
Just when Zhao Zichen felt panicked, suddenly, three strange figures appeared in front of him.

When he saw the leader, his eyes widened instantly!

In his eyes, there was a strong panic...


That person was clearly the person he was pretending to be, Lin Wudao, the evil city lord.

"Lin Wudao? Why are you here?"

Zhao Zichen exclaimed in surprise.

Ever since he entered the Shanling Realm, he had been doing bad things everywhere under the guise of Lin Wudao, without any problems during this period.


He hid his identity very well!

This time.

He originally thought of coming to the Canglan Ancient Clan to make some money, but what he didn't expect was that the boat actually capsized in the ditch.

The pretender has met the real owner!

"Zhao Zichen, how brave are you to do bad things in my name and ask me to take the blame for you?"


A cold voice reached his ears.


He actually knows my true identity?

Zhao Zichen was shocked!


He had no intention of admitting it.

"I'm afraid you have admitted the wrong person. I am not Zhao Zichen..."

"Oh, you are already on the verge of death, and you are still talking tough? Do you think you can deceive me with your poor disguise?"

"You think too highly of yourself!"

Lin Wudao looked cold.

Hearing this, Zhao Zichen's panic became more and more intense.

His thoughts were racing, and he kept thinking about how to escape.


His thoughts had already been penetrated by Lin Wudao.

"If you offend me, you will die!"


After the words fell, Lin Wudao stretched out his big hand, and the ancient corpse refining furnace instantly appeared in the air. Zhao Zichen was not allowed to resist at all, and he was directly loaded into it.


Lin Wudao activated the corpse refining furnace and began to smelt it crazily.

Although he has been smelting dead people, he can also smelt living people.


Along with the shrill screams, under the power of the corpse refining furnace, streams of pure spiritual power were extracted and integrated into Lin Wudao's body.


After a while.

When the last ray of power was absorbed, Lin Wudao's cultivation finally broke through the shackles of the Shentai realm and entered the early stage of the Shenlun realm.

"The upgraded corpse refining furnace is really useful!"

Lin Wudao secretly praised it.

at the same time!

Under the forcible smelting in the corpse refining furnace, Zhao Zichen's body and soul were all ruthlessly destroyed.

You can't die any more!

"This scourge has finally been repaid..."


Yin Siming sighed.

"Okay, Zhao Zichen's matter is over here. If there is nothing else, you can go back to Daqingshan. I have some things to do."


Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming bowed in response.

"By the way, great master, Tu Shanyi, the prophet of Tushan clan in Nanling, and Lao Tushanyun from the wealthy clan came to Daqingshan."

"My subordinates didn't let them leave and killed them directly."

"This matter may lead to revenge from the sky god of Tushan clan in Nanling..."

Tushan Cangyue reported.


He recounted in detail the previous attempt by Tu Shanyu and others to snatch the Nine-turn Resurrection Grass.

Nanling Tushan clan?

God of the sky?

Lin Wudao was greatly surprised when he heard this!

"No wonder I didn't see the Nanling Tushan clan at the Taikoo Sacred Well. It turns out it's not that they didn't come, but that they were suppressed by Tushan Cangyue on the way."

He was secretly amused.

The Tushan clan of Nanling had a great reputation in the Eastern Region and was extremely arrogant. Unexpectedly, they would eventually fall into the hands of a member of the same clan.

It can be regarded as karma!

"Cang Yue, you did the right thing!"

"When it's time to take action, take action without any scruples."

"Before, the reason why Daqingshan fell was because this god did not recover. Now that this god has recovered, he naturally cannot tolerate outsiders bullying my people."

"Those who offend me will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"By the way, what is the god of the sky that the Nanling Tushan clan believes in? What is his position and level?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

"Reporting to the Great God, the Tushan clan of Nanling originally believed in the god of stars. Later, due to the great changes in the world, the stars fell."

"Therefore, through the enshrinement and sacrifice of the Tushan clan in Nanling, the god of the sky was derived on the original basis."

"The God of the Sky is a second-level incense god, and the artifact is the Mirror of the Sky..."

Tushan Cangyue replied respectfully.

Second level true god?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao nodded.

"This matter is already known to me!"

"You don't have to worry. As long as I am here, no one can invade Daqingshan."

Say it!

Lin Wudao directly integrated his body into the deepest part of the void.

See this scene.

Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming looked at each other and did not stay where they were. They immediately drove the boat on the other side and left the Canglan River.


After Tu Shan Cangyue and the others left, Lin Wudao turned his attention to the Canglan Ancient Clan, Lihuo Ancient Clan and others.




At this time, they were fighting crazily.

In mid-air, blood surged wildly, and many corpses continued to fall down. Finally, they were happily collected by Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu who had been waiting for a long time.

"Oh, they are quite good at picking up bargains..."

Lin Wudao laughed and cursed.

"Since Zhao Zichen has provoked the war between the two clans, I will add fuel to the fire and make the war burn more intensely."

"The harder you fight, the greater the harvest!"


Lin Wudao's eyes swept across the audience, and while everyone was fighting crazily, he raised his hand and cast a Heaven-fixing spell, which landed on Pei Zhan.


At this time, Pei Zhan was holding the Fierce Sun Divine Sword and was fighting crazily with Wei Chaotian, because the two people's cultivation levels and weapons were not much different.


The strength of each other is between equals!

However, in such a situation, if any slight change occurs, it may lead to death.

What's more, is it a big killer weapon like the Heaven-fixing Curse?


When the Dingtian spell fell on him, Pei Zhan was shocked...

"Not good~"

He was extremely frightened!


The moment his body was imprisoned, the Cangyun Cauldron in Wei Chaotian's hand suppressed it severely.



Accompanied by pitiful and unwilling screams, Pei Zhan's body was directly blasted by the Cangyun Cauldron.

The incomplete divine weapon in his hand was also directly knocked away by the terrifying power of Cangyun Cauldron.

Finally, it fell into the hands of Lin Wudao.


"Pei Zhan, is he dead?"

Everything happens in an instant!

Seeing this sudden change, Wei Chaotian's eyes widened in disbelief.

He is very clear about Pei Zhan's strength.

On par with myself!

If not, the two of them wouldn't have been able to fight for so long.


Now in the blink of an eye, Pei Zhan is dead?

The most important thing is that Wei Chaotian didn't find any clues during the whole process...

"What exactly is going on?"

"Before, Pei Lie died for no apparent reason, and now Pei Zhan has died for no apparent reason. Isn't this too strange?"

"Could it be that someone is deliberately provoking a war between the Canglan Ancient Clan and the Lihuo Ancient Clan? And then reaping the benefits?"


A terrible thought came to mind.


Thinking of this, Wei Chaotian couldn't help but take a breath of air.


Pei Zhan and Pei Lie are both dead, and the Lihuo Ancient Clan will definitely put all of this debt on his head.

One can imagine.

Once the Lihuo Ancient Clan learns of the death of Pei Zhan and the others, they will definitely be furious.

By the time!

Maybe it’s a clan war!

"Let's go back quickly~"

Without any hesitation, Wei Chaotian immediately roared and led the tribesmen behind him to leave the Canglan River as quickly as possible.

at the same time!

Faced with this sudden change, the crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu, who were picking up bargains in the Canglan River, also stared at each other.

at this time!

They don't understand what's going on...

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