"Ruoruo, you actually keep them with you?"

"Also, what is that book in your hand that can actually hide Erha and Bailu inside?"

"This is amazing!"

Seeing Bai Lu and Er Ha appearing in front of him, Jie Wuyou suddenly exclaimed in disbelief.

The eyes revealed strong curiosity!


Not only him, but everyone else except Tushan Cangyue also stared at Tushan Ruoruo with surprised eyes.

"This is the natural code given to me by the great god. The things in it are amazing."

"Before, I used the methods in the Natural Code to enable Xiaobai and Erha to speak."

"Later, I discovered that there is actually a magical space hidden in the natural code that can accommodate living creatures."

"So, when I set out, I brought Xiaobai and Erha with me, haha..."

Tushan Ruoruo said with a smile.

Natural code?

Given by God?

Hearing this, Wu Huan and Xie Wuyou looked envious.

Being able to get something personally given by the Great God Qingshan must be a supreme divine object and treasure.

It can be seen from this!

The great master also attaches great importance to Tushan Ruoruo!

"Xiao Bai, can you go to the temple over there?"

At this time.

Tushan Cangyue raised her hand and pointed to the war temple in the distance.

"High Priest, I hate the smell there..."

The white deer speaks human words.

His intelligent and pure eyes revealed deep disgust.


After looking at it for a while, it still took steps and walked slowly over.


White deer, the auspicious beast of heaven and earth!

Its existence is in opposition to all evil in the world.

When it came to the Temple of War, it saw the surging dark matter, as if it had been attacked by some nemesis, and began to retreat like a tide.


As Bailu Di continued to walk, a thoroughfare was opened wherever it passed.

See this scene.

Everyone’s spirits were lifted!


Tu Shan Cang Yue waved her hand, and everyone immediately followed Bai Lu.

"Woof woof~"

"Haha, Master Gou likes this place so much. This place is simply a paradise..."

Compared to Bai Lu's disgust, Erha was full of joy towards those dark substances.

call out!

Just as everyone followed Bai Lu to the temple in the distance, Erha turned into a black shadow and rushed directly into the black mist.


I saw its mouth wide open, like a whale swallowing, swallowing all the large tracts of dark matter into its belly.

Within a moment, most of the dark matter surrounding the War Temple was swallowed up by Erha.


"Erha, this bitch is so perverted?"

Everyone gasped and looked shocked.

Seeing the shocked looks on their faces, Yin Siming couldn't help but laugh.

"Erha is not as simple as you think!"

"Although it usually looks like a fool, its true identity is a dog of evil, which specializes in feeding on evil substances."

"This black mist is an untouchable taboo for us, but for Erha, it is a delicious meal."

"So, when you are normally fine, it is best not to provoke it."

"Once you mess with this bitch, there won't be any good results..."

Yin Siming warned.

Erha looks silly and cute on the surface, but in fact he is extremely cruel.

One bite will lower your cultivation level by at least one level!


Its teeth are even more terrifying.

If it becomes an adult, it can chew up any material, and basically nothing can tie it down.


After hearing what Yin Siming said, everyone looked at Erha with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Ruoruo, you have to be careful in the future and don't get bitten by that dog."

"Erha, you can fall out faster than turning the pages of a book~"

Jie Wuyou whispered.

Hear the words!

Tushan Ruoruo laughed.

"Uncle Xie, you are too cautious. Erha is not as scary as you said. I think it is very good."

"Erha, come here quickly~"

While talking.

Tushan Ruoruo called out to Erha, who was having fun in the distance. In an instant, a black shadow flashed past, and Erha appeared in front of him instantly.

"Jie, Master Gou has heard you talking bad about me just now. Be careful lately and don't let Master Gou get the chance, hehe..."

Erha bared his teeth at Jie Wuyou.


Upon hearing its words, Jie Wuyou's expression suddenly changed.

He didn't dare to stay with Erha anymore and followed Tushan Cangyue.

"Tch, coward!"

"Master Gou just threatened him a little, and he got cold feet, haha..."


Erha's laughter came.

"Is it funny?"

Just when it was getting carried away, suddenly, a cold voice entered its ears.

Look up!

I saw Tushan Cangyue looking at me coldly in the distance.

Seeing her power, Erha immediately clamped his tail and hid behind Tushan Ruoruo, not daring to say anything.

This bitch shows his ability to bully the weak and fear the strong.


Seeing Erha's cowardice, Wu Huan and others secretly laughed.


But he didn't dare to show it in front of it.

After all, dogs will fall out whenever they want, and they often like to play dirty tricks, so it’s hard to guard against them...

With the white deer around, the surrounding dark matter no longer poses a threat.

After a while!

Under the leadership of Yu Shan, the group pushed open the door of the temple and entered the ancestral land that had been dusty for tens of thousands of years.


When the door of the temple was pushed open, a rich dark substance was still surging inside, and it had eroded everything inside the temple.

Many scenery and arrangements have collapsed...

"High Priest, this ancestral land has nine floors in total!"

"A long, long time ago, my ancestors from the Sunset Ancient Clan once entered here, but in the end they could only reach the eighth floor."

"Besides, the contents of the ancestral land have long been evacuated."

"In the years that followed, this place attracted the covetousness of many powerful clans, but they all died in the ancestral land in the end."

"Therefore, today's ancestral land only has the final ninth floor, which has not yet been opened."

While walking, Yu Shan introduced.

Listening to his story, everyone walked from the first floor of the ancestral land to the eighth floor.

Along the way, they saw many corpses!


After countless years and being corroded by dark matter, those corpses had already decayed, and turned into powder with a gentle breeze.

To this!

Lin Wudao, who was hiding in the darkness, felt quite regretful.

Through the insight of the eyes of the gods, he discovered that among those corpses, there were many powerful beings at the level of demigods.


The body was completely decomposed and could not be buried...

"I hope there are good things on the ninth floor."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly and placed his last hope on the ninth level of the ancestral land.

After a while.

Under the leadership of Yu Shan, everyone finally arrived at the last level of the ancestral land.

What came into view was an ancient and huge bronze door.

Bronze gate, eternal vicissitudes!

There is a trace of divine light within it, and even the weird dark matter cannot erode it.


There is a hole in the center of the bronze door.

See it!

After Tushan Cangyue looked at it carefully, he took out the sword of war and carefully inserted it into the hole.


Accompanied by bursts of brilliant divine light, and amid bursts of huge roars, the green bronze door slowly opened from the middle.


When the bronze door opened, a mighty divine power, filled with the vicissitudes of time, surged out like a flood.

at the same time!

An ancient and magnificent temple also came into view.


There are many statues of gods placed...

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