Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 432: Repaying kindness with enmity and doing all kinds of evil!

Baihua Villa!

When the ceremony was over, the new lady Meng Qingyue was brought here surrounded by a group of maids.

at this time!

In an antique room in another courtyard, Meng Qingyue had just finished washing and was sitting in front of the dressing table.

Let the maid behind you comb your hair...

But her eyes were staring blankly at the bronze mirror on the dressing table. Looking at the face reflected in it, Meng Qingyue's eyes were filled with sadness and helplessness.

She comes from a big family!

By chance, she was attracted by Wei Chaotian, the leader of the Canglan Ancient Clan, and became his ninth wife.

Today is her big day!


Meng Qingyue was not happy.

This is not the life and ending she wants.


However, the Canglan Ancient Clan was powerful. Although the Meng Clan was also a powerful clan, compared to the Canglan Ancient Clan, they were like ants.

In order to continue the family and protect her relatives, Meng Qingyue had no choice but to follow Wei Chaotian...

"That's how it will be in my life."

Looking at the beautiful face reflected in the bronze mirror, Meng Qingyue's eyes were full of desolation and helplessness.

This is her fate and the fate of the entire Meng family!

"You all go down and leave me alone for a while..."


After hearing the order, the maids did not dare to disobey.

At that moment, they all turned around and exited the room.

Meng Qingyue was left alone, sitting in front of the dressing table, staring at the bronze mirror on the table, lost in thought.

There was no expression of joy on his face.


I don’t know how much time passed, but just as Meng Qingyue was looking at the bronze mirror, a strange figure suddenly appeared behind her.


The other party looked at her with a mysterious smile.

"Who are you……"

Seeing the mysterious figure suddenly appearing in the bronze mirror, Meng Qingyue was so frightened that she was about to scream loudly.


Just when she was about to speak, a huge force suddenly hit her and knocked her unconscious.

"This Meng Qingyue is quite a beauty."

Zhao Zichen looked at it and said.


He came to the dressing table, picked up Meng Qingyue by the waist, and walked straight towards the big bed in the distance.


At this moment, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu also came to the room.

When he saw Zhao Zichen's actions, the crazy Taoist's face was filled with excitement.

"Zhao Zichen, how can he be so good at this?"

He looked expectant.

Immediately, he sat on a stool not far away and started paying attention with a smile.

That way!

It seems that I am ready to watch a wonderful show...

However, what disappointed him was that Zhao Zichen did not do the bad thing he imagined to Meng Qingyue.

After putting Meng Qingyue on the bed, he turned into a strange shadow and disappeared into the room.


Looking at this scene, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu stared at each other with big eyes.

"What is Zhao Zichen doing?"

"The beauty has been sent to him, but he doesn't take action? Is it because he doesn't want to, or because he is incapable of doing it?"

The mad Taoist looked strange.

He has never seen a man like Zhao Zichen!

"I also doubt whether he is a normal man after all."

"However, Zhao Zichen is full of bad ideas. The reason why he doesn't touch Meng Qingyue must be that he has other ideas."

"After all, this guy specializes in doing bad things. He can't just let Meng Qingyue go in vain."

"There must be other purposes!"

Qin Daofu pondered.

Other purposes?

Hearing this, the crazy Taoist frowned.

He felt that things were not that simple!

"Qin Daofu, you stay here for now. I'll follow Zhao Zichen to see what this kid is up to."


The mad Taoist immediately turned into an afterimage and followed behind Zhao Zichen.

Fengyu Tower, the top floor!

at this time.

Pei Lie was standing in front of the window, paying attention to the movements among the Canglan Ancient Clan with great interest, his eyes full of expectation.


At this moment, a strange figure suddenly appeared behind him, and before Pei Lie could notice it, he directly placed a black sack on his head.

"who is it?"


Faced with this sudden attack, Pei Liegang prepared to fight hard.


The moment his voice rang out, a heavy punch landed on his head, knocking him unconscious.

"Perie, I'm sorry."

"Although you Lihuo Ancient Clan saved me, I still have to use you. After all, I am dedicated to doing bad things."

"Doing bad things makes me strong!"

"So, I can only sacrifice you..."

A cold and evil smile appeared on Zhao Zichen's lips.


He put Pei Lie's entire body into the sack without hesitation, then carried his body and left Yanyu Tower.


After he left, the figure of the crazy Taoist appeared from the corner.

"Zhao Zichen is so ungrateful. He even cheated his own savior. He has no conscience at all."

"In his eyes, he will always be the only one!"

"In order to become stronger, he would do bad things unscrupulously. What a talent he is..."

The crazy Taoist sighed.

This time!

He finally gained a new understanding of Zhao Zichen.


Just when he was about to follow and see how Zhao Zichen did bad things, suddenly, there was a throbbing in the storage bag on his waist.

"Hey, Brother Ren replied?"

He opened the invitation.

After quickly browsing the above text, continue editing...

[Brother Ren, we from the Canglan Ancient Clan are watching Zhao Zichen do bad things by pretending to be the evil city lord Lin Wudao. 】

[If you come here, come directly to the Baihua Villa of the Canglan Ancient Clan. 】

[Now, Zhao Zichen has knocked out Wei Chaotian's concubine Meng Qingyue and Lihuo Ancient Clan's third son Pei Lie. 】

[According to my guess, he must use Pei Lie and Meng Qingyue to start a war between the two clans. 】

[There is so much bad water in this guy’s belly. 】

[After his performance is over, we will surround and kill him together. This guy will always be a disaster if he remains in the world. 】

[I don’t know when they will trick us...]

Say it!

The crazy Taoist put away the invitation and returned to Baihua Villa again.

at this time.

Zhao Zichen had already released Pei Lie from the sack, stripped him of his clothes, and then let him lie down with Meng Qingyue.

Done it all!

Zhao Zichen turned his hand and took out a mysterious black robe and put it on his body. In an instant, his whole body merged directly into the darkness.


"Zhao Zichen actually has such a good thing in his hand?"

The crazy Taoist looked surprised.


He narrowed his eyes.

"That black robe seems to have the aura of incense and divine power. Could it be a divine object of a certain god?"

"Zhao Zichen, where did you get this thing?"

He was confused.

After not seeing each other for a while, Zhao Zichen has changed a lot.

The background and methods are far from what they were before!

"This guy must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a problem of tigers..."

He has hidden murderous intentions in his heart.




Just when the crazy Taoist was sizing up Zhao Zichen, suddenly, there was a burst of heavy footsteps outside the door.

"Meet the clan leader!"

"Meet the clan leader!"

The sound of people kowtowing and worshiping came.

Wei Chaotian is here?

Hearing the sound, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu looked at each other and hurriedly hid in a corner.

at the same time!

Zhao Zichen, who was hiding on the bed, also lowered the bed curtain.


A few moments later, with the sound of the door banging, Wei Chaotian strode in, smelling of alcohol.

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