"Zhao Wushen, meet the ancestor!"

Facing Xiao Lanyue's gaze, Zhao Wushen suppressed the fear in his heart and kowtowed devoutly again.

See it!

Xiao Lanyue nodded after sighing lightly.

"Although he is only half Penglai bloodline, his qualifications and potential are good."

"You are lucky to be able to meet me here."

"Since you call me the ancestor, I should also give you some blessings..."

A majestic and indifferent voice slowly sounded.

These words fell into Zhao Wushen's heart, and he immediately became energetic!


At this moment, Xiao Lanyue tapped his jade hand lightly, and a mighty divine light suddenly enveloped Zhao Wushen.


Among the people's surprised gazes, only Zhao Wushen's body was filled with immortal light, and an ancient and vast aura suddenly rose into the sky.

Under the wash of that divine light, the purest power awakened from the depths of his bloodline and illuminated his entire body.

In just a moment, Zhao Wushen's divine bones, divine blood, divine soul, etc. were completely sublimated.

"Revival of bloodline?"

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao was a little surprised.


Under Xiao Lanyue's mighty power, the Penglai Immortal Clan bloodline in Zhao Wushen was completely washed and purified.

The originally mixed bloodline suddenly transformed into the purest fairy bloodline.


There are also signs of atavism that trace back to our roots!

Although it is not as strong as the bloodline power of the first generation ancestor of the Penglai Immortal Clan, it is not bad either.

Through Lin Wudao's observation, he discovered that Zhao Wushen's current bloodline power was purer than Xiao Qinglan's outside.

More powerful!

"Thank you, ancestor, for your kindness!"

Feeling the vast power originating from the depths of his bloodline, Zhao Wushen also felt strong waves in his heart.


He kowtowed heavily to Xiao Lanyue.

"You are blessed with great luck, great wisdom, great perseverance, and great opportunities. You will have a bright future in the future."

"The Penglai Immortal Clan may be able to bloom glory in your hands."

"In that case, I will help you again..."

call out!

While talking.

Xiao Lanyue raised her hand and pointed out again, and a ray of light blended into the depths of Zhao Wushen's soul.


It turned into an ancient and powerful "Supreme Sutra of Gods and Demons" and was imprinted on the soul.

"You possess the body of the gods and demons of heaven, and the "Supreme Sutra of Gods and Demons" I gave you contains the ultimate principles of the Tao."

"If you can understand it, you can create the supreme body of gods and demons!"

"By then, I will have the talent to surpass the Immortal Emperor!"

"In addition, I also blessed you with a blessing that can drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters, and all laws will be immortal."

The majestic voice sounded in Zhao Wushen's mind.


As the voice fell, the original purple energy contained in the tomb of the god also entered Zhao Wushen's body.

at the same time!

In front of him, a jade bottle appeared out of thin air...

"What's inside is a drop of the original blood that I left behind when I created Penglai."

"Take it back to the Penglai Immortal Clan!"

"Choose the strongest one, you can trace your origins and return to the bloodline of your first ancestors..."


"I will obey the decree of my ancestor!"

Zhao Wushen responded respectfully.


He held the jade bottle in front of him extremely carefully in his hands.

"Now, Zhao Wushen and the entire Penglai Immortal Clan will soar into the sky."


Lin Wudao sighed secretly in his heart.

A drop of Xiao Lanyue's original blood must be extremely powerful, containing boundless power and creation.


Looking at the entire Penglai Immortal Clan, only the Immortal Emperor Xiao Shoutian can use and refine this drop of original blood.

By then!

With the original bloodline of the first generation ancestor, Xiao Shoutian's potential and strength will inevitably be greatly improved.


The bloodline power of the entire Penglai Immortal Clan will also become stronger because of this drop of original blood.

The foundation is bound to skyrocket!

Lin Wudao could imagine that in the near future, the Immortal Emperors of the Penglai Immortal Clan would appear one after another like bamboo shoots after a rain.

that time!

The Penglai Immortal Clan will definitely become one of the top immortal clans in the Panshen Universe.

"It's really nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree."

"It would be great if my Lin family also had an ancestor as powerful as Xiao Lanyue."

"By then, I won't have to work hard to collect the corpses..."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly in his heart.


Just when he was feeling envious and sighing, suddenly, a cold gaze fell on him.

Look up!

He saw Xiao Lanyue looking at him with an inexplicable expression.

"Which one do you think is more beautiful, Qi Qingsi or me?"


A voice came into the soul.


Which one is more beautiful, Qi Qingsi?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao froze on the spot.

He stared at Xiao Lanyue quietly, not knowing what she meant when she said this.


After a few moments of silence, Lin Wudao was about to speak.


Just when he spoke, Xiao Lanyue's manifested figure disappeared first.


Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao couldn't help but frown.

"Is this woman stupid?"

"It's just a piece of shit, why do you care so much..."

He curled his lips.

Xiao Lanyue didn't take it seriously.

"Eight of the top ten sequence god kings in the universe have been plundered by cosmic bandits."

"Although Xiao Lanyue is not dead, she is too powerful and has no incarnation left at all."

"Among the top ten sequences, only Qi Qingsi has made some gains."

"It's not easy to come to the God Burial Ground. We can't waste such a unique opportunity."

"In addition to the top ten God-Kings, there are other titled God-Kings. If you dig their graves, you will surely gain something..."

Lin Wudao calculated in his mind.

Say it!

He looked at Mu Qingyi beside him.

"Qing Yi, do each of the titled god kings buried in this god burial place have their original purple energy?"

"This... is not necessarily the case."

"In the place where gods are buried, the top ten god kings must possess the original purple energy."

"As for the other titles of God Kings, it all depends on luck."

"There are hundreds of titled god-kings in the God Burial Land, and no one knows which god's tomb contains the original purple energy."

"And even if you are lucky enough to find it, you still need extremely strong strength to get it."

Depends on luck?

Lin Wudao frowned.

He didn't quite believe in his luck.


He has the Eye of the Great Dao, and he can tell at a glance which god's tomb contains the original purple energy.

"The ten tombs of the gods have no value anymore."

"Next, I plan to try my best to dig out the tomb of the god in the place where the god is buried in one day."

“You can dig as much as you can!”

"Zhao Wushen, Mu Qingyi, Ji Haotian, you three will go as a team to dig out the body of the God King in the God's Tomb."

"I'm of great use!"

Lin Wudao ordered.

There is strength in numbers!

To him, this place where gods are buried is a huge treasure house.

Never let it go...

After hearing Lin Wudao's instructions, Zhao Wushen and the others immediately strode towards the tomb of the gods in the distance.

See it!

Jiang Tianyin also wanted to follow Mu Qingyi to dig the grave, but just as he turned around, he was stopped by Lin Wudao.

"Um...Brother Ren, I don't have any divine treasures with me now."

Jiang Tianyin said with a bitter face.


After giving all the divine treasures to Lin Wudao, he almost suffered the murder of Long Qitian.

Now, once again stopped by Lin Wudao, he was worried that he would ask him for the divine treasure again.

"Don't worry, I don't want the divine treasure this time!"

"Jiang Tianyin, haven't you always wanted to pursue Mu Qingyi, but her request is to become a quasi-immortal emperor within a thousand years."

"I think you only have the qualifications of an Immortal King!"

"It is almost impossible to become a quasi-immortal emperor within a thousand years."

"But, there are exceptions to everything!"

"Maybe I can help you realize your wish..."


Lin Wudao took out the original purple energy.

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