Old man, dressed simply!

Although it has gone through thousands of years of wind and frost, its spirit is still strong, and there are vague wind and thunder accompanying it when walking.

This person!

Surprisingly, it is the elder of the Sunset Ancient Clan, Yu Shan!


When Lin Wudao's eyes fell on him, he suddenly felt a huge scorching aura, surging like prehistoric water.

Behind him, there seemed to be a bright sun appearing, shining in the void...

"Vision of the Great Sun!"

"The Great Perfection of the Divine Profound Realm!"

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

Yushan is more powerful than others expected.


He has lived for twelve hundred years!

The energy and blood all over his body is still as majestic as a dragon, and the energy flows through the sky.


It won't be a problem to maintain it for another few hundred years.

"The Sunset Ancient Clan is indeed the top true god race. Although it has been defeated for a long time, it still cannot be underestimated."

"To be able to cultivate to the perfection of the Divine Profound Realm under the erosion of dark matter, this Yushan is not an ordinary person..."

Lin Wudao praised from the bottom of his heart.


While everyone was looking around, Yu Shan, who was walking out of the stone house in the distance, also looked over with his deep eyes.

When he saw Tushan Cangyue and others, he was obviously startled.

"You are……"

"Elder of the clan, we are back~"

Just as he was about to ask, Yu Ling'er suddenly came to him, threw herself into his arms, and kept giggling.

As soon as he saw Yu Ling'er, a bright smile broke out on Yu Shan's old face.

"Ling'er, are you lazy again?"

"Hey, your cultivation level..."


Yu Shan's eyes fell firmly on Yu Ling'er, with a strong look of shock in his eyes.

See it!

Yu Linger raised her little head instantly.

"Elder of the clan, I am now in the Divine Origin realm, and my cultivation level is even higher than that of my eldest brother."

"Moreover, we have all activated the Seal of God..."


Is the Mark of God revived?

Suddenly hearing this, Yu Shan's expression suddenly changed!


He examined it carefully.

Gradually, the shock in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Ling'er, how did you revive the mark of God on your body?"

he asked hurriedly.

Hear the words!

Yu Ling'er raised her hand and pointed at Tushan Cangyue in the distance.

"It was the high priest who helped me revive the mark of God!"

"The high priest comes from the Tushan clan on the other side of the River of Forgetfulness. She used the divine weapons of the God of War to help me revive the mark of God on my body."

"It's not just me. Brother, the mark of God on his body has also revived."

"Also, under the magic of the high priest, my brother's broken limbs have grown back..."

Yu Ling'er said eloquently.

Tu Shan?

Yu Jie's severed limb was reborn?

Hear this!

Yu Shan immediately turned his head and focused his gaze on Tu Shan Cang Yue and the others. When he glanced at Yu Feng, his eyes widened again.


Not only did Yu Jie's cultivation reach the Great Perfection of the Divine Power Realm, but his originally severed limbs also grew back.

All this is true!

"Are you really... the Tushan clan?"

After a long time.

Yu Shan forced down the shock in his heart, stared at Tu Shan Cang Yue and others closely, and asked.


"We, the Tushan clan of Daqingshan, come from the other side of the River of Forgetfulness, originating from the inheritance of the former god of war."

While talking.

Tushan Cangyue took out the sword of war.

"This is... a sword of war?"

Feeling the mighty divine power, Yu Shan's eyes burst out with unprecedented shock, and his old body kept trembling.

"Hasn't the God of War fallen? Why does this Sword of War still have such powerful power and divinity?"

Yu Shan said in surprise.

"Who told you that the God of War has fallen?"

Tushan Cangyue's tone was mysterious.


Does the God of War still exist?

Upon hearing this suddenly, both Yu Shan and Yu Jie's eyes widened.

To this!

Tushan Cangyue sighed.

"The original God of War has indeed fallen, but the God of War still exists in the world."

"In the past, after the death of the war god, he became the god of incense and fire through the Tushan clan's offerings and sacrifices."

"Later, it evolved into the God of Qingshan today!"

"This sword of war was re-forged with the divine power of war after the Great God Qingshan resurrected."

"Therefore, the God of War has not truly perished, but continues to exist in the world in the form of a god of incense and fire."

she explained.


The God of War became the God of Green Mountain?

Yushan was shocked!

Although he was very shocked by Tu Shan Cangyue's words, he had no doubts.


He could feel the pure Tushan bloodline in Tushan Cangyue.

not to mention!

She also has the sword of war in her hand!

This artifact, unless approved by the God of War, would be impossible for others to control and use.

This alone is enough to prove Tushan Cangyue's identity.

"God bless our people!"

"After tens of thousands of years, the God of War has returned again, and the glory of our clan will return to the world again, woo woo woo..."

Yushan fell to the ground and paid homage.

While prostrating, he fell to the ground and cried bitterly.

See this scene!

Everyone did not disturb him, but allowed Yu Shan to vent his pain.

a long time.

After suppressing the endless surprise in his heart, Yu Shan stood up from the ground, and then welcomed Tu Shan Cang Yue and others into the stone house.

After some introduction, Yu Shan also had a general understanding of the identities of Yin Siming and others.

"Yushan, why didn't you, the Sunset Ancient Clan, follow my ancestors of the Tushan clan to leave here and go to Daqing Mountain in the past?"

"Is it to protect the ancestral land?"

Tushan Cangyue asked the doubts in her heart.

Hear the words!

Yu Shan nodded.


"Eighty thousand years ago, we did have the opportunity to leave the Land of the Sunset and go to the other side of the River of Forgetfulness, but we did not choose to leave."

"Because, the ancestors of the Tushan clan also went to explore the road."

"Because the River of Forgetfulness is extremely dangerous, there are not only evil and great terrors, but also many space cracks."

"Without accurate route guidance, it would be even harder to travel through the past and successfully reach the other side than to reach the sky."

"Moreover, in this land of sunset, there is also the eighth ancestral land of the Tushan clan."

"The duty of our Sunset Ancient Clan is to protect our ancestral land, so our ancestors chose to stay here."

Yu Shan kept telling about things from ancient times.


They were all passed down orally from their ancestors of the Sunset Ancient Clan.

Listening to Yu Shan's narration, everyone also gained a new understanding of past history.


Now, tens of thousands of years have passed since those days, and even if it is passed down orally, not much has been preserved.


More things have been lost in the long river of time...

"High Priest, have you safely crossed the River of Forgetfulness? Have you received accurate route guidance?"

"Well, that's right!"

"This is my Tushan clan's Wangchuan envoy. He controls the Wangchuan altar and can swim in the Wangchuan river."

"It was under his leadership that we were able to cross the River of Forgetfulness and arrive at this place of sunset."

Tushan Cangyue pointed at Feng Changqing on the side and said.

"Altar of Forgotten River?"

"That was the artifact of the Lishan clan in the past. I heard it was lost a very long time ago."

"Unexpectedly, it has reappeared in the world now."

"God really blessed me, Tushan clan!"

Yu Shan exclaimed.

The look he looked at Feng Changqing was full of surprise.

"Yu Shan, this time I lead my tribe across the River of Forgetfulness to find the eighth ancestral land left by my Tushan clan in the past."

"How is the situation in the ancestral land nowadays?"

Tushan Cangyue asked.

"Well, that's not good."

"The ancestral land has been eroded by the evil substances released by the God of Disaster..."

Speaking of which.

Yu Shan frowned and sighed with deep helplessness.

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