"What's the meaning?"

Lin Wudao asked with a shiver in his heart.

"Mr. Ren, have you ever heard of space bandits?"

Space bandit?

Lin Wudao shook his head.

"What about the Origin Predator?"

"This... I heard the Supreme Mention it. I heard that he is a murderer who specializes in plundering the origin of the world."


"Actually, the so-called origin plunderers refer to cosmic robbers!"

"Thieves are rampant in the universe!"

"Those people not only plunder the origin of the world everywhere, but also hunt down the most talented people in all worlds."

"The God King buried on the ninth floor of the God Burial Ground was hunted by cosmic bandits before he died tragically."

"The space bandits are extremely cruel and ruthless. They specialize in plundering the origins of unparalleled geniuses and selling them."

"For example, in Jiutian Tower, there are many things that space bandits plundered from various big worlds."

"Including: the origin of the world, the origin of heaven, the supreme bone, the supreme divine blood..."

Mu Jiutian introduced in detail.


Hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This world is too dangerous!

Enemies are everywhere...

"Are there many titled god kings buried in the ninth floor of the God Burial Ground?"

"a lot of!"

"It is said that there are not only one thousand, but also eight hundred!"

"By the way, Mr. Ren, space bandits are extremely rampant. No one knows when they will appear."

"Therefore, if you want to go to the God Burial Ground, you'd better be fully prepared."


Mu Jiutian reminded in a serious voice.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

"You're saying that space bandits might appear in the God Burial Ground?"

"It's possible!"

"For the sake of safety, I suggest that Qinglan Immortal Lord go to the Xuanhuang World together."

"He is invincible among the quasi-immortal emperors!"

"As long as Immortal Qinglan is here, no matter how rampant the space bandits are, they will never dare to attack you."

he suggested.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded.

Although he has not seen the space bandits with his own eyes, through Mu Jiutian's description, he can get a glimpse of their terrifying nature.

That is definitely the most brutal maniac!

Given his strength, it’s better to be careful...

“Isn’t Immortal Lord Qinglan not in the City of All Heavens?”

"Here I am!"

"The Immortal Lord is in Jiutian Tower!"

Ji Ruyue replied.


"By the way, Goddess Ji, I have a drop of pure water here. Please help me exchange it into the best divine crystal."

"By the way, would you like to inform Immortal Qinglan to come with us to the Xuanhuang World?"

"I have received the decree granted by the Supreme Being and can take people there..."


Lin Wudao handed the last drop of Pure Water in his hand to Ji Ruyue.

"Master, wait a moment, I'm going right now!"

The words fell.

Ji Ruyue controlled a celestial light and left.

After she left, Lin Wudao fell into deep thought...

This time!

There is only one day left in the God Burial Land, so we must fight quickly!

Relying on his own strength alone, the efficiency is still too slow if he wants to dig a grave.

You still have to find help...

"Oh, it's a pity that Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu can't...well, I can recruit them."


Lin Wudao's heart moved and he thought of a way.

[System, can I recruit Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu to go to the Xuanhuang World? 】

【no! 】

[They are not your host's followers and cannot be recruited directly from other worlds. 】


Lin Wudao sighed.

[Can I invite you across the world? 】

【Can! 】

[From the Great World of Shenhuang to the Great World of Xuanhuang, if you cultivate to the divine realm, each person will receive one hundred billion top-quality divine crystals each time! 】


As soon as these words came out, Lin Wudao completely gave up his thoughts.

Just at the divine level, each person needs one hundred billion top-grade divine crystals every time. If he reaches the saint level, wouldn't it be even more exaggerated?

[Then can you give them the Taoist Talisman of the City of All Heavens? 】

[Except for the host, creatures from other worlds are only eligible to enter the City of the Heavens when they reach the level of the Great Emperor. 】

【All right! 】

Things were just as he expected!

