The strange behavior of the sloppy Taoist aroused the attention of many people in Dayan City.

Many whispers continued to spread...

"Tsk, tsk, there are so many wonders in the world, I never thought that there are still people in this world who sell their ancestors?"

Some people are so incredible!

"Hmph, scum! Unfilial son!!"

"This guy doesn't look good at first glance. He even digs up his own ancestors and sells them. How the hell is he short of money? Are you obsessed with money?"

"You are so unconscionable that you are worse than a beast..."

Various curses sounded one after another.


Faced with the pointing and merciless scoldings from everyone around him, the sloppy Taoist seemed not to have heard anything and still leaned against the bronze coffin, drinking and recuperating on his own.

That way, it seems like you are living in your own world!

See this scene.

A strange light also flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

Through the eyes of the gods, he saw a lot of information about the sloppy Taoist...

Name: Crazy Taoist (Qi Shuming)

Identity 1: Heir of a family of tomb robbers in the Central Heaven Region

Identity 2: Member of the Terminator Organization - Tomb Raider Terminator!

Identity 3: Outer disciple of Taiyi Sect

Cultivation level: Early stage of Tongtian realm

Talent: All-seeing Dharma Eyes

Kung Fu: "Grand Tomb Scripture"

Skills: Invisibility, Disguise, Wall Penetration, Five Elements Escape, Diamond Technique, Dragon Elephant Ancient Fist, Divine Movement, Great Teleportation...

Items: God of Destruction Hoe, "Burial Book Volume 1", Three Thousand Puppets

Lifespan: six months

Notes: 1. He acts boldly and likes digging graves most in his life. Because of practicing the "Grave Scripture", the more graves he digs, the faster his cultivation level increases.

2. Digging too many graves will harm your moral character, ruin your luck, and shorten your life span.

3. There is no grave in the world that he dare not dig!

A large amount of information is presented in front of you.

After reading.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but marvel!

This was the first time he had seen such a weird person like the crazy Taoist.

"The more graves you dig, the faster your cultivation will increase?"

After reading the introduction about the crazy Taoist, Lin Wudao felt very curious about the "Grand Tomb Scripture" he practiced.

Is there such a weird skill in this world?


The identity and origin of the crazy Taoist are also extremely extraordinary. One person actually has three identities.

Whether it is the tomb robber family in the Central Heaven Territory or the Tai Dao Sect, they are all famous forces in the Central Heaven Territory, and have been passed down for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

As for the Terminator organization, Lin Wudao had never heard of it...


He had a vague feeling in his heart that this so-called Terminator organization was even more mysterious than the Tomb Robbers Family and the Tai Dao Sect in the Central Heaven Territory.

"What a strange person..."

Lin Wudao shook his head and laughed.


He came step by step in front of the crazy Taoist and set his sights on the bronze coffin. According to the position shown on the corpse map, the object he collected was inside the bronze coffin.

"Lu Cangming was the supreme elder of the Xuantian Sect eight hundred years ago. There is no way he is the ancestor of the crazy Taoist. Could it be that he dug someone else's ancestral grave?"

Lin Wudao was surprised in his heart.

"How did your ancestor sell it?"

A low voice came from his mouth.


Hearing someone seem to be talking to him, the crazy Taoist opened his eyes in a daze. When he saw Lin Wudao's outfit, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Fellow people?

He couldn't help but take a few more glances...

"You want to buy?"


"What... lies inside is my ancestor. His cultivation during his lifetime has reached the perfection of heaven and man. There must be a great treasure hidden in it."

"If you really want to buy it, just give me one million top-quality spiritual stones..."

The mad Taoist said calmly.

one million?

The best spiritual stone?

Lin Wudao frowned slightly.

Naturally, he couldn't take out so many spirit stones!

"How not?"

Seeing Lin Wudao's silence, the mad Taoist seemed to be aware of his predicament, so he changed his face again.

"If you don't have a spiritual stone, you can also exchange it for something."

"As long as you can come up with a treasure that satisfies me, I will sell my ancestors to you..."

The crazy Taoist had a smile on his face.

Hear this.

Lin Wudao was a little moved!

Then, he checked the items he currently owned and took out the three-thousand-year-old elixir of immortality.

"Is this enough?"


Immortality elixir?

Seeing the elixir of immortality that Lin Wudao took out, and it was still three thousand years old, the mad Taoist's eyes instantly straightened, and his eyes were full of desire.

Three thousand years of elixir of longevity, extremely valuable!

If he swallows it, his life span can be extended by thirty years. By then, he can steal a few more tombs...


Without any hesitation, the crazy Taoist grabbed the elixir of life and put it into his bag with satisfaction.

this moment.

An extremely bright smile bloomed on his face.

at the same time!

The eyes he looked at Lin Wudao also became kinder...

"Your Excellency has great fortune and will definitely have a great future in the future!"

"You get both money and goods!"

"From now on, the coffins and corpses of my ancestors will all belong to you. Also, please go and don't be seen by people from the Xuantian Sect."

"Lao Dao, I have a grudge against them. Those bastards always want to rob Lao Dao's ancestors..."

The crazy Taoist said with an indignant look.


People from the Xuantian Sect are robbing your ancestors?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao smiled coldly in his heart. It was clearly you who dug up other people's ancestral graves.

Of course!

Of course he would not say such a thing.

Business needs to continue...

"If there are similar good things in the future, I want them all!"

"I have no other hobbies. I just like to collect other people's ancestors."

Lin Wudao said lightly.


Do you like to collect other people’s ancestors?

The crazy Taoist looked shocked!

But then, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty is so interested!"

"It seems that you are one of the same people. Coincidentally, I don't have any other hobbies. I just like to dig up other people's ancestors."

"In the future, we will have many opportunities for cooperation..."

The crazy Taoist looked excited.

That way, it was like meeting a close friend!


However, just when he wanted to continue to say something to Lin Wudao, suddenly, an extremely powerful momentum suddenly swept from the distant sky.

"Quick! Surround Dayan City!"

"That damn old lunatic is on the street in front of you. We must not let him escape this time..."

"Catch him and I will crush him to ashes!"

One after another, the sky-shaking roars came from far to near.

"not good!"

"The Xuantian Sect's bullies are here again. I'll take the first step..."

While talking.

The mad Taoist took one step forward and disappeared instantly.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Just after the crazy Taoist left, figures with soaring evil spirits suddenly fell from the sky and surrounded Lin Wudao.

Their eyes were fixed on the bronze coffin...

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