"Come on, chase me!"

Seeing that there were outsiders peeping at the scene, Li Jiuyin suddenly became furious.


He wanted to send people to pursue him, but was stopped by the God of Disaster.


"Those people have already left. If you try to catch up at this time, you won't be able to catch up..."

A majestic and majestic voice came from the phantom mouth of the statue.

Hear the words!

Li Jiuyin immediately knelt on the ground with fear on his face.

"My subordinate neglected his duty and allowed people to spy on him in secret. Please forgive me."

He kowtowed heavily.

The body is constantly trembling.

"Those people rely on powerful invisibility techniques to hide their bodies in the void, but no living thing below the level of a demigod can detect them."

"You can be forgiven for not being able to discover them!"

Tu Si said calmly.

Hearing this, Li Jiuyin breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was also full of surprise.

"Dare I ask the Great God, are those people from the Sunset Ancient Clan?"

"Not really!"

"There are no traces of the divine power of incense on their bodies, nor are there any marks of gods."

"Moreover, the bloodline is different from that of the Sunset Ancient Clan!"

"It should be an outsider..."



Li Jiuyin was shocked!

"Great God, two of them killed Shi Hao, the elder of the Panshi Ancient Clan, and took away the Panshi Tower."

"Moreover, they are staying with the people of the Sunset Ancient Clan."

"According to my subordinates' speculation, even if they are not from the Sunset Ancient Clan, they must be involved with them..."

At this time.

The picture of the messenger of disaster, prostrated before the statue of the god, and respectfully reported.

It was actually them?

As soon as these words came out, not only Tu Si and Li Jiuyin were surprised, but even Shi Ji and others from the Panshi Ancient Clan were shocked.

None of them expected that the enemy was hiding under their noses.

"So, these are the same people who robbed our clan's treasure house?"

Shi Jie thought viciously.

His hands were so angry that he almost crushed his bones!

"Please ask the Great God to make the decision for my Panshi Ancient Clan and take revenge!"


Shiji led a group of people from the Panshi Ancient Clan to respectfully prostrate themselves in front of the statue and kowtowed heavily.

"May the Great God make the decision for our clan!"

"May the Great God make the decision for our clan!"

The crowd shouted loudly.

To this!

Tu Si, who appeared above the statue, nodded.

"Since you are God's people, God will make decisions for you."

"Nowadays, the Sunset Ancient Clan has revived the mark of God that was dormant deep in their blood and gained powerful power."

"If you want to fight against them, you can only bear the mark of God. This is the only way to go."


While talking.

Before anyone could react, they saw thousands of bright divine lights suddenly blooming from Tu Si's hands and sinking into their eyebrows.

at last!

It turned into a mysterious black mark, deeply imprinted on the soul.

That is the mark of the God of Disaster!




At the same time, at the moment when the disaster mark fell, waves of majestic power began to grow from everyone's bodies.

After a while, the cultivation and strength of everyone in the Panshi Ancient Clan increased greatly.

"Thank you, God!"

Feeling the powerful power in their bodies, Shi Xiao and others paid their respects again.

The gods’ methods are truly unparalleled!

all of these!

Completely beyond their imagination...

"Next, you can go and avenge your dead clan elders and clan members."

"In order to avoid future troubles, the Sunset Ancient Clan must be eradicated!"

"This time, I will send the envoys of the temple and the high priest to accompany you to suppress the Sunset Ancient Clan."

The calm voice came slowly.

Upon hearing this, Shi Ji and others were overjoyed!

With the God of Disaster as their backing, they suddenly had strong confidence in their hearts.

Think of this!

Shi Jie immediately turned around and swept across the many members of the Panshi Ancient Clan with his sharp eyes.

"Shi Xiao, I order you to immediately take control of the warriors in the clan, follow the steps of the high priest with me, and go to the decisive battle with the Sunset Ancient Clan."

