"Tell all the people of Daqingshan to try not to go out of the divine domain unless necessary recently to avoid the retaliation of Tushan clan in Nanling."

Tushan Cangyue ordered.

Hear the words!

Everyone present nodded.

If something like this happened, even if Tushan Cangyue didn't tell them, they wouldn't dare to step out of the divine realm at will.

after all!

Now that Tu Shanyi and others have been killed, no one can guarantee whether the Nanling Tushan clan will do anything crazy when stimulated by hatred.

Just in case, naturally avoid going out!

As long as they stay in the Daqingshan Divine Domain, they can get the protection of the Qingshan Great God. Even if the Nanling Tushan clan retaliates, they will not be afraid.

"Actually, whether Tu Shanyi and the others kill him or not, the result is the same."

"Tu Shanyu is dead, this is a fact!"

"With his death, the hatred between Daqingshan and Nanling is destined to be irresolvable."

"Even if Tu Shanyi and the others leave Daqingshan today, won't the Nanling Tushan clan be resentful of us?"

"So, instead of letting the tiger return to the mountain, it is better to kill them directly while they are in Daqing Mountain."

"In this way, it can be regarded as cutting off an arm of Nanling Tushan clan."

"Moreover, if we openly kill Tu Shanyi and the others, it will somewhat frighten Nanling and make them dare not act rashly."

"As long as they don't understand our strength and details, they will definitely not act rashly."

"So, Nanling doesn't dare to start a war for the time being..."

At this time.

Yin Siming's calm voice rang out.

He approved of killing Tu Shanyi and the others!

Anyway, sooner or later they will break up, so it is better to kill them now.

"However, there is one thing we need to be careful about."


Everyone gave him questioning looks.

"Although it is unlikely that the Tushan clan in Nanling will attack in a large scale for the time being, they will certainly not be able to swallow this breath."

"I'm worried that the god of the sky will take action!"

"If he comes to Daqingshan, only a great god can handle it..."

Yin Siming said in a condensed voice.

God of the sky?

Hearing this name, everyone felt panic in their hearts.

after all!

That is a living god of incense!

Its strength is even more powerful than the true gods in the world.

Once you kill them, it will be a real battle between gods!

Think of this.

A hint of solemnity also appeared between Tu Shan Cang Yue's eyebrows.

"I will report this matter to the great god!"


She looked at Wu Huan again.

"Wu Huan, you have been outside these past few days, have you ever noticed any movement from the Canglan Ancient Clan?"

"Report to the high priest, yes!"

"That day, before leaving, the Great Heavenly Master secretly ordered me to pay close attention to the situation of the Canglan Ancient Clan."

"Especially the movements of the evil trio!"

"After my investigation, I found that they have not done anything in the past few days. They just stay in Canglan Ancient City and follow one person every day."

Wu Huan replied respectfully.


one person?

Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming were a little surprised.

The evil trio are not only insidious and cunning, but also ruthless, and most importantly, very greedy.

They were very curious about what kind of person he was that could make the evil trio follow them all the time.

"Who is that person, do you know?"

"Well... listening to the conversation between the two members of the Wicked Trio, that person doesn't seem to be from the Shanling Realm. His name is... Lin Wudao?"

"In addition, I heard them say something like Zhao Zichen. I don't know what it means..."

Wu Huan scratched his head and replied.

"What did you say? What's that man's name?"

After hearing Wu Huan's words, the others didn't have much reaction, but Yin Siming's expression changed drastically.

Lin Wudao, that's the city lord!

"Great Heavenly Master, you?"

Seeing Yin Siming's reaction, Wu Huan was immediately startled.

"Say it!"

"You just said that person's name is...Lin Wudao?"

Yin Siming stared at him closely.

See this.

Wu Huan nodded nervously.

"I did hear what those two people were talking about...that bitch Zhao Zichen pretended to be Lin Wudao and did bad things, or something like that."

"They are also planning to follow that person to see the excitement of the Canglan Ancient Clan."

"What fun are you watching?"

"Well, as far as I know, today seems to be the grand day for Wei Chaotian, the leader of the Canglan Ancient Clan, to hold a concubine ceremony."

