"Sir, Palace Master Lin is here!"

Tu Shan Linger greeted.


"It turns out that Governor Lin is here. Please take a seat!"

Seeing Lin Wudao arriving, Jun Qianmo put down the ancient scroll in his hand, and a warm smile bloomed on his angular face, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

See it!

Lin Wudao was not polite and immediately sat opposite Jun Qianmo...

"The host doesn't leave his house, but he knows everything about the world. This method of knowing everything about the world is admirable."

"Haha, Governor Lin is so complimentary!"

"I'm just making a living, and I can't compare to Governor Lin's great future..."

Jun Qianmo smiled.

The second time he met Lin Wudao, he became increasingly confused.


Lin Wudao's divine eye fell on Jun Qianmo, but he didn't see much useful information.

he knows.

Jun Qianmo must not be an ordinary person!

"Do you, Governor Lin, come here this time to ask about the people behind the conspiracy against you?"


"One hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones!"

so little?

Lin Wudao was a little surprised when he heard the price.

Before, he came to ask for information about the strongest person in Taixuan Sect, but he paid a total of 80,000 low-grade spiritual stones. That Mr. Yin, a weird and mysterious curse master, only asked for 100,000 yuan?

Somewhat cheap!

Although he couldn't figure out Jun Qianmo's intention, Lin Wudao didn't waste any time and immediately took out one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

"Captain Lin, the matter you want to ask involves the grudges of the previous generation."

"As far as I know, the person who is plotting against you behind the scenes is named Yin Tianjue. He originally came from the Yuanzhou Demon Suppression Division. Twenty years ago, he was the master of the same palace as your father Lin Daoshan. "

"Besides, they are also love rivals!"

"About thirty years ago, Lin Daoshan and Yin Tianjue entered the Yuanzhou Demon Suppression Division at the same time. Since then, the two have been entangled with each other, and gradually they have turned into enemies."

"What's more, your mother Nian Qingxin was involved, which made the relationship between the two of them even worse, almost to the point of being irreconcilable."

"Later, because Yin Tianjue conspired to assassinate your mother Nian Qingxin, your father madly chased him and knocked him into the abyss of death."

"It's just that Yin Tian Jue's fate should not have been cut off. Not only did he not die, but he unexpectedly received the inheritance of an ancient curse master."

"At this point, he has mastered the art of curses..."

Jun Qianmo took a sip of tea and said slowly.


Lin Wudao also listened carefully.

Through Jun Qianmo's narration, we have a general understanding of the grudges between Lin Daoshan and Yin Tianjue.

"and after?"

"Well, later... Ever since he received the curse master's inheritance, Yin Tianjue felt that he had found a way to avenge his hatred, so he practiced hard in the curse technique in the abyss of death."

"A month ago, he met Li Tiandu, the current master of Taixuan Sect. Under his leadership, he walked out of the abyss of death, and has been hiding in Taixuan Sect to cultivate."

"At the same time, I am also inquiring about your father!"

"After learning that your father, Lin Daoshan, had passed away due to an accident, he vented his hatred on you."

Speaking of which.

Jun Qianmo paused slightly and glanced at Lin Wudao.

After seeing that he had no expression, he continued talking...

"Through Taixuan Sect, Yin Tianjue learned of your existence!"

"So, he planted a curse on Li Tiandu and Li Longxiang, and then through the hands of Jiang Qingxue, he planted an ancient curse on you: the passage of life."

"Originally, Li Tian planned to kill you directly, but Yin Tian would never agree because he wanted to torture you crazily and make your life worse than death."

"He wants to vent all his hatred for your father on you."

"Actually, even if you don't go to Shenxu, Yin Tianjue will not let you die. When your life is about to come to an end, he will break the curse."

"It's just that you disrupted his plan..."


Is that so?

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

If Jun Qianmo hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have known that there was such an unknown secret hidden in it.

"I heard that Yin Tianjue is already dead?"

There was silence for a while.

Lin Wudao suddenly asked.


"Yin Tianjue has been eroded by the evil energy of the Death Abyss for many years, and he has also been cursed by the ancient curse master, so he does not have much time left."

"In one month at most, he will die completely!"

Jun Qianmo replied.

"If you want to go to Taixuanmen to find him, it's not impossible. Yin Tianjue's time is running out right now, and his power has been cursed."

"As long as you're careful and don't fall under his curse, you'll be fine."

"By the way, in the early years, by chance, I got a magical volume of the Ancient Sutra of Fighting E, which focused on the supreme method of condensing the golden body of crossing E."

"As long as you create the Chudu Erjin body, you can suppress all evil substances in the world, including curses."

"Captain Lin has been dealing with demons all year round. Perhaps this volume of the Ancient Book of Fighting Era will be helpful..."

At this time.

Jun Qianmo took out an ancient and broken jade slip from his sleeve and said solemnly.

The ancient scripture of crossing the disaster?

Lin Wudao's eyes rose with interest.


With the Origin Stone suppressing his body, his body's defense is invincible and no one in the world can break it.

However, the soul is very weak!

Especially weird and evil things like curses made it even more difficult for him to sleep or eat well. This volume of "The Ancient Scripture of Fighting Era" was indeed of great use to him.

Under the insight of the eyes of the gods, the information about the ancient sutra of crossing the disaster was immediately presented.

Name: Ancient Scripture of Crossing Era

Level: Immortal Dharma Sect

Status: Incomplete (Mortal Volume)

Introduction: The ancient scripture of crossing evil is an immortal method passed down from ancient times. In the first era of mythology, three pages of incomplete scriptures were circulated from the immortal realm. The current page is a mortal scroll.

Function 1: Condensate the golden body to suppress all evil in the world!

Function 2: All evils are immune to invasion and all laws are immortal!

Function 3: It records a powerful attack method: the Great Sun Curse. This method can be practiced to the ultimate level and can condense into ten rounds of brilliant sun, which will shine on the heavens for eternity and have the power to obliterate all things in the world.

Immortal method?

Lin Wudao was shocked!

Originally, he thought that the "Ancient Emperor's Scripture" obtained by the deceased Jiang Taichu was already very powerful, but who knew that now he had encountered the ancient legendary immortal method.

This is something that involves the secret of becoming an immortal!

Jun Qianmo was put in front of him like this?

Doesn't he know the value of this thing?


Lin Wudao took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.


He couldn't figure out what Jun Qianmo was thinking.

"This thing is too expensive and I can't afford it..."


Lin Wudao still suppressed his inner desire.

He deeply knows that there is no such thing as a good thing in this world. Once you get something, you must lose something or pay a price.

The value of this volume of "The Ancient Scripture of Crossing Era" far exceeded his imagination.

Even if Lin Wudao was very eager, he would not dare to accept it at will. Once he accepted it, it might bring him huge trouble in the future.


Seemingly sensing Lin Wudao's scruples, Jun Qianmo couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't worry, Governor Lin. I have absolutely no conspiracy. I just want to make friends with Governor Lin through this volume of "The Ancient Book of Fighting Era"."

"I did get this thing by accident!"

"If Governor Lin feels that he deserves it, or feels uneasy, he might as well agree to my request. One day in the future, if I need it, Governor Lin might as well do me a favor?"

"Of course, everything is within the capabilities of Governor Lin..."


After hearing this, Lin Wudao stared at Jun Qianmo for a long time, but did not see any clues.

"If that's the case, I can accept it."

I thought about it for a long time.

Lin Wudao finally accepted the "Ancient Sutra of Overcoming Calamities", which was indeed of great help to him.

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