
[You collected Yin Tianjue’s corpse and obtained the soul seed of the heaven and earth wonders. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained the heaven and earth divine objects and the soul seed! 】

[You sacrificed an ancient altar and gained 100,000 luck points! 】

Two consecutive beeps sounded in my mind.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao's spirit was greatly boosted!

What is the seed of the soul?


Out of curiosity, he immediately checked the relevant information.

Name: Seed of the Soul

Level: Divine object of heaven and earth

Rating: It’s a rare find!

Introduction 1: The seed of the soul is strengthened ten times by the seed of the soul. It is a seed with magical power. Planting it in the soul can protect the soul from death.

Introduction 2: After the seed of the soul is successfully planted, the soul or soul of the cultivator will be comparable to the creatures of three realms and above.

Introduction 3: The seed of the soul can resist soul attacks!

Introduction 4: Bred and cultivated with the power of the soul, the seed of the soul can gradually grow, blossom and bear fruit, and eventually grow into the tree of the soul, and the soul is immortal.

"nice one!"

After seeing the introduction about the seed of the soul, Lin Wudao couldn't help but have a bright light in his eyes.

This thing is so useful to him!

Because of the Origin Stone, his physical defense has become invincible. No one in the world can crush his physical body, but his soul is extremely weak.

Lin Wudao has always been worried that one day he will be attacked by the soul, resulting in damage to the soul.

after all!

Once the soul is damaged, it is extremely difficult to recover.


This seed of soul came at just the right time!

If it is planted in the soul, not only can one's own soul become stronger, but it can also withstand attacks from the soul, freeing him from worries.

His last shortcoming has been fixed!

To this.

Lin Wudao was naturally very happy!


[When a seed of heaven and earth’s divine beings is discovered, does the host consume one hundred thousand luck points to plant it in the soul? 】


One hundred thousand luck value?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao looked strange.

He had just sacrificed to the ancient altar and received 100,000 luck points. Now, planting the seed of the soul would cost exactly 100,000?

Could this be too much of a coincidence?

【Plant it! 】

There was no way, for his own safety and future, Lin Wudao had no other choice.


As soon as he finished speaking, the soul seed in his hand disappeared in an instant. When it reappeared, it had been integrated into the deepest part of his soul.

Moreover, it has changed a lot!


At this time, the seed of the soul was sinking and floating in the ocean of souls, blooming with mysterious brilliance, constantly nourishing Lin Wudao's soul.

He could clearly feel that with the planting of the Soul Seed, his soul was much stronger than before...

[System, what level has my soul strength reached now? 】

[Compared with the tribulation monks! 】

Overcoming the tribulation?

Lin Wudao was shocked!

He is now the Transformation God, and the next steps up are Tongtian, Guizhen, Overcoming Tribulation, and Mahayana. Reaching the level of Overcoming Tribulation can be regarded as a major cultivation.

"It is worthy of being a divine creature of heaven and earth, indeed magical!"

Lin Wudao praised.

"By the way, let's take advantage of this moment to bury the bodies of Li Longxiang and Li Tiandu and see if we can get anything good..."

While talking.

Lin Wudao immediately took out the two bodies and put them into the copper coffin.


[You collected Li Longxiang’s body and obtained three million low-grade spiritual stones. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained thirty million low-grade spiritual stones! 】

[You collected Li Tiandu’s body and obtained 2,000 luck points. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained 20,000 luck points! 】


The disciples of big sects like Li Longxiang just have a lot of money!

Thirty million low-grade spiritual stones were put into the account. Lin Wudao just glanced at it and lost interest.

Compared to spiritual stones.

The 20,000 luck points gained made him even more happy!

after all.

For him, this is hard currency!

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Late stage of divine transformation

Luck value: 31000

"This luck can be earned quickly and used up quickly. In the blink of an eye, it's gone again!"

"You have to work harder..."

Looking at the information on the system panel, Lin Wudao sighed secretly.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the outside world.


"Did Taixuanmen invite their ancestors out?"

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

According to the information previously obtained, Wan Jiansheng, the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect, has achieved the perfection of the Divine Transformation.

"You're here, I just happened to take you in too!"

Cold murderous aura came out of his body.

Say it.

Lin Wudao controlled the clone and walked out of the secret room instantly.


As soon as he came out, he saw his own body being suppressed by Wan Jiansheng's palm and flying hundreds of feet away.

Fortunately, I am physically invincible!

Otherwise, we really can’t withstand such a ferocious attack...


Now that Lin Wudao's consciousness has returned to his original form, everything will be reversed.

"You bold thief, die!"


With the thundering roar, Wan Jiansheng saw that Lin Wudao had not been harmed in any way. In anger, he immediately spread his palms.

In an instant, an ancient black cauldron appeared immediately.


Waves of powerful imperial aura swept across the ten directions of space like a mighty river.


It also stirred up the storm in the sky...

This is an imperial spiritual weapon with eighty-one imperial prohibitions engraved in it. It has reached the ultimate level of the imperial spiritual weapon and is even more powerful than the Xuantian Ancient Sword in Lin Wudao's hand.


This big black cauldron is damaged!

It has no power at all like it was at its peak, but it is still powerful and cannot be compared to the humane spirit soldiers...

"Xuanyuan Cauldron?"

Lin Wudao's eyes flashed.

Although this Imperial Spirit Weapon was damaged, its quality was extremely rare, and he naturally didn't want to let it go.


Just when Wan Jiansheng urged the Xuanyuan Cauldron to suppress them, Lin Wudao didn't hesitate at all and directly used the 'invincible' attribute of the Origin Stone.

In an instant, the combat power skyrocketed to a huge level!

From the original late stage of divine transformation to the late stage of Tongtian...


The monstrous power turned into a big hand that covered the sky, directly obliterating Xuanyuan Cauldron's powerful offensive, and firmly grasped it in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Wan Jiansheng's expression changed drastically!

"How do you...reach...the sky..."

For a moment, there was unprecedented panic in his eyes.


Just when he was shocked, a terrifying big hand wrapped with the mighty power of the wild dragon hit him hard.


Seeing the big hands suppressing him, Wan Jiansheng was extremely frightened.

He wanted to escape using secret methods.

However, I was horrified to find that I couldn't move at all...


Finally, as a shrill scream rang out, Wan Jiansheng, the most powerful person in Taixuan Sect, was directly hit with half of his body blown away by a palm, and all his life was extinguished.

See this scene!

All the Taixuanmen disciples who were watching around were stunned.

"The Supreme Elder...is he dead?"

Someone murmured in disbelief.

The look on his face was extremely frightened!

"That was a powerful man who had attained the Perfection of Divine Transformation. He also held the Imperial Spirit Weapon, and he was beaten to death with just one palm like this?"


"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Damn my Taixuanmen..."

At this moment, everyone let out a shocking scream.

They felt boundless fear!


Lin Wudao ignored the shock and fear of the Taixuanmen disciples.

After a cold glance, he walked towards the treasure house of Taixuan Sect. After some searching, he sacrificed all the useless things.

In the end, three hundred thousand luck points were obtained!

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