
The speed of the mountain world's collapse far exceeded Lin Wudao's expectations.


Through his unremitting efforts, he pushed the contract between heaven and earth to its extreme state, and only controlled an area of ​​180 million miles in radius.

It just so happens that the Taiyi Dynasty and the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom are included in the scope...

A radius of 180 million miles!

Although it sounds like the geographical scope is extremely vast and cannot be crossed by ordinary people in a lifetime; however, compared to the entire Eastern Region, it is only a small area.


Seeing large tracts of the world continue to collapse, Lin Wudao immediately used the world origin of Sunset Land to turn into a sword of heaven and earth.


One sword fell and cut off all the areas except Taiyi Dynasty and Tianlong Ancient Kingdom.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Wudao used his original power to reshape a world barrier at the edge of the world, blocking the erosion of the space storm.


Outside the Taiyi Dynasty and the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom, the Eastern Region was completely dragged into the huge black hole.

In the end, everything was wiped out...

Watch it all!

Lin Wudao was also sighing.

He didn't expect that it would be such a result!

"Why, you seem disappointed?"


Just when Lin Wudao's face was gloomy, suddenly, the illusory human face of the First Emperor appeared from the dark and chaotic void.

There was a trace of teasing and ridicule in his eyes...

"Are you disappointed?"

Lin Wudao sneered coldly.

Standing at the edge of the world, he looked at the chaotic void in the distance and the raging space storm with an indifferent expression.

"I am never disappointed!"

"Although I failed to kill you completely, I am still the winner!"

"As you said, this mountain realm is your playground. You don't care at all about its collapse and destruction."

"Why not this god?"

"Now, although most of the Eastern Territory has collapsed, at least 180 million miles of territory are still under the control of this god."

"With such a vast territory and so many creatures, all we need to do is convert them into people and faith."

"By then, I will be able to reach at least the fifth level of true god!"

"Crossing three divine levels in one go saves countless years of hard work. Why should I be disappointed with such a great good thing?"

Lin Wudao said indifferently.

Just as the First Emperor said, the world of mountains and mausoleums has nothing to do with him.

Being able to acquire such a vast area and hundreds of millions of people at once was a piece of cake in the sky.


Lin Wudao was not disappointed!

"It turns out that you are also stealing the world origin of Shanling Realm."

"You and this emperor are both on the same journey!"

"It's a pity that you took action too late. You only stole one-tenth of the origin of the Eastern Territory, which is insignificant compared to this emperor."

"Moreover, it is not easy to maintain an area of ​​180 million miles and prevent it from collapsing."

"You have more now, but you can't hold it!"

"In the future, sooner or later, the area you occupy will continue to collapse and be destroyed..."

The First Emperor's face was full of smiles.

Lin Wudao is trying to use the origin of the Sunset Land to control and maintain an area of ​​180 million miles.

In his opinion, this is wishful thinking!

The origin of the world in the Land of the Sunset is only a little bit, and it is simply unrealistic to maintain an area of ​​180 million miles.

In the future, destruction will still be unavoidable.


In the eyes of the First Emperor, Lin Wudao was wasting his efforts, and in the end, it would be all in vain.

"I won't worry about this for you!"

Lin Wudao responded lightly.


"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength and methods."

"In that case, I wish you good luck!"

"This game in the Mountain World has been played. I am looking forward to our next meeting."

"When the time comes, I hope you can grab more from me, hahaha..."

Arrogant laughter came from the chaotic void first.

Say it!

The illusory human face of the First Emperor disappeared instantly.

Lin Wudao was not too disappointed with the departure of the First Emperor.


The biggest problem before him is how to protect this 180 million miles of territory and firmly turn it into his own divine domain.

The First Emperor was right when he said that the origin of the world in the Land of the Sunset was extremely limited.

It can only last for a while, not for a long time!

Once it cannot be defended, the vast area it occupies will inevitably collapse.

In response to this problem, Lin Wudao was not panicked.


In his hands, he also holds a trump card that even the First Emperor would covet.

That is, the Seal of the Great World!

"The Seal of the Great World in Cang Yue's hand is the original treasure of the great world of Shenhuang. Through it, the origin of the great world of Shenhuang can be absorbed, thereby replenishing it to this area."

"In this way, this area of ​​180 million miles will not collapse..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

If he didn't have the Seal of the Great World, he wouldn't dare to make plans for the Eastern Territory.

"The top priority now is to turn this area into a divine domain as soon as possible, and then improve Tushan Cangyue's cultivation and strength."

"When the time comes, when the Divine Realm is connected to the Divine Desolate World, she can slowly absorb the origin of the Divine Desolate World and use it to maintain this Divine Realm."

Talking time!

Lin Wudao dodged and returned to the Land of the Sunset.


Mu Qingyi, Zhao Wushen, and Ji Haotian arrived in front of them instantly.

"It's time for you to leave too, right?"


"Sir, we failed to kill the First Emperor this time, which disappoints you..."

The three of them looked ashamed and frightened.

To this!

Lin Wudao waved his hand.


"The First Emperor has been operating in the Shanling Realm for countless thousands of years, and has already turned this place into his own place."

"This is just his playground."

"If Shanling Realm is gone, he will go to other places, and we may meet him again in the future."

"When that time comes, it's never too late to take revenge!"

"The three of you are all extraordinary, and your future is limitless. After you go back this time, you can concentrate on your cultivation."

"When the time comes, we will meet again..."

Lin Wudao said with a smile.

Hear the words!

The three of them were in great spirits!

"Zhao Wushen is willing to follow the young master to the death!"

"Ji Haotian is willing to follow the young master to the death!"

"Mu Qingyi is willing to follow the young master to the death!"

Dong Dong Dong~

The three of them knelt down and worshiped.


At this moment, an invisible force swept across them, and their figures disappeared instantly.

"It's time for the Shanling Realm to come to an end."

With a slight sigh, Lin Wudao also returned to the Land of the Sunset.

Qingshan Temple!

A group of clergymen gathered together.

"Yu Zhentian!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"Today, this god has controlled an area of ​​180 million miles, which mainly includes the Taiyi Dynasty and the ancient Tianlong Kingdom."

"I order you to lead a group of powerful gods from the Sunset Ancient Clan to suppress all resistance forces within half a month."

"Bring all the territory 180 million miles under the rule of this god."

"Follow the law!"

Yu Zhentian bowed in response.

In his eyes, the light was shining brightly.

This is another great opportunity to make a contribution!


He took Yu Shan and others and left the Land of the Sunset in a furious manner.

"Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming, you are responsible for taking over the Taiyi Dynasty and the ancient Tianlong Kingdom, and strive to transform them into the people of this god within a month."

"This god will give you the baptism of God at the peak level and the initiation method to help you act."


Under Lin Wudao's guidance, he passed on the two peak divine techniques to Tushan Cangyue.

"Jie Wuyou!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"You are responsible for collecting and organizing treasures and resources."


"Others, please cooperate with the high priest and the great heavenly master. They must completely bring the area of ​​180 million miles under the command of this god within one month."

"In addition, this god has decided to perform a baptism of god on the clergy of the temple in one month."

The oracles were delivered in an orderly manner.

Hear the words!

Everyone present was in great spirits!

After bowing respectfully, they immediately exited the temple and went to do their own business.


After they left, Lin Wudao also found Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu.

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