


One after another, shrill screams rang out one after another from the battlefield.

at this time.

The five thousand people of the Panshi Ancient Clan have completely become the leeks of the God of Disaster and the Mad Taoist. All the life essence in their bodies has been absorbed by the two of them.


After all, the God of Disaster is a powerful god of incense and has the innate advantage of having the mark of disaster.


The speed at which he absorbed it was far faster than that of a mad Taoist.

After a long time!

When the last member of the Panshi Ancient Clan fell, the huge battlefield was already covered with their corpses.

Looking at this scene, both Yu Zhentian and the others, as well as Wu Huan and the others, all showed shocked expressions.

"The God of Disaster is so cruel!"

"The reason why the God's Mark was planted on the Panshi Ancient Clan was to absorb their..."

Wu Huan exclaimed.


As soon as he finished speaking, Tushan Cangyue's cold eyes swept over him, scaring him so much that he immediately fell to his knees on the ground.

"Excuse me, the high priest, but I made a mistake!"

"My subordinate didn't mean that. Even if I lend you ten thousand courages, I wouldn't dare to blaspheme the Great God..."

His face was full of panic.

Kneeling on the ground, his body was shaking.

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

after all!

The Sunset Ancient Clan also bears the mark of the God of War.

If the God of Disaster planted the Mark of Disaster on the Panshi Ancient Clan in order to plunder the essence of life, then what about the God of War?

Isn't it the same?

In this way, where will the God of Qingshan they believe in be placed?

Those who blaspheme God will be punished by God!

"As a punishment, your cultivation level will be reduced to a small level!"

"Next time you dare to talk nonsense, I will not take it lightly..."


As Tu Shan Cang Yue finished speaking, Wu Huan's cultivation suddenly dropped from the early stage of the Divine Origin Realm to the Great Perfection of the Divine Power Realm.

To this!

Wu Huan was filled with bitterness, but even more regretful.

He asked for it!

Nothing to talk about...


Jie Wuyou, who was on the side, also cast a sympathetic look.

Wu Huan, this is simply a disaster!

In just one sentence, you have deceived yourself!

"Sure enough, there will be a price to pay for talking nonsense, especially when it comes to Master Qingshan, you have to be careful with your words and actions."

“Speak less and do more, that’s the right thing to do.”

Jie Wuyou sighed inwardly.

This time Wu Huan also gave him a warning.

from now on!

You must be careful in what you say and do, otherwise, you may cause unreasonable disasters.

Tushan Cangyue ignored the reactions of the two of them.


Her cold eyes fell on Yu Zhentian and others.

"You don't have to be afraid!"

"How could the Great God covet your life essence if he exists? Otherwise, the Great God would not have given you a thousand years of life before."

"Furthermore, the Great God is not an evil god like the God of Disaster. He loves and cares for the people under his command."

"Even if you have the mark of God on your body, there is no need to feel panic or uneasiness because of it."

"Over the past tens of thousands of years, you have used your actions to prove the Sunset Ancient Clan's firm belief in the Great God."

"Even among the Tushan clan, there are not many people who can compare to you."

"If you don't like the mark of God on your body, I can also ask the great god to remove the mark."

A dull voice sounded slowly.

Hear this!

Yu Zhentian and others were shocked!

They were both surprised and frightened...

"High Priest, it doesn't have to be like this!"

"We, the Sunset Ancient Clan, were born for the Great God and fought for the Great God. There has never been any change for tens of thousands of years."

“Everything we have is given by God!”

"The mark of God is the glory of my Sunset Ancient Clan. Let it always accompany us and bear witness to our glory."

Yu Zhentian and his clan members knelt down and worshiped.

After Tu Shan Cang Yue's enlightenment, the fear that had just arisen in their hearts disappeared in an instant.

The mark of God is the glory of their family!

In fact.

And indeed it is!

Looking at the current Tushan clan, Lin Wudao has not exerted any divine mark on his people. At most, he has only slightly shortened his lifespan.

It won't hurt their roots!

