"Vase of Sin!"

Seeing the black bottle in Li Jiuyin's palm, Lin Wudao, who was watching from a distance, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

This is an artifact refined by the second generation God of Disaster!

It contains extremely terrifying evil power, which is very difficult to deal with...

"Tsk, tsk, can the Temple of Disaster finally take action?"

"The divine weapon in Li Jiuyin's hand is very extraordinary. Now the Sunset Ancient Clan may be in catastrophe."

"I just don't know what kind of methods the high priest of the Tushan clan will use to resist the Aquarius of Sin?"

The crazy Taoist looked excited.

He has seen the power of the Jidao Divine Weapon with his own eyes, but he has not yet seen the power of the divine weapon.


Li Jiuyin used the artifact of the God of Disaster, so the Tushan clan must also use the artifact to resist.

Moreover, the Aquarius of Sin contains boundless evil power, and the Sword of War is an artifact focused on attack and killing.

It's probably very difficult to resist the attack of the Sinful Aquarius...

Think of this!

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu both looked closely at the battlefield.

at this time!

Li Jiuyin waved his big hand, and the vase of sin in his palm instantly flew into the void, and burst out with a mighty black divine light.


I saw waves of terrifying black mist surging out like the water of the Milky Way, pouring into the earth.

Then, under the control of Li Jiuyin, it turned into an evil black storm and swept towards the Sunset Ancient Clan.

"In my name, curse thousands of miles around!"

"The sea of ​​sin, pollution!"

Li Jiuyin roared repeatedly.


As he finished speaking, the bottle of sin shook slightly in mid-air, and then, a strange force instantly enveloped a radius of thousands of miles.

All the people from the Sunset Ancient Clan were surrounded...

this moment!

They all felt that there seemed to be an evil force that was crazily eroding the body and soul.

Whether it is action, consciousness, or strength, they have all been greatly affected.

See this scene!

Yin Si Ming, who was on the boat on the other side in the distance, had a sudden change in his expression.

"High Priest, that is the artifact of the God of Disaster!"

"On top of that vase, the three divine powers of the God of Disaster are blessed, which can release extremely evil and extremely terrifying dark matter."

"In addition, with the help of the power of the Aquarius of Sin, Li Jiuyin also cursed this area of ​​thousands of miles."

"If this continues, it will be extremely detrimental to us..."

He said solemnly.

A bottle of sin?

Hearing this, Tushan Cangyue's cold eyes looked into the distant void.

"Xiaobai, Erha, your opportunity has come to make a contribution."

A calm voice came out slowly.

call out!

As the words fell, a white deer instantly rushed out of the boat on the other side, turned into a white light, and fell into the battlefield.


Amidst the crisp neighing sounds, a mighty white light suddenly bloomed from the white deer's body, and all evils retreated wherever it passed.

Whether it's the sin or the curse released by the Aquarius of Sin, it melts away quickly like the white snow in spring.


Under the wash of Bailu's peaceful aura, all the evil in the people of the Sunset Ancient Clan was washed away.


Everyone returned to their original state...

"Damn it, is that...white deer?"

"How could the Sunset Ancient Clan have such an auspicious beast?"

far away.

Li Jiuyin exclaimed in surprise.

His expression was extremely gloomy!

The white deer represents holiness and auspiciousness, and specializes in eliminating evil and disasters in the world. It is the nemesis of the evil bottle.

With its appearance, the power of the Sinful Aquarius was immediately suppressed.

See this scene!

Li Jiuyin immediately used all his power to let the Aquarius of Sin exert even greater power and disaster.

Although the white deer is an auspicious animal in heaven and earth, it is naturally incompatible with disasters.


It's still a little too weak.

Although it can offset some disasters and evils, the power of the Sin Aquarius is even stronger than it.

As long as a stronger divine power is unleashed, even the White Deer will be of no avail.


When the power of disaster exceeds it, it can still be destroyed...

Think of this.

Li Jiuyin immediately prepared to kill and eradicate the root cause.


He didn't know the Tushan clan's background at all.

Among the Tushan clan, there is not only one auspicious beast of heaven and earth, the white deer.

Besides it, there is also a sinful dog!

Specializes in feeding on evil!


Just as Li Jiuyin was frantically activating the Evil Vase, trying to release more evil power, suddenly, a dog barked.


He just saw a big, cute dog staggering out of the boat on the other side as if he was drunk.

When it saw the vase of sin, its eyes suddenly brightened...


With a pounce, Erha came to the battlefield.


A scene that sent chills down Li Jiuyin's spine appeared.

I saw Erha suddenly opening his mouth, facing the bottle of sin, and started to swallow it.


The dark matter and evil power that surged out turned into a long black river and entered Erha's dog's mouth directly.

"It's great! It's so great!"

"Master Dog, it's been a long time since I've had such delicious food. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, have some more..."


Its dog face showed an expression of great enjoyment.

No matter how much dark matter or evil power is released from the Aquarius of Sin, Erha will never refuse it.

Swallowed them all into the belly!

As much as you come, as much as you swallow...

Looking at this scene, Li Jiuyin's expression changed wildly.

There was unprecedented shock in his eyes.

"What the hell is this?"

"Can you feed on dark matter and the power of evil?"

His face was extremely gloomy.


Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Li Jiuyin did not hesitate and immediately turned around and retreated.


The situation on the battlefield was out of his control!

With Bai Lu and Er Ha here, his Evil Vase has no use at all.


We can only retreat temporarily and wait for the opportunity!


Although Li Jiuyin's idea is good, the reality is cruel.


Just as he turned to leave, suddenly, a mysterious force rippled between heaven and earth, turning into a cage.

"not good!"

"Someone has banned this space..."

Li Jiuyin was shocked.

"Please God help me!"


As he roared loudly, the mark of disaster on his eyebrows suddenly became bright, carrying the mighty divine power and will, directly breaking through Tushan Cangyue's prison of heaven and earth.

See this scene!

Li Jiuyin couldn't care less about the people of the Panshi Ancient Clan, and immediately turned into a stream of light, trying to break through the air and fly away.


Just when he had just broken through the shackles of the cage of heaven and earth, another voice full of supreme majesty sounded in his ears.

"God God……"


Li Jiuyin was panicking when a ray of divine light suddenly shot across the void, carrying supreme divine power and piercing his chest.

All life in the body was wiped out!

Not only that!

Even the mark of disaster was wiped out by the divine power.

For a moment.

Li Jiuyin's body fell from mid-air.


At this moment, an excited dog barked, and Erha's figure appeared there.


He accurately swallowed Li Jiuyin's body and the bottle of sin into his belly.

"Now Mr. Dog is rich..."

He yelled excitedly.

Erha instantly turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Watch it all!

Everyone looked shocked.

Even Lin Wudao's face darkened.

Good stuff, it’s in the dog’s belly again…

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