"Blue Sky Roar!"

"Purple Divine Marten!"

"These are all alien species passed down from ancient times. Aren't they already extinct in the mountain world? Why are they still there?"

"Moreover, they all appeared in the Tushan clan of Daqingshan..."

Looking at the strange beast following Tu Shan Ruoruo, Tu Shan Yi's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Rare and exotic beasts like Qingtian Roar and Purple Divine Sable have never been seen even in their Zhonghuang Mountain.

However, it appeared in Daqingshan!

This made Tu Shanyi not only surprised and surprised, but also unbelievable.

He didn't know where the Daqingshan Tushan clan got these ancient alien species.


Just as Tu Shanyi was looking at Qingtianhou and Zishen Diao, suddenly, another neighing sound came from the distance of the temple.


A white elk, all white in body and exuding a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere, came into view...

"The auspicious beast of heaven and earth, white deer!"

Tu Shanyi's eyes were shocked.


It is extremely rare to see Qingtianhou and Zishen Diao, these ancient alien species.


What he didn't expect was that there was a white deer in Daqing Mountain.

This is an auspicious beast from heaven and earth!

Symbolizing the auspiciousness of the world...

Wherever it appears, everything grows and all living beings are harmonious.

"The Tushan clan of Daqingshan is really lucky."

this moment!

Tu Shanyi felt envious from the bottom of his heart.

Daqingshan's fortune shocked even him!

Tu Shan Cangyue saw his and Tu Shanyun's reactions, but didn't pay any attention to them.

Instead, her eyes fell on Tushan Ruoruo.

"Ruoruo, what are you doing here?"


"Sister, I heard that people from the Tushan clan in Nanling are here, so I came over to take a look out of curiosity, hehe..."

Tushan Ruoruo smiled mischievously.


Her bright eyes were looking straight at the treasures piled on the ground, her eyes full of longing.


Just when Tu Shanruo wanted to look through the treasures, suddenly, an excited dog barked beside him.


I saw that the sinful dog's mouth suddenly opened, and before anyone could react, it swallowed all the treasures on the ground.


After eating, he licked the dog's mouth with unsatisfied content...


"Erha, those are sacrifices to the Great God Qingshan. Why did you eat them? Spit them out quickly!"

"If Master Qingshan finds out, he will have to skin you."

Tushan Ruoruo exclaimed.

While talking.

She immediately hugged Erha's dog's head, and then forcefully opened its mouth, trying to forcefully take out the swallowed treasures.

"Woof woof~"

Being hugged tightly by Tushan Ruoruo, Erha suddenly became irritable, and then broke away from her restraints.

"Hmph, what happened to the great god's sacrifice? Didn't Mr. Dog never eat it?"

"Remember that I was in the land of sin before, Mr. Dog..."


Erha just wanted to show off, but before he could finish his words, a huge slap came down.

Hit it hard on the dog's face!


With a painful scream, Erha flew directly out of the temple and hit the ground heavily.

"This is a temple, there is no room for arrogance!"

"If you dare to come here again and act recklessly, I will skin you..."

A cold voice came from the temple.

Woof woof~

After hearing this, Erha, although he kept baring his teeth and looking fierce, did not dare to step into the temple again.


"You'd better not provoke eldest sister. If you anger her, she will really skin you."

"By then, you won't even have time to cry."

"Oh, if I had known you were so greedy, I shouldn't have brought you to the temple. It's okay now, I was slapped by the eldest sister..."

Tushan Ruoruo came to Erha, rubbed its head and comforted him.

To this!

Erha could only be helpless and furious.

"Hey, I finally saw the high priest getting angry."

"Even Boss Erha can't bear the anger of the high priest. Fortunately, we didn't go in just now, otherwise we don't know how we died."

far away.

Seeing Erha's miserable appearance, Qingtianhou said with lingering fear.

In the past few days, Tushan Ruoruo has opened up their wisdom and wisdom through the magical secret method in the "Natural Code".

Not only that, but it also gives them the ability to speak.


One person and four beasts have become a beautiful scenery in Daqing Mountain...

"Hey, luckily we had the foresight and escaped the disaster."

The Purple Divine Marten behind Qing Tianhou patted his chest.

He looks scared!

"Humph, it asked for it!"

"Do you really think that just like a pet raised by a great god in the human world, you can do whatever you want? This time the high priest slapped the dog in the face. Next time, I am afraid that the dog's skin will be peeled off."

"When the time comes, I don't even know why he died..."


A mocking voice sounded nearby.

Take a closer look!

I saw the white deer coming to Qingtianhou and them at some point, and was looking at Erha in the distance with gloating.

Compared to Qingtian Roar and Purple Divine Sable, it is the only strange beast in the God's Domain that can ignore Erha.

When it comes to strength, it can restrain Erha; when it comes to power, it has Tushan Cangyue behind it.


Master Qingshan obviously didn't pay much attention to Erha.

This made Bailu even more confident...


"Don't you humans have a saying? When you beat a dog, it depends on the owner. She doesn't give him any face at all."

"Master Dog, I am also a sacred beast under the throne of God Qingshan. She beat me like this because she doesn't take God Qingshan seriously."

Erha whined and bared his teeth while swearing.


Its voice was extremely loud, and it was obviously meant to be heard by Tushan Cangyue...

"Erha, stop talking!"

Tushan Ruoruo quickly covered the dog's mouth.

"If you say anything again, I will really strip you off later."

"The eldest sister has divine power. Even if she beats you, you can only consider yourself unlucky."

"Is it possible that you still expect God to help you seek justice? Stop dreaming!"

"Think about it, will the great god turn toward the high priest, or will he turn toward you?"

"After all, you stole the great god's sacrifice..."


In order to prevent Erha from getting into trouble again, Tushan Ruoruo shouted hello to them at the blue sky in the distance and took him directly out of the temple.


"There are actually dogs that can talk?"

In the temple.

Tu Shanyi's eyes were full of surprise.

He found it a bit strange that Erha could speak even though he had not yet cultivated a human body.

"This Daqingshan Mountain is becoming more and more mysterious~"

He sighed to himself.

What he has seen and heard since coming here has really opened his eyes.

"High Priest, how do you feel about our sincerity just now?"

Take a deep breath.

Tu Shanyi asked again in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Tushan Cangyue shook her head.

"Your sincerity has been eaten by dogs!"

"I don't think it works~"


As soon as these words came out, Tu Shanyi's face suddenly darkened.

He felt that Tushan Cangyue was scolding him...

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