The Seal of God is not being applied now, nor will it be in the future.


He would not remove the mark of God from the Sunset Ancient Clan.

As Yu Zhentian said, this is the glory of their Sunset Ancient Clan...

from now on!

Among the Tushan clan, he will definitely become the only one.

Lin Wudao didn't pay much attention to the reactions of Wu Huan and Yu Zhentian.

call out!

call out!

When the last member of the Panshi Ancient Clan fell, he and Qin Daofu immediately came to the Crazy Taoist.

"How's it going? Is the harvest big?"

Qin Daofu asked curiously.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist sighed and shook his head.

"Not very big."

"I have only absorbed about one-tenth of the life essence and power, and my life span has been increased by 550,000 years."

"The cultivation level has been reached, the early stage of the Divine Profound Realm!"

"Nine-tenths of the five thousand prisoners of war of the Panshi Ancient Clan were absorbed by the God of Disaster."

"As expected of a god, even if I use all my means, I can only get one-tenth of the essence."

The mad Taoist looked gloomy.

He is still too weak to compete with the gods for his life!

"Crazy Taoist, I think you are not at a loss this time. After all, your life span has increased by 550,000 years, and your cultivation level has also been greatly improved."

"Moreover, those magical medicines and treasures were originally obtained from the Panshi Ancient Clan."

"After all, you've made a lot of money!"

Qin Daofu touched his chin and said.

Hear this!

The crazy Taoist smiled again.

"Hehe, that seems to be the case."

"However, the reason why I, the old Taoist, was able to achieve such promotion this time is also thanks to the success of you and Brother Ren."

"Without you, I wouldn't have the strength and foundation I have now..."

The crazy Taoist said gratefully.

"Okay, let's stop talking now."

"Hurry up and put these corpses away. Let's go to the ancestral land of the Panshi Ancient Clan. There are still dozens of ancestors there."

"We can't let it go..."


Qin Daofu seemed to have thought of something and exclaimed.

While talking.

With a wave of his hand, he collected all the corpses on the battlefield.


The three of them harnessed the rainbow light and quickly headed towards the Panshi Ancient Clan.

See this scene!

Yu Zhentian and others in the distance suddenly narrowed their eyes.

"High Priest, what are those people going to do?"

"It's probably a bargain!"

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.


A bargain?

What else is there that the Panshi Ancient Clan can find cheaply now?

Everyone was confused.

"Let's go, let's also go to the Panshi Ancient Clan."

"Wu Huan, please wait and remove all traces of the God of Disaster from the Panshi Ancient Clan."

"Then, place the statue of the Great God Qingshan."

"If you can handle this matter well, I will remember you again..."


Wu Huan was overjoyed.

He felt that his cultivation that had been taken away would soon come back.


The group of people drove the boat on the other side and quickly headed towards the Panshi Ancient Clan.

Lin Wudao and the other three moved very quickly.


The whole process went very smoothly!

Because of the God of Disaster, all members of the Panshi Ancient Clan died.

When Lin Wudao and the others went to the Panshi Ancient Clan, the tribesmen left behind had already turned into cold corpses.

See this scene!

They didn't stay long. After killing more than thirty ancestors in their ancestral land, they left the Panshi Ancient Clan as quickly as possible.

call out!

Shortly after they left, Tushan Cangyue and others also came here. While removing the traces of the God of Disaster, they erected a statue of the God of Qingshan.

This place has officially become the domain of the God of Green Mountain...


[Congratulations, the Sunset Ancient Clan under your command has destroyed the Panshi Ancient Clan through conquest and brought their territory under the rule of Daqingshan. 】

[Luck value, +1000000000! 】

[Congratulations, your divine domain has expanded by 2.2 million miles, and the new divine domain range is: 5.2 million miles! 】

[The high priest under your command, Tu Shan Cang Yue, has reached the early stage of the Divine Realm due to the huge increase in the scope of the Divine Realm! 】

A series of cold notification sounds sounded in Lin Wudao's mind.

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