Ji Yuan's work efficiency is very fast!

Half a day later!

The ten thousand first-order true god corpses purchased by Lin Wudao were delivered to him in the form of storage bags.

The eighth level of Jiutian Tower!

Now, this place has become Lin Wudao's exclusive place.

After Ji Yuan left, he suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, took out the body of a true god and placed it in the copper coffin.

His plan is to collect the corpse first and see the effect!


[Unfortunately, you got nothing! 】

A cold notification sounded in my mind.

"No way?"

"Are you so unlucky today?"

Lin Wudao's heart sank.

This is an open door!


Fortunately, he is not short of one or two true god corpses now, and there are still 9,999 corpses left.


Lin Wudao made a sudden move and directly threw one hundred corpses of the true gods into the sky-burial copper coffin.

[Unfortunately, you got nothing! 】

[Unfortunately, you got nothing! 】

[You buried the corpse of a first-level true god and obtained 10,000 low-grade divine stones. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained 100,000 low-grade divine stones. 】

[You buried the corpse of a first-order true god and obtained the method: Fiery Sun Divine Fist. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained the method: Nine-Yang Divine Fist! 】


Alert sounds sounded one after another.


Lin Wudao's mood became heavier and heavier.


He found that his luck today seemed to be very bad.

Of the one hundred true god corpses, less than one-tenth actually produced items, and the rest were in vain.


The items offered are not very good either.

His cultivation level has not increased at all!

"Hey, I don't believe it~"


In anger, Lin Wudao directly threw a thousand corpses of the true gods into the bronze coffin.

This time.

The effect is slightly better.

From the corpses of a thousand true gods, he gained 18 billion luck points, a life span of 880,000 years, and more than 5 million low-grade divine stones...

His cultivation level has improved from the early stage of the magical power realm to the late stage of the magical power realm.

"This output rate is too low!"

"It seems that today is not a good day to collect corpses..."

Lin Wudao sighed.

A thousand corpses of the true god were far from what he expected.

Think of this!

He no longer pressed, and directly threw all the remaining eight thousand corpses of the true gods into the corpse refining furnace.

"With so many true god corpses, even if I can absorb one thousandth of the power, it can improve my cultivation a lot, right?"

Lin Wudao comforted himself.

Compared with the blind box opening and uncertainty of the Sky Burial Copper Coffin, the Corpse Refining Furnace is much more reliable.

after all!

This is a real increase in strength!


With this thought, Lin Wudao immediately activated the corpse refining furnace and began to smelt it crazily.

after one day!

After successfully smelting the corpse of a true god, his cultivation reached the Great Perfection of Divine Power.

[System, can the level of the Origin Stone be improved after it exceeds the realm of the Emperor of Heaven? 】


[The host currently does not have the permission for secondary enhancement...]


After hearing this answer, Lin Wudao fell into deep thought.

"What this means is that the system may open the secondary enhancement permissions in the future, or it may not open it."

"Moreover, even if the permission for secondary enhancement is opened, the specific time is uncertain."

"So, my previous preparation for a rainy day was not wrong."

"Once I exceed the realm of the Emperor of Heaven and the Origin Stone cannot be used, I will lose part of my huge advantage."

"So, from now on, I must strengthen my physical body and push it to a very high level."

"Even if there is no Origin Stone in the future, I can still maintain my due strength by relying on my own strength."

"From now on, we must strengthen the tempering of our physical body..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

He has always relied too much on the Stone of Origin.

If one day, the Origin Stone can no longer be used, then he will inevitably face the embarrassing situation of greatly reduced combat power.

to this end!

You must prepare in advance!

"It seems that it is necessary for me to purchase a more powerful body refining method."

Thinking of this.

He summoned Ji Yuan again.

"Shopkeeper Ji, what is the most powerful body-refining method in Jiutian Tower?"

"Mr. Ren, which level do you want?"

"Well, let's do it, Emperor Fa!"

"Master Ren, in my Jiutian Tower, the most powerful body-refining method for the emperor is the "Nine-turn Immortal Golden Body"."

"Every time you complete this method, your physical body will become ten thousand times stronger than before."

"After completing the ninth revolution, you can fight the Emperor of Heaven!"

Ji Yuan replied respectfully.

Nine-turn immortal golden body?

Can you fight the Emperor of Heaven?

Lin Wudao perked up!

"Is this "Nine-turn Immortal Golden Body" the strongest in the city of the heavens as far as the emperor level is concerned?"


"How many divine crystals are needed?"

"Eight hundred billion top-grade divine crystals!"


Sure enough it’s not cheap~

Lin Wudao took a deep breath.

He spent a total of 16 trillion of the best divine crystals to buy the Heaven and Earth Contract and the Dao-Killing Sword. If he bought the "Nine Turns of Immortal Golden Body", there would basically not be much left.

"I bought it!"

"Put the account on the Supreme Head~"


Ji Yuan nodded and retreated.

After a while.

He returned again and handed an ancient jade slip to Lin Wudao.

"Mr. Ren, although this "Nine Turns of Immortal Golden Body" is extremely powerful, its cultivation is extremely resource-consuming, time-consuming, and labor-intensive."

"Since its birth, no one seems to be able to cultivate it to the ninth level..."


Hearing this, Lin Wudao became interested.

"How far has the strongest person reached in his cultivation?"

"Third turn!"

"The nine-turn immortal golden body will become ten thousand times more powerful every time it is completed, but the consumption of resources, time, and mental effort will also continue to increase."

"Even the Great Emperor does not have such a long lifespan to support the supreme realm of the ninth revolution."

"Perhaps, in this world, only Young Master Ren has such qualifications and background, haha..."

Ji Yuan complimented.

The emperor definitely can't do it!

However, as a descendant of the Supreme, Lin Wudao did not have to worry about this because the Supreme provided resources.

"I just want to take a look."

"The Supreme said that truly powerful beings have their own paths. I want to give it a try and see what my limits are."

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

After Ji Yuan left, he took out the last piece of Tiandao Talisman.

"The "Nine-turn Immortal Golden Body" is already the most powerful body-refining method at the emperor level. The Tiandao Shen symbol says that it can strengthen any emperor-level material ten thousand times."

"I don't know, what kind of effect will it have if I use it on "Nine Turns of Immortal Golden Body"?"

Lin Wudao had a crazy idea in his heart.


After taking a deep breath, he crushed the Heavenly Talisman.

All of a sudden!

Streams of dazzling heavenly divine light came out, covering the "Nine Turns of Immortal Golden Body", and the surging Taoist rhyme intertwined between heaven and earth...


After half a day.

After the strengthening was completed, a jade slip exuding a grand Taoist charm appeared in front of Lin Wudao.

at the same time!

His divine eye also fell on it.

Name: The Immortal Golden Body of the Great Way (Emperor Chapter)

Level: Great Emperor

Introduction: 1. If the way of heaven is not imposed on you, the great way cannot be destroyed!

2. The Emperor level, the most powerful body-training method in the world!

3. There are nine turns in total. After nine turns, the physical defense can withstand a blow from the Immortal King!

4. Physical strength can kill the Emperor of Heaven!

5. After nine turns, you can create the immortal body of the avenue and evolve the vision of the avenue!

6. The only way in the world!

Note: This method cannot be practiced by people who do not have great opportunity, great perseverance, great fortune, great wisdom, and great luck.

A lot of information came into view!

After reading.

Even Lin Wudao felt a flash of shock in his eyes.

The strongest in the world!

Just these few words, eight hundred billion top-grade divine crystals, and a piece of heavenly talisman are worth it...

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