call out!

Outside Lei Ze.

At this time, the figure of a middle-aged man stood in the void, his face was stern, and his aura was shining like the sun.

Just standing in the sky, he has an unparalleled majesty that overwhelms the sky and the earth.


Behind the man, there are billions of divine lights blooming, shining in the void in all directions.

In the divine light, an ancient sacred mountain and temple appeared vaguely, with thousands of creatures inside bowing their heads in worship.


The mighty power of incense, like the rushing Milky Way, is rising and falling in the divine light.

It sets him off with infinite majesty!

This person!

Astonishingly, it was Jidu, the god of the sky from the Tushan clan in Nanling!

"The God of Qingshan must also be the god of incense who inherited the throne of the God of War in the past."

"I hope you won't disappoint me~"

An extremely indifferent voice slowly came out.


When the words fell, the divine light behind Jidu instantly surged, directly spreading across the area thousands of miles around, stirring up the storm in the sky.

His vast and ferocious power immediately alarmed the incense gods around Lei Ze.

call out!

call out!

call out!

In an instant, powerful spiritual thoughts came from the distant void.

When the spiritual thoughts touched Jidu, everyone made a startled sound...

Zhu Rongshi!

In the ancient and magnificent temple, the God of Fire fell silent and reminisced about the past. He woke up from his deep sleep, and the bright divine light instantly illuminated the entire Zhu Rong clan.

"Master, what happened?"

Shang Yan, the high priest of the Zhu Rong clan, asked in shock.


He also felt the terrifying divine power coming from afar, and it seemed that they were not far away from the Zhu Rong clan.

"The God of the Sky from Nanling is here!"


God of the sky?

Shang Yan's expression suddenly changed.

He knew that it was also a powerful incense god.

"Great God, the God of the Sky is far away in Nanling and accepts worship from the Tushan clan. Why does he come to Leize for no reason?"

"Is it possible that you are here for me, the Zhu Rong clan?"

Shang Yan said in fear.

"Not really!"

"This time the God of the Sky condensed a ray of God's true spirit and descended on Leize, it was for the God of Qingshan in Daqingshan."

"I'm afraid that a divine war is about to break out..."

God war?

Hearing this, Shang Yan suddenly took a breath of air.

As far as he knew, whether it was the God of the Sky or the God of the Green Mountains of the Tushan clan, they were all second-level true gods of incense.

Once a divine war breaks out, the impact range of divine power will inevitably cover the entire Leize.


Their Zhu Rong clan may also be affected.

The war between the incense gods has not happened for tens of thousands of years.


The real battle between gods is about to begin?

this moment!

Shang Yan was both frightened and inexplicably excited.

If possible, he also wants to experience the so-called divine war...

"Not everyone can watch the battle between gods."

"You mortals cannot bear the power of God!"

"Stay well in Zhurong Mountain and restrain all the people. I will go and take a look."

call out!

The words fell.

A crimson divine light suddenly rose into the sky and left the Zhu Rong clan.

at the same time!

The Cangming clan, which was adjacent to the Zhu Rong clan, also had a black divine light rush out, transforming into an ancient and majestic figure, flying away in the sky.

That is the water god worshiped by the Cangming clan!

at this time.

Inspired by the God of the Sky, they all left their own divine domain and stepped into Lei Ze.

Lihuo Ancient Clan.

Li Tianjun, who was closing his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his cold eyes, rushed out of the hall immediately, and looked up in the direction of Daqing Mountain.

The eyes are filled with divine light!

"The God of the Sky is finally here!"

He clenched his fists.


The messenger Pei Ji was summoned.

"My subordinates pay their respects to Palace Master Li!"

"Pei Ji, the sky god of the Tushan clan in Nanling has arrived. Now, it's your turn to show off."

"You immediately go to Daqing Mountain with the God's List in hand. If the God of the Sky suppresses the God of Qingshan, there is no need to pay attention to it."

"If the God of the Sky loses, you will use the God List in your hand to imprison the God of the Green Mountain."

"Do you understand?"

Li Tianjun ordered in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Although Pei Ji was extremely frightened, he still nodded calmly.

"My subordinate understands!"

"Palace Master, if something happens to one of my subordinates, I hope that the Palace Master can take some care of me, the Lihuo Ancient Clan."

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen to the Lihuo Ancient Clan."

Li Tianjun patted his shoulder.

Hear this!

Pei Ji glanced at him gratefully, then harnessed the rainbow light and quickly headed towards Daqing Mountain.

"Oh, wild god?"

"Anyone who disobeys the laws of my temple will be killed!"

"Gods are no exception..."

Li Tianjun murmured to himself.

When he finished speaking, he turned over his hand and took out a simple and mysterious blue bronze mirror, and gently wiped it with his palm.

In an instant!

As bursts of brilliant light bloomed, clear pictures began to appear on the bronze mirror.

It was clearly Pei Ji's perspective!

at this time.

Li Tianjun was among the Lihuo Ancient Clan, watching the battle from a distance.

Lin Wudao didn't know much about his plan.

Qingshan Temple!

When the God of Sky came to Leize, Lin Wudao sensed his presence for the first time.

"Is it finally here~"

He opened his divine eyes and looked into the void beyond Daqing Mountain.




I saw, along with the sound of low footsteps and the great power, gradually, a majestic figure appeared in Daqingshan.

"Hiss, God of the Sky?"

Seeing the visitor and feeling the overwhelming divine power revealed, thousands of people in Daqingshan showed shocked expressions.

Under gods, mortals are like ants!


Even Tu Shan Cangyue and the others clenched their fists, with panic and shock in their eyes.


Just as they were looking at it, Ji Du's cold eyes swept across the distant void like a divine sword.

Wherever the eyes passed, the void seemed to be cut off...

A huge coercion suddenly fell from the sky, trying to suppress everyone to death.

See it!

Lin Wudao snorted, and activated the Divine Power to directly admit all the people into the Qingshan Temple.

And he himself, with the power and will of the Great Demon God Qingshan, evolved into an incarnation of God and walked out of the temple.

His indifferent eyes fell on Ji Du in the distance.

Name: Jidu

Divine Level: Second Level True God (Incense Enlightenment)

God position: God of the sky

Divine Realm: Eighty-eight Million Miles

People: 5.36 million

Temple: Zhonghuangshan Temple

Artifacts: Mirror of the Sky (low-grade artifact), Sword of the Stars (high-grade artifact)

Divine power: 1. Sacrifice

2. Divine Insight

3. God’s blessing

4. Seven Star Divine Power

5. Divine power in the sky

The eyes of the gods swept over, and a lot of information about the God of the Sky was immediately presented in front of them.

"He actually still has a high-grade artifact in his hand?"

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

Judging from Jidu's divine level, the Sword of the Stars was definitely not forged by him, but by other gods of incense and fire.

He should have inherited it!

"So, Jidu is not the first generation sky god, but the second generation? Or the third generation?"

Lin Wudao was curious.

at the same time!

Just as he was looking at it, Ji Du in the distance also cast his cold eyes on Lin Wudao.


He did not get any useful information from Lin Wudao.

That way!

It seems that everything about Lin Wudao is like a fog and cannot be seen clearly...

"God of Qingshan, you Daqingshan killed my people, we should settle the debt today."


The moment the sound sounded, the void behind Jidu suddenly collapsed, and an ancient starry sky appeared.


The bright starlight turned into a vast Milky Way of ten thousand feet, directly tearing the void apart.

The terrifying divine power covers all directions!

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