List of gods?

Looking at the mysterious gold list slowly unfolding above the void, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes instantly.

Name: Fengshen Bang

Level: True God

Introduction: 1. A divine object refined by the First Emperor and used to restrain the gods of incense and fire. Relying on the list of gods, the true spirit of the gods of incense and fire can be imprisoned and turned into slaves.

2. The list of gods is blessed with the rules of heaven and earth in the Eastern Region, which can activate the power of rules in the Eastern Region to suppress all living creatures in this area.

3. Under the saint, you are invincible!

The eyes of the gods scanned.

A lot of information about the Conferred Gods List was instantly presented.

After reading this!

Lin Wudao frowned slightly.

"It seems that the gods of incense and fire in the Eastern Region have already been suppressed by the First Emperor. I wonder if the God of the Sky is on the list of gods?"

He was curious.


Just when he was secretly surprised, the list of gods floating in the void had been completely unfolded, and it was blooming with great power.

A moment!

The rules of heaven and earth in the Eastern Great Region seemed to be triggered by the Conferred Gods List. Along with the thunder that shook the sky and the earth, the brilliant power of heaven covered the ten directions of Daqingshan.

Above the sky, black clouds are rolling!

Thousands of thunderous lights intertwined in the void, and they seemed to turn into huge thunder swords, hanging above Lin Wudao's head.

As long as Pei Ji gives the order, he can chop down Lin Wudao...


"The temple actually used the list of gods? It seems that they are very afraid of the God of Qingshan."

Outside Lei Ze.

Vulcan took a deep breath and said solemnly.

The gaze that looked at the list of gods was filled with intense fear.

at the same time!

And anger and hatred!

As the incense god worshiped by the Zhu Rong clan for generations, he has also been on the list of gods and has completely lost his freedom.

"Alas, we, the incense gods, have been aloof since ancient times, enjoying the incense of the human world without being bound by the human world."

"Since the birth of the Eastern Temple, everything has changed!"

"If time could turn back..."

The Water God also clenched his fists.

Eyes of hatred!

To the gods of incense and fire like them, the Eastern Temple is a sword of destruction that hangs over their heads at all times.

Life, death and destiny are completely in the hands of the temple.

Can't be independent!

This is unacceptable to the incense god who advocates freedom.

If they can resist, they hope to fight against the temple...


The temple is protected by the rules of heaven and earth in the Eastern Region, and they cannot shake it at all.


In addition to Zhu Rong and Cangming, it seems that another incense god will be added to the list of gods.

Think of this!

The God of Fire and the God of Water were relieved, but also filled with infinite sadness and helplessness.

"Oh, God of Green Mountains, are you still alive now?"

"After your true spirit is imprisoned, I will come back to judge you properly and let you know the majesty of my temple."

"When the time comes, even if you are a high-altitude god, you will still bow your head, haha..."

Lihuo Ancient Clan.

Li Tianjun sneered.

As soon as the list of gods comes out, the rules will be blessed!

Even the God of the Sky, who is as powerful as the Tushan clan of Nanling, cannot resist. Li Tianjun does not believe that Lin Wudao, the little God of the Green Mountains, can break free from the list of gods.


As if he felt his thoughts, Pei Ji, who was far away in Daqing Mountain, suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the list of gods.

In an instant.

A vast and majestic voice shook Leize inside and outside...

[Hereby is the God of Leize Daqingshan, who behaves recklessly and does not obey the laws and orders of the temple. Today I hold the list of gods and act on behalf of heaven to imprison the God of Qingshan. 】

【His crime must be punished! 】

At this moment, Pei Ji felt as if the power of heaven had been added to his body and he had the constitution of heaven in his mouth.


As his voice sounded, a vast will of heaven and earth suddenly surged out from the list of gods, turned into an invisible big hand, and fell towards Lin Wudao's head.

The power of that big hand far surpasses that of the true God!


Gods and kings are incomparable!

"The power of mastering the rules of a large area is indeed powerful."

"If it were other incense gods, they would definitely be detained by you and become prisoners under your orders."

"It's just that I always like to be free and have never had the habit of submitting to others or being threatened by others."

"Today, I want to see whether it is your heavenly power that is stronger, or my saintly power..."


While talking.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, Lin Wudao took out an ancient and mysterious jade talisman and crushed it into pieces.


When the jade talisman was crushed, a sword light containing a monstrous aura of death suddenly rose into the sky.

The unparalleled power directly tore the shackles of the will of heaven and earth into pieces.


That terrifying sword light struck hard on the list of gods.


Accompanied by a sharp sound of cracking silk, in the disbelief eyes of everyone, the list of gods in the void was directly cut off with a sword.

The Great Nirvana Sword Talisman contains the Saint's strike!

Although the rules of heaven and earth in the Mountain Realm are powerful, they have not reached the level of a saint.


The sword light soaring into the sky not only destroyed the list of gods, but also cut directly into the depths of the vast sky.

Its overwhelming power can even destroy the mighty thunder with one sword...


Seeing this scene, Pei Ji's eyes suddenly widened.

"How can this be?"

"The Conferred God List was...actually destroyed by a sword?"

He couldn't help but gasp.

The expression was extremely horrifying!

That is the list of gods blessed with the power of the rules of the Eastern Region. Even the gods cannot resist or break free.

Now, he was actually killed by Lin Wudao with a sword?

This result!

It made Pei Ji's scalp numb!


It's not just him.

At this time, the expressions of the Fire God and Water God who were watching from far away from Lei Ze, or Li Tianjun of the Lihuo Ancient Clan, all changed drastically.

"What kind of power is that? It actually... actually destroyed the list of gods?"

Vulcan was extremely horrified.

"How could the God of the Green Mountain master such terrifying power? This has completely exceeded the scope of the mountain world, right?"

The water god also had his pupils constricted.

Their cognition has been subverted like never before!

In the world of mountains and mausoleums, the God King has been the pinnacle of power since ancient times. There is no saint who can surpass the God King.


This time, Lin Wudao's sword slashed out, but it abruptly changed their perceptions.

"Then...what level of power is it?"

The two gods of water and fire looked at each other in confusion.

this moment!

Their eyes looking at Lin Wudao in the distance were full of panic and fear.

call out!

call out!

The two of them did not dare to stay in Leize any longer, and immediately left as quickly as possible.

at the same time!

Li Tianjun, who was far away from the Lihuo Ancient Clan, also had his eyes widened, his face full of inexplicable panic and fear.

"Then... what kind of power is that? To kill the Gods List with one sword?"

"Can't you even restrict the rules of the Eastern Region?"


In shock, the bronze mirror in his hand fell to the ground.


He did not stay with the Lihuo Ancient Clan for long, and immediately drove the spirit boat towards the temple at the fastest speed.

The List of Conferred Gods is destroyed, and Pei Ji is bound to die!

Next up!

If you stay in the Lihuo Ancient Clan, you will definitely suffer the wrath of the God of Qingshan.


You can't stay here for long!

In fact.

Everything was exactly as Li Tianjun thought...


After slashing the list of gods with one sword, Lin Wudao's cold eyes fell on Pei Ji.

"God, have mercy on me, I..."



The cold and majestic voice fell, and Lin Wudao did not see any movement. Pei Ji's body suddenly exploded and turned into a blood mist.


His soul was extracted, turned into the purest power, and integrated into Lin Wudao's soul.

All his memories were swallowed up in an instant.

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