"Pei Ji?"

"Aren't you on duty in the temple? When did you come back?"


The moment they saw the man in green shirt, everyone present in the hall stood up instantly, and all of them showed expressions of surprise.


I saw them surrounding me at the fastest speed...


Even the deaths of Pei Zhan and Pei Lie were forgotten for a while.

Pei Ji?

At this time, Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist also used the effect of the invisibility jade talisman to arrive here without anyone noticing.

When his eyes fell on Pei Ji, Lin Wudao also had a flash of surprise in his eyes.


He discovered that Pei Ji's identity was very unusual.

Name: Pei Ji

Identity: Messenger of Heaven from the Eastern Temple

Cultivation: Divine Illumination Realm Dzogchen

The eyes of the gods swept over, and a lot of information about Pei Ji was immediately presented in the form of a panel.

"Eastern Temple? Messenger of Heaven?"

Seeing Pei Ji's identity introduction, Lin Wudao became more and more confused.

"Crazy Taoist, do you know about the Eastern Temple?"

He said secretly.

"I know!"

The crazy Taoist nodded.

"The Eastern Temple is a very special force in the Eastern Region, superior to other major forces such as the Tianlong Ancient Kingdom."

"It can be said that the Eastern Temple is the real master of the Eastern Territory."

"I heard that the Eastern Temple not only possesses extremely powerful divine weapons, but there are even powerful beings above the Divine Illumination Realm."

"However, although the Eastern Temple has a transcendent status, they generally do not interfere with the specific affairs of the Eastern Region."

"Normally, it only serves the duties of supervision, trial, and ruling."

"More often, it is to reconcile the contradictions among the major forces in the Eastern Region and maintain them in a balanced state..."

The crazy Taoist introduced it eloquently.

The ruler of the Eastern Region?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao frowned!

After entering the Shanling Realm for so long, this was the first time he heard the name Eastern Temple.


He knew nothing!

"Isn't it because of the great change of heaven and earth in Shanling Realm that the living beings here cannot reach beyond the realm of divine illumination in their lifetime? Why can some people reach the realm of divine power and above?"

Lin Wudao continued to ask.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist shook his head.

"Well, I'm not very clear about this."

"It is said that this involves the ancient secrets of the Shanling Realm. Perhaps only the five major temples in the Shanling Realm can know some information."

"Moreover, reaching a level above the Divine Light Realm seems to be related to the war between the two realms..."

Five major temples?

War between two worlds?

The more the crazy Taoist talked, the more confused Lin Wudao became.

"Besides the Eastern Temple, are there other temples?"


"The Mountain World has an extremely vast area. It originally evolved from a collapsed small world."

"It contains countless mysteries and secrets!"

"The five most important regions in the Mountain Realm: the Eastern Region, the Southern Region, the Western Region, the Northern Region, and the Central Region."

"Every great domain has a temple!"

The crazy Taoist continued to introduce.

"What about the war between the two realms?"

"Well, the so-called War of Two Realms refers to the war that took place in the Eastern Region and the Two Realms Mountains."

"There is a boundary monument in the Two Boundary Mountains!"

"On one side of the boundary monument are human beings; on the other side of the boundary monument are many powerful alien races."

"The war between two realms is a war between humans and aliens!"

"It is said that a war between two realms will start every hundred years. A shocking battle breaks out between the two sides in the Two Realms Mountains to compete for territory and resources."

"The losing party will be cut off from a large territory and will be compensated with a lot of training resources."

"Every battle between the two realms will affect the nerves of all major forces, but all forces with some strength must participate in the war."

"At that time, the personnel will be uniformly recruited and controlled by the Eastern Temple."

"Calculating the time, this war between the two worlds seems not far away..."

Speaking of which!

There was a glimmer of excitement in the crazy Taoist's eyes.

War is his favorite!

As long as there are dead people, it is heaven to him.

not to mention!

In Liangjie Mountain, over the endless years, more than tens of millions of wars have broken out?

Once the war starts, he will definitely make a fortune!

The more I think about it!

The mad Taoist became more and more excited.

"Brother Ren, I have calculated that it seems that there are only three months until this war between the two worlds."

"If nothing else goes wrong, the Eastern Temple will begin recruiting the human army soon."

"If this is the case, the Canglan Ancient Clan and the Lihuo Ancient Clan may not be able to fight each other. They must prepare to join the war."

The crazy Taoist sighed.

After hearing his story, Lin Wudao understood more or less.

"If that's the case, the Tushan clan will definitely be recruited by the Eastern Temple to participate in the war between the two realms?"

He was slightly shocked!

at the moment.

Although the Tushan clan has some strength, their background is still too shallow. If they go to participate in the war between the two realms, they may not survive.

These are all his people!

If they were lost in the war between the two realms, where would he get the incense and sacrifices of the Great Demon God of Qingshan?

"Tushan clan, you are still too weak!"

"It seems that after returning this time, we will improve our territory and power to prepare for the upcoming war."

Lin Wudao pondered secretly in his heart.

Say it!

He focused his attention on Pei Ji in the hall again...

"Pei Ji, aren't you on duty in the temple? Why did you come back suddenly?"

Pei Cang also came to the front and asked in a deep voice.

"I'll come back and take a look!"

"Who would have thought that as soon as I stepped into Lihuo Ancient City, I heard the news about the death of the clan leader and Ariel."

"Oh, what a twist of fate..."

Pei Ji frowned and sighed.

As soon as he said this, everyone's faces showed anger again.

"Huh, it's all the Canglan Ancient Clan's fault. We must avenge this."

Someone roared loudly.

"Yes, anyone who offends me will be killed!"

"No big deal, just start a war!"

"The patriarch and Ariel cannot die in vain..."

Everyone roared angrily, with murderous intent.


They all took out their weapons and watched Pei Cang closely, as if they would immediately kill the Canglan Ancient Clan as soon as he gave the order.

To this!

Pei Cang frowned deeply and thought for a long time before shaking his head.

"I think Pei Ji is right, we have to discuss this matter in the long term."

a long time.

He sighed and said.

"Old man of the great clan, there is no need to discuss the matter in a long term. The matter is already very clear. We can just let the Canglan Ancient Clan pay the blood debt with blood."

"We are not afraid of death!"

"Yes, as long as you, the elder of the clan, say a word, we will immediately lead the men in the clan to go to war with the Canglan Ancient Clan."

Everyone asked for a fight again.

"Shut up!"

Facing the noisy crowd, Pei Cang shouted sternly. His powerful momentum and majesty instantly silenced the crowd.

"Don't mention the war again!"

"Although the Canglan Ancient Clan killed Pei Zhan and Pei Lie, now is not the time to start a war with them."

"In a few months, the war between the two worlds will begin!"

"Even if you have a grudge, you have to wait until the battlefield of the Two Realms Mountains to avenge it..."

Pei Cang said sharply.


As soon as they heard about the war between the two realms, the expressions of everyone who were still angry suddenly changed.

Everyone closed their mouths and looked solemn!

The Lihuo Ancient Clan has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and this is not the first time they have participated in the war between the two realms.

Every time, there were heavy losses!

at the moment.

The war between the two realms is about to begin. If there is another war with the Canglan Ancient Clan, it will end in a lose-lose outcome.

By the time!

Once the war between the two realms begins, I am afraid that the Lihuo Ancient Clan will be exterminated.

Think of this.

Everyone was shocked!

I never dared to mention the war again.

at the same time!

Pei Cang also cast worried eyes on Pei Ji.

He felt that if Pei Ji came back this time, there might be something else...

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