Name: Qin Daofu

Identity: Underworld Terminator, Young Master of Daluo Holy Land

Cultivation: First level true god

Fate: God of Underworld

Talent: Death Gaze

Physique: Huangquan supreme body

Vision: Eighteen levels of hell (open the first level of hell, obtain the blessing of the source of the underworld, and increase the combat power by 10,000 times)

Kung Fu: "Huangquan Tian Jing"

Skills: The Supreme Art of Underworld, the Art of Savioring People, Daluo Palm Seal, Secret Art: Summoning the Undead, Divine Art: Moving Mountains and Seas, Forbidden Art: Soul Storm, World of Darkness, Forbidden Art: The Coming of Underworld

Items: Tower of the Underworld (Sacred Treasure), Scroll of the Underworld (Sacred Treasure), Altar of the Undead, Horn of the Undead, Chariot of the Undead

Lifespan: 186530

Remarks: 1. Cultivating to become a true god, possessing the fate of the god of the underworld, the god in the underworld!

2. The physique is sublimated into: the supreme body of the underworld, the immortal body of the underworld, and the immortal body!

3. It can save the dead and thus improve one’s own cultivation!

4. The more dead people are saved, the stronger the dead people are, and the faster their cultivation level increases!

5. The greatest hobby in life: offering salvation to the dead, conducting funerals for the dead, and burying the dead...

Under the insight of the divine eye, a lot of information about Qin Daofu came into view.


After reading this!

Even Lin Wudao couldn't help being a little shocked.

Qin Daofu's qualifications are so gorgeous!

Compared with before, it is completely different...


His sublimated body of the underworld and his vision of the eighteen levels of hell are simply unbelievable.

One level of hell, ten thousand times more combat power!

Once the eighteenth level of hell is opened, wouldn't it be 180,000 times more powerful?

By the time!

Qin Daofu is afraid that he will be able to push the entire realm of true gods!

"Isn't this change too big?"

"Or is it that Qin Daofu originally had such terrifying qualifications and potential, but he just never showed it?"

"Now that you have become a true god, you have finally unleashed your potential?"

Lin Wudao was filled with surprise and doubt.

The vision of the eighteen levels of hell alone was even more powerful than Zhao Wushen's previous vision of gods and demons.

"I originally thought that Qin Daofu's potential was average, but I didn't know that after becoming a god, he would undergo such a gorgeous transformation."

"He is so stunning and beautiful. What will it look like after that crazy Taoist becomes a god?"


He couldn't help but look forward to it.

The mad Taoist has mastered the "Burial Book". Whether it is qualifications or potential, he will definitely not be weaker than Qin Daofu.

"So, among the evil trio, I am the one with the worst qualifications?"

Lin Wudao's face darkened slightly.

He felt that he was suddenly compared with Qin Daofu and the crazy Taoist.


When it comes to combat power, he is still the strongest!

This also gave him some comfort in his lost soul...

call out!

Just when Lin Wudao was secretly depressed, Qin Daofu, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, had already opened his eyes.

After carefully feeling his own changes, his face also showed strong surprise and excitement.


A sudden appearance came to Lin Wudao and the crazy Taoist.

"Qin Daofu, congratulations!"

"This time you are the strongest among the three of us..."

Lin Wudao congratulated.

Hear the words!

A bright smile suddenly broke out on Qin Daofu's face.

"Ha, this is all because of you, Brother Ren. If it weren't for the corpses of true gods you gave me, I wouldn't have been able to cultivate into a true god in such a short period of time."

"Now, I feel like I can overpower the true god!"

"Even if you meet a god, you can still fight..."

He said proudly.


While talking.

A lawless and terrifying aura suddenly swept across all directions like a flood, causing the surrounding onlookers to change their expressions.

"This it really just a first-order true god?"

far away.

Fu Tianjiang exclaimed!


Under Qin Daofu's momentum, he also felt great pressure.


There was still a strong crisis rising in my heart.

That way!