[Can we invite Zhao Wushen and the others? 】

【Can! 】

[Across the big world of the same level, you can exempt the divine crystal and recruit directly! 】

[However, it is limited to beings in the big world of the same level and possessing the Dao Talisman of the City of All Heavens. 】

[This means, if I want to recruit them into the great world of the gods, do I still have to pay for the divine crystals? 】

【Yes! 】

"Oh, there is no such thing as a free lunch!"

"The hierarchical shackles of the big world are not so easy to break..."

Lin Wudao sighed inwardly.

Talking time!

His eyes fell on Mu Jiutian beside him.

After the last cosmic tide, he had successfully created an immortal body and derived immortal energy from his body.


Mu Jiutian is already a genuine immortal!

"Emperor Mu Tian, ​​congratulations on becoming an immortal!"

"From now on, it's time to call you Mu Xianren, haha..."

Lin Wudao joked.

"My lord, you are serious!"

"The reason why I am able to achieve what I am today and achieve the realm of true immortality is all due to the favor and support of the Supreme Being."

"Otherwise, with my qualifications, if I want to become an immortal, I will have to go through a lot of hard work."

"As for the title, Mr. Ren, you can just call me by my name..."

Mu Jiutian behaved very modestly and respectfully.

Without the Supreme, he is nothing!

Lin Wudao was still very satisfied with his character and attitude.

"I'd better call you Emperor Mu Tian!"

"Maybe one day, the word Emperor of Heaven can become your exclusive title, just like the Kunlun Immortal Emperor in the mythical era."

"I believe that with the favor of the Supreme, one day you will be able to reach the level of the Kunlun Immortal Emperor."

"Even, surpass her..."

Lin Wudao said with a smile.

Kunlun Immortal Emperor?

Hearing this name, Mu Jiutian was shocked!

Just saying this in his heart, he felt a great terror sweeping over him.

It cannot bear its cause and effect!

It seems that the name of Kunlun Immortal Emperor is a taboo!

Do not lift it, do not carry it!

"May I ask, Master, what kind of existence is that person?"

Mu Jiutian suppressed the fear and awe in his heart and asked carefully.

To this!

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

"Kunlun Immortal Emperor, I think Qinglan Immortal Lord should be the most familiar with him."

"At the beginning, when he became the Immortal Emperor, he just took one look at a copper coffin and was tainted with the taboo."

"Violated cause and effect!"

"So much so that he was knocked down from the realm of the Immortal Emperor!"

"And that copper coffin is a forbidden object brought back by the Kunlun Immortal Emperor from a remote area of ​​the universe."

"Although she is called the Immortal Emperor, her cultivation has already far surpassed the realm of the Immortal Emperor..."

"Kunlun Immortal Emperor is her great title!"


Beyond the Immortal Emperor?

Road closure?

So, the Kunlun Immortal Emperor was the strongest person in the Immortal Emperor realm in the Great Dao Era?

She suppressed at least one Dao Era!

"I can't imagine how terrifying that is..."

Mu Jiutian was shocked and fascinated at the same time.

All of a sudden!

In his heart, he secretly regarded the Kunlun Immortal Emperor as a benchmark.

call out!

call out!

While they were chatting, Ji Ruyue, Xiao Qinglan and others arrived here riding fairy lights.

"Master Ren, this is your ten trillion top-quality divine crystals!"

Ji Ruyue handed over a storage bag.


"This time, the God Burial Land will only be open for one day, so we must fight quickly."

"I have invited the Supreme Edict to recruit Zhao Wushen and Ji Haotian to go together."

"Goddess Ji, Immortal Lord Qinglan, could you two please go there..."

"no problem!"

Ji Ruyue and Xiao Qinglan responded with smiles.

Being able to get closer to Lin Wudao was something they could only dream of.


They returned to their respective worlds as quickly as possible and brought Zhao Wushen and Ji Haotian to the City of the Heavens.

Long time no see!

They have all become Heavenly Emperors...

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