"Great God, the dragon-seeking envoy Jie Wuyou went out to find a top-notch sub-miraculous medicine in the Lingxu, the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass."

"In order to commend his meritorious service, my subordinates promised him that after the completion of the Ancient Divine Well, they would raise his cultivation level to the Great Perfection of the Divine Wheel Realm."

Just when Lin Wudao was secretly depressed, Tushan Cangyue's voice suddenly rang out.


Then he saw her placing a top-notch sub-miracle medicine on the altar.

Nine-turn resurrection grass?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao had a thought in his mind, and the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass instantly appeared in his hand.

After looking at it for a while, he sacrificed it!


Earned 300 million luck points!

"Yeah, well done."

"Since you have made meritorious service, you must give the rewards you deserve..."

A majestic and majestic voice sounded in the temple.

Hear this!

Jie Wuyou was immediately overjoyed!

at the same time.

In my heart, I was full of gratitude to Tushan Cangyue.

Not only did she mention that she had concealed her sins, but now she also took credit for herself and took all the credit on herself.

This made Xie Wuyou extremely moved!

[System, how much luck is needed to upgrade Jie Wuyou's cultivation from the late stage of the Divine Wheel to the Great Perfection? 】

【One billion! 】

so much?

Hearing the answer, Lin Wudao sighed.

Jie Wuyou, who has been baptized by God three times, has at least a hundred times more qualifications than ordinary people.

I just made 300 million, and in the blink of an eye, I will spend 1 billion.

This made Lin Wudao very helpless!


As the great god of Qingshan whom his people believe in, his personality must be maintained and he must not break his trust.


As a divine light fell, in the envious eyes of everyone, Jie Wuyou's cultivation level improved from the late stage of the Divine Wheel Realm to the Great Perfection of the Divine Wheel Realm.

"Thank you, God!"

"Thank you, High Priest!"

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Jie Wuyou was very excited.

Immediately, with an extremely respectful and pious attitude, he knelt down and knelt down to worship...

This scene!

In the eyes of Tu Shannuo and others, they were extremely envious.

"From today on, all those who are devout believers in this god can practice the "Dao Dao Shen Demon Sutra", absorb the power of luck, and strengthen themselves."

“In addition, luck also serves as a means of reward and punishment!”

"Anyone with meritorious deeds can request to exchange their luck to enhance their cultivation and strength."

"Finally, after careful consideration, I decided to divide the luck of the Tushan clan."

"From now on, the people of the Tushan clan will account for 50% of the luck, the temple's clergy will account for 30%, and the god will account for 20%."

"Fifty percent of the luck will be evenly distributed to all the people!"

"The priests of the temple will share the remaining 30% of their luck based on their identity, status, and strength."

"Those who have meritorious service will be recorded by the high priest. After passing the assessment, they will be given luck rewards..."

Lin Wudao expressed his thoughts.


With the blessing of his divine power, his voice instantly spread throughout the 1.2 million miles of the divine realm and was heard by many people.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao still controlled the divine power and erected three giant stone tablets with a height of 100 feet outside the temple.

Later, he recorded the three mortal volumes of the "Dao Dao Shen Demon Sutra" on three stone tablets...

This huge movement immediately shocked the entire people of Daqingshan.

call out!

call out!

call out!

As bright rainbows streaked across the void, thousands of people began to gather from all directions.

One by one, their shocked and excited eyes fell firmly on the stone tablet.

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

Thousands of people knelt down to worship with infinite gratitude.

All of a sudden!

A large amount of incense continuously gathered towards Lin Wudao.

In just a moment, one hundred thousand incense was added!

"This is also a shortcut to harvest luck points, but there are still too few people in the Tushan clan."

"If one day the Tushan clan has hundreds of millions of people, an ordinary sacrifice can harvest hundreds of millions of incense and luck."

"What a grand scene it must have been at that time?"

Lin Wudao was yearning for it.

"Right now, it's an investment in the Tushan clan. When the territory becomes larger and there are more people in the future, the benefits will be huge."

"It seems that I, the Great God of Qingshan, have to work harder..."

He sighed secretly.


Lin Wudao restrained all his divine power and visions, and then, after making some preparations, he entered the City of All Heavens.

According to previous information, in one day, the cosmic tide will explode.

By the time!

There will be many great opportunities and great fortunes coming to the world!

Lin Wudao naturally didn't want to miss such a rare good thing. If possible, he would also like to try his luck.

The city of the heavens!

As ancient and magnificent as ever!

This time, Lin Wudao did not go there with his true body, but used the Origin Stone to evolve a clone and enter it.


He also deliberately disguised his avatar into an ordinary-looking young man.


When Lin Wudao entered the City of All Heavens, he looked up and saw that in the distant void of the universe, there was still boundless mist of chaos.

They are rising like waves, and there are thousands of avenues evolving in them, as if the heavens and worlds are rising and falling.

A glance reveals infinite mysteries!


Lin Wudao's cultivation was weak and his realm was too low. He was unable to peek into the great avenue of heaven and earth evolved from the void of the universe.

Therefore, it can only be seen as a vision.

"Counting the time, the cosmic tide is coming soon!"

"I don't know if, with the power of my clone, I can go into the tide of the universe and take advantage."

Lin Wudao's eyes showed anticipation.

Cosmic tides happen once an epoch!

For the sentient beings in this universe, it is an unprecedented great opportunity and good fortune.

Anyone with some ability will not miss it...


Just as Lin Wudao raised his eyes to look at the distant void of the universe, suddenly, his eyes swept across the entrance of the City of All Heavens, and a faint exclamation of surprise came out of his mouth.


He discovered that there seemed to be an unusually large number of creatures in the City of All Heavens today.

Before that!

Because of his status as the Supreme Being, the first heaven of the City of All Heavens has attracted many powerful people from the True Immortal Realm to the lower realms.

Nowadays, in this lowest first level, there are not only many true immortals, but also a large number of ancient immortals.

Even the Immortal King can see it!


As time passed, many people began to gather towards the city gate, their eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

That way!

It seems like something major is about to happen...

See this scene.

Driven by curiosity, Lin Wudao also walked towards the crowd.

"Brother, I have just arrived in the City of All Heavens. I would like to take the liberty to ask, is there any big event with so many powerful people gathering today?"

After a while.

Lin Wudao asked curiously to a man in white with extraordinary temperament beside him.

This man’s name is Xiao Baiyi!

Cultivation is in the Ninth Level of the Great Emperor!

What surprised Lin Wudao the most was that he was from the Penglai Immortal Clan...

"All of them have the surname Xiao?"

"Could this Penglai Clan be related to the Penglai Clan?"

Lin Wudao was full of curiosity.

at the same time!

When he looked at Xiao Baiyi, the other party also cast his deep eyes on him.

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