If he had a life-and-death fight with Qin Daofu, he might kill him...

"Didn't he just become a true god? How could he have such power?"

Fu Tianjiang's eyes showed fear.

Fortunately, I didn't take action just now, otherwise, I might have capsized in the gutter.


Not only him, but Wu Qingyu on the side was also shocked.

The look in Qin Daofu's eyes changed a lot in an instant.

"The evil trio cannot be treated with common sense!"

She sighed.

Qin Daofu has just cultivated into a true god and already has such appalling power. If he cultivates to the tenth level of a true god, what's the point?

By the time!

Wouldn't it be possible to kill the gods with the body of a true god?

Think of this.

Wu Qingyu also showed deep fear in her eyes...

"The evil trio behaved without scruples. It would be better not to offend them in the future."

Say it.

Wu Qingyu did not stay where she was, and immediately left with the rainbow light.

See it!

Fu Tianjiang followed closely behind.

the other side!

Tushan Cangyue, Yin Siming and others were also quietly observing Qin Daofu.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Qin for cultivating a true god!"

"Are you guys plotting against my Tushan clan's ancestral land again?"


Tushan Cangyue's cold voice slowly sounded.

Hear this!

Qin Daofu smiled awkwardly.

"The high priest is joking, how dare we take advantage of Tushan's ancestral land?"


"In view of our past cooperation, I allow you to use the eighth ancestral land, but you must pay rent."

"We are all old friends. I will give you a friendship price."

"One year, a treasure from the gods!"

"Temporary credit is allowed, but the period cannot exceed ten years. The clock starts from now on..."


Still have to pay rent?

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu both looked at Lin Wudao.

The look in his eyes revealed inquiry.

"This...I did not discuss this with the high priest."

"I thought I could use it for free, but I didn't expect you, Qin Daofu, to become a true god so quickly."

Lin Wudao responded.


Do you still want to use it for free?

Qin Daofu gave an admiring thumbs up.

Lin Wudao actually dared to take advantage of the high priest, he was so strong!

"Now that I've been discovered, do I still have to pay the rent?"

"Fuck you!"

"Those are ten treasures of the gods. Where can we get them?"

The mad Taoist pouted.

"Besides, aren't there still ten years left?"

"Ten years later, I'm afraid we will all become true gods. By then, we will leave the mountain world and never come back..."

"Well, let's talk about it then!"

"In seven years, the Shanling Realm will be reopened. At that time, let's go to Lishan Divine Kingdom to do something about it."

"There is a shocking divine treasure inside that place!"

"Not to mention the treasures of the gods, there are even the treasures of the god kings and even the treasures of the saints, which are enough to repay Tushan's favor."

Lin Wudao answered.

Lishan Divine Kingdom?

As soon as these words came out, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu suddenly became energetic.

"Where is the Kingdom of God?"


"At that time, the powerful god kings from the nine major divine clans from the outside world will probably arrive, and the Tushan clan will also be involved."

"Let's take advantage of the troubled waters and get some bargains."

Lin Wudao said thoughtfully.

Kingdom of God?


God King?

Hearing these words, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

"It seems that even though I am a veteran, I have to hurry up and improve my strength."

"Try to become a god in one year!"

His eyes were dazzling.


The crazy Taoist immediately rushed into the eighth ancestral land and continued to practice.

See this scene.

Qin Daofu also followed closely behind!

In the past three years, he only saved more than 5,000 corpses of first-level true gods before cultivating himself into a true god.


In the eighth ancestral land, there are still 9,000 corpses of second-order true gods, and 2,950 corpses of tenth-order true gods.

If all these corpses are saved, his cultivation level will inevitably reach an extremely high level.

By the time!

You can also get better bargains by going to Lishan Divine Kingdom.

Think of this.

Qin Daofu's blood boiled again.

Seeing that they were all so excited, Lin Wudao did not hesitate and immediately entered the ancestral land together.

Cultivation takes no time!


Seven years have passed by in a flash...

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