"I heard from the evil trio that Zhao Zichen seems to be pretending to be Lin Wudao and going to the Canglan Ancient Clan to do some bad things..."

Zhao Zichen?

Hearing this name, Yin Siming's face darkened.

There is murderous intent flowing in his eyes!

"Wei Chaotian's concubinage, when does it start?"

"This... seems to have started now, right?"

Wu Huan replied weakly.


He was a little confused as to why just a name could cause Yin Siming, who was always calm and composed, to react so violently.

"Is it possible that the Great Heavenly Master has a grudge against that Zhao Zichen?"

Wu Huan secretly guessed in his heart.

"Okay, everyone, please disperse."

"No one is allowed to reveal anything about what happened today. Anyone who violates this will be expelled from the Tushan clan."


Tushan Cangyue's cold voice rang out.

Hear the words.

Everyone naturally bowed in response.


They dispersed with many surprises and doubts.

Only Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming were left...

"High Priest, do you know that the Great God actually has an incarnation in the human world?"

"Well, the great god told me."

"It seems to be called Sin City?"


"The incarnation of the Great God Qingshan outside the realm of Shanling is the city lord of Sin City, and his name is Lin Wudao."

"That Zhao Zichen is a murderer who specializes in doing bad things."

"This time, he must pretend to be a great god in the human world and go to the Canglan Ancient Clan to do bad things."

"I think we should go to the Canglan Ancient Clan. We can't let that guy ruin the great god's good reputation in the world."

"In addition, the true god's corpse lost by the Tushan clan must be brought back as soon as possible..."

Yin Siming said in a deep voice.

To this!

Tushan Cangyue also had this intention!

"Now that Wei Chaotian's concubinage has begun, can we go in time?"

"Whether it's late or not, we have to go see it!"

"If you really meet that thief Zhao Zichen, you must kill him. Such a person who has done many evil things must not be allowed to stay."


Tushan Cangyue nodded.


The two people immediately drove the boat on the other side, turned into a bright stream of light, and headed towards the ancient city of Canglan at lightning speed.

at the same time!

Just as Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming were heading to Canglan Ancient City, a majestic incense god suddenly opened his eyes at the foot of Zhonghuang Mountain at the southern end of the Eastern Territory.

"Tu Shanyi, dead!"

"Tu Shanyun, dead!"

"Tu Shanji, dead!"

In an ancient and magnificent temple, a cold sigh suddenly sounded.


As the gods sighed, an old man in sacrificial attire who was meditating under the altar was instantly awakened.


With piety and awe, he prostrated himself under the altar.

"Great God of the Sky, did you just say that Tu Shanyi and the others... are dead?"

Tu Shanqi asked with a slight trembling.


He was very shocked by this sudden result.


Somewhat unbelievable!

"Dead indeed!"

"They were killed by the high priest of Daqingshan with artifacts..."

The majestic and majestic voice continued to sound in the temple.

Hear the words!

Tu Shanqi clenched his fists tightly, his chest rising and falling, as if he was trying his best to suppress the overwhelming anger in his chest.


"The Tushan clan of Daqingshan dared to kill my people in Nanling. I will avenge this hatred."

Tushan Qi roared with hatred.

"Please allow me to take the artifact with me and go to Daqing Mountain for revenge!"

He knelt down and bowed heavily.

Deep in his eyes, there is overwhelming hatred!


Faced with his request to fight, the God of the Sky did not agree.

"It won't help if you go!"


"This time, I decided to go to Daqingshan in person and meet the God of Qingshan."


Master, do you want to go to Daqingshan in person?

Hearing this, Tu Shanqi was both shocked and excited.

He could finally see the true power of God!

"Please allow me to go to Daqingshan together!"

"Need not!"

"You stay in Nanling. I will prepare for two days. At that time, I will use a true spirit of the gods to carry the artifact and you will be back soon."

"Just wait patiently~"


The statue of the god, which was originally so bright, suddenly fell silent.

See this scene.

Although Tu Shanqi was quite disappointed, he did not dare to disobey.

"Da Qingshan, you kill my people, and I, Nanling, will let you pay with your blood..."

He said hatefully.

It was not until a long time later that Tushan Qicai suppressed the hatred in his heart and strode out of the temple.

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