Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 597 The Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Clan on the Other Side!

The big world on the other side!

Panshen Universe, the original world where the Immortal Clan on the other side is located, has gathered hundreds of millions of people.


There are two ancient Immortal Emperors, tens of thousands of quasi-Immortal Emperors, and countless clansmen of Immortal King and below.

In the Panshen Universe, although the power and foundation of the Immortal Clan on the other side cannot be said to be very powerful, they are not too weak either.

At least, it can maintain the original world.


The Immortal Clan on the other side has continued for several epochs, and when it comes to history and inheritance, it can definitely be called ancient.


In the ancient times, their ancestors once had a supreme existence that transcended the Immortal Emperor.

Qi Qingsi, that is the eternal glory of the immortal clan on the other side.

at the same time!

It is also a peak that future generations will never be able to reach...

To this day!

Qi Qingsi's portrait has been enshrined in the ancestral land of the Immortal Clan on the other side and has been passed down forever.

The fairy palace on the other side!

Located in the ancestral land of the Immortal Clan on the other side, it is a forbidden area for the Immortal Clan. No one is allowed to enter without permission.


This is the residence of the Immortal Emperor!

at this time.

In the deepest part of the Immortal Palace on the other side, in a cave world that was opened up, two ancient figures were playing chess.

One of them, holding a white bag in his hand, has gray hair on his temples, a slightly older face, and obvious signs of age on his body.

The breath is also unclear...

another person!

He holds a sunspot in his hand, his face is like a crown jade, and he has an unyielding power all over his body. Just sitting there, he gives people an extraordinary majesty and magnanimity.

These two people are clearly the Immortal Emperors of the Immortal Clan on the other side!

The person holding the white child is named Qi Cangsang. The Immortal Emperor's seventh-level Dzogchen cultivation is the oldest Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Clan on the other side.

Already lived for nine epochs!

The man in black clothes holding the sunspot opposite him is named Ling Tianque, and he is a late-stage cultivation of the Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven.

Lived for eight epochs!

The existence of the two of them supports the entire Immortal Clan on the other side, the real Dinghai Shenzhen.

"Just now, an immortal clan leader from the Xuanhuang World sent a message saying that Xiao Qinglan from the Penglai Immortal Clan killed a genius from the lower realm."

"According to what he said, Xiao Qinglan appeared in the Xuanhuang World to accompany a young man to the place where the gods are buried."

"In addition, I also killed two quasi-immortal emperors from the lower realm immortal clan..."


Ling Tianque paused and said softly.

Xiao Qinglan?

Hearing this name, Qi Cangsang, who was thinking about his next move, seemed a little surprised.

"Xiao Qinglan, is that person from the Penglai Immortal Clan who almost became the Immortal Emperor three epochs ago?"

"I heard that he created the "Three Worlds Immortal Sutra" and can control the three powers of the past, present and future."

"In terms of strength, he is known as the number one person under the Immortal Emperor!"

"If I hadn't encountered an unknown taboo at the last moment of becoming Emperor, I'm afraid Panshen Universe would have added another Immortal Emperor."

Qi Cangsang said with emotion.

Xiao Qinglan is not only well-known at the quasi-immortal emperor level, but is also well-known at the immortal emperor level.

after all!

Many Immortal Emperors in Panshen Universe had witnessed the scene of Emperor Proving three epochs ago with their own eyes.

Qi Cangsang also greatly appreciated Xiao Qinglan's talent and talents.


At the last moment, Xiao Qinglan failed.

"Isn't he cultivating in the Penglai Immortal Clan? How could he go to the Xuanhuang World?"

"Moreover, you are not sanctioned by the rules of the universe?"

Qi Cangsang paused and asked curiously.

Hear the words!

Ling Tianque shook his head.

"Not sure!"

"I guess he sneaked into the Xuanhuang World through the cracks in the world."

"According to Nian Daosheng from the lower realm, Xiao Qinglan seems to be protecting a young man."