"In this battle, they must be eradicated in one fell swoop!"


Shi Xiao responded loudly.

Say it.

He waved his hand, and immediately powerful figures rushed out from the crowd and lined up in front of the stone hall.

Everyone holds a weapon in their hands, and their whole body exudes soaring fighting spirit and fierceness...

"Set off!"

See the readiness.

Shi Jie immediately shouted loudly and took the lead to control the rainbow light and fly away through the air.


Behind him, Shi Xiao led many warriors from the clan and followed closely.

"High Priest, shall we go too?"

Tushang took a step forward and asked.

"Well, let's go and have a look!"

"According to the Great God's decree, the Sunset Ancient Clan must be destroyed this time. However, the Panshi Ancient Clan and the Sunset Sun Ancient Clan have been fighting for tens of thousands of years and have always been at each other."

“This shows that the Sunset Ancient Clan’s background is not bad!”

"This time, we have to rely on the power of our temple..."

Li Jiuyin pondered and analyzed.

The words fell!

He took one step forward and instantly appeared on the spirit boat, then turned into a bright stream of light and flew away through the air.

the other side!

Lin Wudao and the other three also retreated far away from the territory of the Panshi Ancient Clan.

at this time.

There was still a trace of palpitations on the faces of Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu.

"Hiss, it was almost over just now."

"The god of incense and fire is indeed a more powerful existence than the true god in the world. He is just a shadow of a god, but the majesty and power he brings are so terrifying."

"If its true form comes, I'm afraid that its divine power alone will be enough to kill me..."

The crazy Taoist patted his chest and said.

This time!

He finally saw the power of gods.

Absolutely beyond recognition!


Qin Daofu also nodded repeatedly.

Among the people present, only Lin Wudao remained calm and calm.

"Brother Ren, are we going to the Sunset Ancient Clan next?"


"Our plan is going to change a little. The Sunset Ancient Clan and the Panshi Ancient Clan are bound to start a life-or-death battle."

"If the Sunset Ancient Clan wins, we have to say hello in advance and leave the lives of those from the Panshi Ancient Clan to us."

"If both sides suffer, then we will collect the bodies."

"Anyway, let's go and inform him first. It can be regarded as selling a favor to the Tushan clan..."

Lin Wudao said thoughtfully.

To this!

Neither Mad Taoist nor Qin Daofu had any objections.


The three of them used secret techniques and headed towards the Sunset Ancient Clan as fast as possible.

Sunset Ancient Clan!

At this time, Tushan Cangyue and others did not leave.

Instead, they were discussing something with Yu Shan and others in an ancient stone palace, with Wu Huan and others standing behind them.


At this moment, a slight shock came from Tushan Cangyue's mouth, and a pair of cold eyes looked outside the stone palace.

"High Priest, what's wrong?"

Yu Shan asked curiously.

"Just now, I received an oracle warning from the Great God. People from the Panshi Ancient Clan have already arrived."

"Moreover, they are supported by the God of Disaster, and they are blessed with the mark of God."

"This time, Li Jiuyin, the high priest of the Temple of Disaster, will also come..."


Is the Sunset Ancient Clan coming?

Suddenly hearing this, Yu Shan and Yu Kui stood up with a groan.

The whole body was releasing a monstrous aura!

"Yu Kui, prepare for battle immediately to meet the enemy!"


Yu Kui bowed in response.

After he left, Yu Shan looked at Tu Shan Cang Yue again.

"High Priest, the Panshi Ancient Clan has the help of the Temple of Disaster, then we..."

"Don't panic!"

"Go and gather all the clansmen, and the great god will take action later."

The master wants to take action himself?

Upon hearing this, Yu Shan was very excited!

"I'll go right away."

Full of surprise and excitement, he strode out of the stone palace.

call out!

call out!

call out!

At the same time, Lin Wudao and the other three also harnessed the rainbow light and returned to the Sunset Ancient Clan.

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