"Great God, this righteous trio is too greedy!"

"They are extorting and blackmailing Chiguoguo. Credit is nothing to them."

"I think they should not be called the Righteous Trio, but the Evil Trio..."

In the temple!

Luo Qingchen said angrily.

A pair of fists that can be squeezed tightly!

Not only him, but Luo Bingyan and Luo Sansheng who were present, and even Jicang, the god of Lishan Mountain, were full of resentment.

Lin Wudao and the others are too greedy!

"Master, we can't let them lead us by the nose like this. We must find a way out."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be blackmailed by them again in the future."

"This is like beating a dog with a meat bun. No matter how many treasures you have, you can't satisfy your appetite..."

Luo Sansheng said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

The God of Lishan nodded indifferently.

"These people are indeed too greedy!"

"Right now, I am relegated to the temple, and with only my last obsession left, I have to be temporarily held hostage by them."

"Lest they fall out!"

"When this god returns to the Lishan Divine Clan and regains all his former strength, he must kill them as soon as possible to avenge his humiliation."

The eyes of the God of Lishan were cold and cold.

In his eyes, there was a fierce murderous intention!

"Master, what should we do next?"

"Just wait and see what happens!"

"If they are willing to take action against the nine gods, we will naturally be happy to see it happen; if they want to take the money and run away, then use it as treasure to feed the dogs."

"This time, you came at the right time!"

"Luo Sansheng, later on I will use a secret method to attach my obsession to you, and with the help of your divine body, I will return to the Lishan Divine Clan."

"As long as the people carry out sacrifices, this god will soon be able to repeat his former peak."

"When the time comes, whether it's the Justice Trio or the nine great clans of gods, they will all be crushed..."

The God of Lishan said with murderous intent.

call out!

When the words fell, a ray of divine light suddenly rushed out from the statue, carrying great majesty and will, and penetrated into Luo Sansheng's divine body.


Integrated into the depths of his soul.

"Next, follow the orders of the Justice Trio and don't conflict with them, let alone cause trouble."

"As long as we return to the Lishan Divine Clan, it will be the greatest success."

The voice of the God of Lishan came from the soul.


Luo Sansheng nodded respectfully.


The three of them started wandering around the Lishan Kingdom...

"Brother Ren, what do you think of the God of Lishan?"

"This time we and him seem to have broken up. I'm afraid that old guy hates the three of us now."

Endless abyss, the edge of the land!

The crazy Taoist smacked his lips and said with a smile.

Now, their relationship with the God of Mount Li is very bad.


"Just tear it apart, what's the big deal?"

"The God of Lishan can use us, why can't we use him in turn?"

"What's more, that old guy has no good intentions!"

"Old madman, do you really think that the God of Lishan will give us all the treasures?"

"This is originally a one-shot deal. If you can knock off a little bit, you can count on it..."

Qin Daofu answered.

To this!

Lin Wudao also agreed.

"Sooner or later, we and the God of Lishan will have a falling out. Instead of getting nothing in the future, it is better to get more now."

"By the way, Brother Ren, although the God of Lishan has only the last trace of obsession left, he is a god who has achieved enlightenment through incense."

"Is it possible to resurrect with the help of incense?"


The mad Taoist frowned and asked as if he had thought of something.


"There is also a trace of divinity in the obsession of the gods. If they are worshiped with a lot of incense, they can still be resurrected."

"However, this process takes time!"

"According to the current state of the God of Mount Li, he may not be able to return to his former peak within three to five hundred years."

Lin Wudao replied lightly.

"Is there a shortcut? For example, through treasure sacrifice?"

"Before, I saw that the Tushan clan used a large number of treasures to sacrifice, so that their Qingshan God continued to grow and develop."

"In just a short time, it has encompassed the Qingtian Territory, and its divine status has at least reached the level of a god."

"The Lishan Divine Clan is, after all, a great divine clan inherited from the ancient Taiyin clan, and its heritage is absolutely extraordinary."

"If they sacrifice treasures, won't they be able to quickly bring the God of Lishan back to its peak state?"

"When the time comes, I'm afraid we will be liquidated..."

The mad Taoist narrowed his eyes and said.



Regarding the crazy Taoist's worries, Lin Wudao smiled coldly.

"The mere God of Lishan is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Even if the Lishan God Clan uses all its resources to bring him back to his former peak, what can he do to us?"

"The God of Lishan in the past was only a saint at most."

"Not only am I not worried, but I am very much looking forward to him coming to liquidate us..."

Speaking of which!

Lin Wudao's eyes revealed a fierce and fierce light.

The God of Lishan is not a threat at all to him!

"That's right~"

"No matter how fast the God of Lishan is, he still needs time to recover. By the time he returns to his peak, we will have already become the God King."

"When the time comes, even if he is a great god, he can be killed."

The mad Taoist agreed.

Thinking of this, he suddenly no longer had any scruples in his heart.

"Brother Ren, there are still two days until the nine great clans of gods come to Lishan Divine Kingdom. Should we stop digging graves and collecting corpses in the endless abyss?"


Lin Wudao nodded.

Say it.

With a wave of his hand, he immediately picked up Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu and rushed into the endless abyss.

[System, how many luck points are needed to upgrade Li Zangtian's cultivation to the realm of God King? 】

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the crazy Taoist people to dig graves, Lin Wudao replaced the system panel.


He decided to improve Li Yantian's strength first.


At that time, after he leaves God's Domain, he will also have a backup plan.

[Li Zangtian needs fifty-one trillion luck points to cultivate to the level of God King! 】

[Where is the saint? 】

【Five hundred and fifty-one trillion! 】


To go from a god king to a saint, does it take 500 billion luck points?

Lin Wudao was slightly shocked.


As an immortal mourner, Li Zangtian's combat power is invincible in the Great Realm, and it is acceptable for his 500 billion luck value to be raised to the Saint Realm.

[Let’s first raise Li Zangtian’s cultivation to the realm of God King! 】


[You spent 51 trillion luck points and successfully raised Li Zangtian's cultivation to the realm of the God King! 】

[Its combat power can kill all god-kings and compete with half-saints! 】

in mind.

A system beep sounded.

In an instant, half of Lin Wudao's luck value was deducted from his books.

[The system has upgraded the three true divine methods of Taixu Heaven Mending Technique, True Dragon Mahamudra, and Seven Kills Ascension Technique to the Heavenly Divine Techniques. 】

[Then, cultivate them all to the ultimate realm! 】

[How many luck points are needed in total? 】

[True Dragon Mahamudra, fifty trillion! 】

[Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique, eighty trillion! 】

[Seven Kills and Ascension Technique, one hundred billion! 】

It’s just the God’s method, so expensive?

If we get to the God-King Method, what's the point?

Lin Wudao frowned.


His expenses are getting bigger and bigger!

The speed of making money is far behind the speed of spending money...

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