperors in the entire Xuantian Ancient Land."

"Each of them has the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor Ninth Level!"

"Anyone can overpower ordinary Immortal Emperors, and they are said to be invincible under the Ancient Immortal Emperors."

"And the ten Immortal Emperors all have their own titles!"

"The first one is the flower god, the flower worships the moon!"

"The second ranked one is Taoist God, Li Daoran!"

"The third ranked one is the Witch God, Munro!"

"The fourth ranked one is the demon god, Ning Wuji!"

"The fifth ranked one is the God of War, Zhang Hushen!"

Yuan Cang introduced it eloquently.

Hearing the titles and names of the ten mythical immortal emperors, Lin Wudao's interest became even more intense.

"Is the Mythical Alliance very powerful? How does it compare to the Justice League?"

he continued to ask.

"The Mythical Alliance is not very powerful because they follow a high-end route and have relatively few members."

"Ordinary Immortal Emperors can't join their team."

"But the small number of people does not mean that they are weak; on the contrary, the Mythical Alliance is very powerful."

"Not even the League of Justice dares to provoke them!"

"The Justice League has the largest number of people, but it is disorganized and accepts everyone."

"In addition, there is a Terminator League that recruits all kinds of strange people."

"These three alliances are called the three giants of Xuantian Ancient Land."

"The three of them almost take over most of the business in Xuantian Ancient Land, and they also occupy most of the resources."

With Yuan Cang's continuous introduction, Lin Wudao also gained a general understanding of the Mythical Alliance and the power structure of the entire Xuantian Ancient Land.

call out!

at the same time.

Just as Yuan Cang was talking, a vast fairy light suddenly came from the void in the distance.


An ancient immortal boat rushed into the world.

on it.

Standing there was a woman in red with a voluptuous figure and a charming temperament. Every move she made revealed all kinds of amorous feelings.

As soon as people see it, they can’t help but become obsessed with it...


With the appearance of this woman in red, all eyes of the entire Wanjie Tower fell on her in an instant.

But soon, it moved away again!


Don't dare to look directly, don't dare to blaspheme!

Even Yuan Cang showed strong fear and even awe in his eyes.

"This is the number one myth of the Mythology Alliance, the flower god and the flower worshiping the moon!"

"It is said that she became a Taoist with a strange flower and cultivated the body of an Immortal Emperor."

"Although the name Flower God sounds weak, in fact, Flower God is the most terrifying existence in Xuantian Ancient Land."

"She appears to be a charming and charming flower goddess, but in reality she is a cruel and cruel goddess of curses."

"There is almost no one in Xuantian Ancient Land who is not afraid of her..."

Yuan Cang took a deep breath and said.

Flower god?

Curse God?

Hearing this, Lin Wudaorong nodded thoughtfully.

Through the Eye of the Avenue, he also gained insight into a lot of information about Hua Baiyue.

She actually has two sides!

One is righteous and one is evil!

The Flower Goddess is her positive image, enchanting and charming; the Curse God is her negative image.

She knows all kinds of horrible curses!


With the help of the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao also discovered a secret of Hua Baiyue.

She actually holds a heavenly book in her hand.

The name is, Curse Book!

"It turns out that the so-called First Mythical Immortal Emperor is actually the controller of the Heavenly Book?"

"No wonder he is such a monster..."

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

This is the third person I have seen, besides Yin Si Ming and Crazy Taoist, who possesses the Book of Heaven.

For this reason alone, Hua Baiyue is extraordinary.

not to mention!

Curse Book, as you can tell by its name, it is a symbol of great terror, great taboo, and great evil in the world.

As the owner of the "Book of Curses", Hua Baiyue's methods must be extremely terrifying.

after all!

Even the Immortal Emperor could not avoid such things as curses.


This is exactly the person Lin Wudao is looking for!

Fear comes from the strength of others; it can make the entire Wanjie Tower fearful.

There is no doubt about Hua Baiyue's strength.

"Let's go and see the Mythical League."

"I think the top ten mythical immortal emperors are the people I'm looking for..."

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

Say it!

He immediately followed Hua Baiyue and headed straight towards the Mythical Alliance.

See this scene.

Yuan Cang stared at Lin Wudao's back for a while, and then followed him closely.

"Mythical League, does it have the same minimum consumption as the Justice League?"


"The Mythical Alliance is taking a high-end route."

"They won't accept any order below 10 million..."

Yuan Cang took the word ten million very seriously.


He was deliberately reminding Lin Wudao.


Lin Wudao just smiled lightly and did not make any response.

After a while!

He followed Hua Baiyue's figure and came to the Mythical Alliance.

"This fellow Taoist seems a bit unfamiliar. Is he new here?"

Having just entered the Mythical League, Lin Wudao didn't remember to take stock of his surroundings.

A woman's voice sounded immediately behind her.

Turn around and take a look!

He saw Hua Baiyue looking at him with a smile...

See this.

Lin Wudao was not as scrupulous as Yuan Cang, but instead looked at the flowers and worshiping the moon with interest.

"Yes, I just came to the fourth heaven!"

"I heard that the ten mythical immortal emperors of the Mythical Alliance are the strongest immortal emperors in Xuantian Ancient Land."

"It just so happens that I need to find someone to help in the lower world. I think your strength is very good."

"Exactly the person I'm looking for..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

As soon as he said this, Hua Baiyue's expression suddenly became playful.

"Our Mythical Alliance is very expensive!"

"Oh? How expensive is it?"

"We won't accept orders for less than 10 million; for the Mythical Immortal Emperor, it can't be less than 50 million!"

"And it's the price per person!"

Hua Baiyue replied calmly.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded seriously.

“It’s indeed a bit expensive!”

"However, being expensive has its advantages. This means that the strength of your Mythical Alliance is trustworthy."

"Gee, fellow Taoist is indeed a sensible person!"

"The golden signboard of our Mythical Alliance is unique in the entire Xuantian Ancient Land."

"We'll take care of things, don't worry!"

"I don't know, friend, what do you want to do this time? How many immortal emperors do you want to recruit?"

Hua Baiyue asked with great interest.

Judging from her expression, she didn't seem to value Lin Wudao too much.

after all!

How much background can the new Immortal Emperor have?


Lin Wudao is an exception!

"This time, I plan to recruit the top ten mythical immortal emperors from your mythical alliance."

"Let's go to the lower world together and do something for me!"

"Recruiting our ten mythical immortal emperors, your Excellency is really generous, so at least you have to..."


Hua Baiyue also wanted to make a few jokes.


Just when she opened her mouth, she saw Lin Wudao taking out a purple Taoist talisman.

"This is……"


The moment she saw the purple Taoist talisman, Hua Baiyue seemed to have thought of something terrible, and suddenly turned pale with fright.

Immediately afterwards.

Without any hesitation, she knelt down on the ground.

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