"Xiao Qinglan is a person who has once stepped into the Immortal Emperor. His vision and knowledge should not be that low."

"To be able to have him protect him, the identity and origin of that young man should be extremely complicated."

"Behind the scenes, there is at least one of the top immortal clan forces."

"Just now, the leader of the Immortal Clan in the Xuanhuang World asked me to uphold justice for them."

"I plan to visit the Penglai Immortal Clan later."

"Although our Immortal Clan on the other side has fallen and is no longer as glorious as our ancestors, we can't be bullied by anyone..."

Ling Tianque dropped a ball heavily and said in a condensed voice.


As the words fell, a terrifying immortal power suddenly swept across, like the sky falling.

Hearing his attitude, Qi Cangsang frowned.

"The Penglai Immortal Clan has an extremely ancient inheritance. It is said that the ancestor is the myth and taboo of the Panshen Universe."

"Although it is in decline now, it cannot be underestimated!"

"Perhaps they have some terrible background and methods that have never been revealed."

"Besides, Xiao Qinglan acts in such a high-profile manner, it is impossible for him not to know the consequences of massacring my immortal clan on the other side."

"But, he still did it!"

"This shows that he has strong confidence."

"It is not a good idea to act rashly before finding out the details..."

Qi Cangsang shook his head.

"You mean, just forget it?"


"The face of our Immortal Clan on the other side must be maintained. If we can't even protect our own people, then what do we need to do?"

"However, we can't do it directly!"

"You can find someone to test out the details of the Penglai Immortal Clan..."

Qi Cangsang said calmly.

"How to test?"

"Actually, when you reach the level of Immortal Emperor, you can travel through various universes at will."

"I know a place where there are many powerful Immortal Emperors, even Ancient Immortal Emperors."

"As long as you pay a certain price, you can let them do things for you."

"People there only care about money!"

"I'll go there later and spend a lot of money to recruit a few Immortal Emperors to come to Panshen Universe."

"In this case, even if something goes wrong, it won't involve my Immortal Clan on the other side."

Qi Cangsang responded with a smile.

Hear this!

Ling Tianque was greatly surprised!

He had never heard of such a secret.

"That place, where is it?"

he asked curiously.

To this!

Qi Cangsang shook his head.

"Don't ask, don't say, don't answer!"

"You just need to know that there is such a place in the world, and you can't interfere with the rest."

Say it!

Before Ling Tianque could come to his senses, Qi Cangsang turned over his hand and took out a piece of white jade Taoist Talisman, shot out a fairy light, and disappeared.

Look at this scene!

Ling Tianque became more and more shocked and suspicious.

"It seems that even if I become an Immortal Emperor, there are still many secrets in this universe that I cannot touch."

"Where is that place? How to get there..."

A yearning floated in his heart.

No matter who they are, they are full of curiosity about unknown existences.


Ling Tianque didn't know that not everyone could enter the place Qi Cangsang mentioned.

That requires qualifications!


There are exceptions to everything, such as: Lin Wudao.


After entering the City of All Heavens, Lin Wudao first went to Jiutian Tower and returned to his supreme status.


Under the leadership of Ji Yuan, they arrived at the entrance to the second heaven of the City of All Heavens.

The city of all heavens has a total of twelve heavens!

The Immortal Emperor exists on the fourth level!


If he wanted to recruit powerful men at the Immortal Emperor level, he would have to go to the fourth level of talent.

With the help of the Supreme Dao Talisman in his hand and the identity of the Supreme, Lin Wudao continuously crossed the three heavenly gates and came to the fourth heaven of the City of All Heavens.


Completely different from the previous third heaven!

When he stepped into the fourth heaven, a huge ancient stone tablet came into view.

The stone tablet connects the sky above and the earth below.

On it, one can clearly see the terrifying scene of ten thousand realms sinking, and the vast fairy light is sweeping across the world.

With the help of the power of the Supreme Taoist Talisman, Lin Wudao clearly saw that there were four ancient characters outlined on the stone tablet.

Xuantian Ancient Land!

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