Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 394 The tide of the universe is coming, and the times are about to change!

"Supreme, this..."

Looking at the mountains of top-quality sacred stones in front of him, Ji Yuan was shocked, but also felt panic and uneasiness.

Although they, Jiutian Tower, are engaged in business, what kind of status is the Supreme One, how can they ask for his money?


Ji Yuan is in a dilemma!

"Put it away."

"Since the Supreme Being has given you the Divine Stone, how dare you refuse?"

Ji Wuya said.


Hearing this, Ji Yuan immediately suppressed the panic in his heart and collected all the top-grade sacred stones on the ground.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao also felt heartbroken when he saw the twelve million top-grade sacred stones disappearing.

These are all obtained through his own life!


He was promoted to the second level true god, and the Tushan clan's people sacrificed a total of more than one thousand and two million years of life.


One swipe of the low-grade God-Slaying Sword consumed most of his energy.

Name: Lin Wudao

Lifespan: 619364

Luck value: 750365000

Looking at the remaining life span and luck values ​​on the panel, Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.

"Every time you earn a little lifespan and luck, it basically takes less than three days before you spend the same amount."

"When will we truly become rich?"

He was filled with helplessness.


Lin Wudao was preparing to leave the City of All Heavens. After all, the ancient divine well in the outside world was about to explode.


However, just as he stood up, bursts of loud and endless sounds suddenly came from the void outside Jiutian Tower.


Waves of ancient power and will suddenly descended like the vast Milky Way, covering the entire world in an instant.

As soon as he heard the sudden sound, Lin Wudao was shocked.


That is, the voice of the avenue!


The moment the grand sound of the great avenue from the outside world came to the world, the expressions of Ji Wuya and others on the side also changed suddenly.


When the will of the Great Dao swept across, even Ji Wuya, who had cultivated into the Ancient Immortal King, was forced to kneel on the ground.

The whole person was trembling...

Among the people present, only Lin Wudao was not affected in any way.


With shock and curiosity, he pushed open the window on the ninth floor of the Jiutian Tower, and saw boundless mist of chaos beginning to fill the void of the universe outside the City of All Heavens.




One after another, extremely terrifying avenues of divine thunder, arise from the outskirts of the universe under the supreme will of the universe, and are majestic in the world.

Along with the vertical and horizontal movement of the divine thunder, all the heaven and earth manifested themselves in the chaotic void, and then sank endlessly...


It has turned into immeasurable divine light, shining on the world!

[Three days later, the cosmic tide will arrive! 】


A mysterious message suddenly appeared in Lin Wudao's consciousness.

Not just him!

At this moment, all those in the cities of the heavens and the great worlds with cultivation levels above the realm of the Great Emperor received this message.

"Cosmic tides?"

Lin Wudao was a little confused.

[System, what are cosmic tides? 】

[Ding, cosmic tides appear once in an era. Cosmic tides represent vitality and creation, as well as death and destruction. 】

[Every time the cosmic tide arrives, it will bring supreme opportunities and good fortune to the world. At that time, the cosmic tide will contain divine objects, treasures, etc. of heaven and earth. 】

[This is a gift from the universe to all living beings! 】

[At that time, as long as you enter the tide of the universe and rely on your own strong strength, you will have the opportunity to obtain great opportunities and good fortune. 】

[The tide of the universe can make the Emperor of Heaven become an Immortal, make the Ancient Immortal become the Giant Immortal King, and can also make the Quasi-Immortal Emperor become an Immortal Emperor! 】

[As long as you are strong enough, you can obtain immeasurable fortune from the tide of the universe. 】

The system responded.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao was shocked!

He never thought that there could be such good things in this world.

[Are there any dangers in cosmic tides? 】

[Yes, great horror! 】

[Cosmic Tide, crisis and opportunity coexist. The deeper you go into the cosmic tide, the greater the opportunity and the more dangerous it is. 】

[Those who enter it will be three-quarters alive and seven-cent death! 】

[In addition, every time the cosmic tide comes, it also indicates that an era is coming to an end and a new era is about to begin. 】

[After the cosmic tide passes, the great catastrophe of the era will come. 】

[This era is the last era of this era. Once the era changes, the era will also change. 】

[Therefore, in addition to facing the catastrophe of the era, we will also face the catastrophe of the times. 】

[At that time, everything will perish, heaven and earth will overturn, the ancient rules and orders will be overthrown, and new rules and orders will be established. 】

[The great calamity is coming, and no one in the world will be spared! 】

[This is both an unprecedented opportunity and an unprecedented disaster. Survival and destruction depend only on strength...]

The cold voice of the system kept echoing in Lin Wudao's ears.


For a moment, an inexplicable sense of urgency arose in his heart.

Although Lin Wudao didn't know how terrifying the Great Tribulation of the Era and the Great Tribulation of the Age were, he could feel from the system prompts that it was definitely an unprecedented disaster.

[System, when will the catastrophe begin? 】

【Within a thousand years! 】

[In the next thousand years, the Tai Cang Immortal Emperor who guards this universe will soon fall. At that time, it will be the beginning of the great catastrophe. 】

Less than a thousand years ago?

Lin Wudao felt secretly awe-inspiring in his heart.

A thousand years may be considered a long time for mortals, but for cultivators, it passes quickly.

Especially, for the monks in the fairyland, it is a matter of a moment...

For many things, I’m afraid it’s too late to plan and prepare.

[System, can there be only one Immortal Emperor in a universe? 】

【No! 】

[One universe can accommodate multiple Immortal Emperors! 】

[The most powerful among the Immortal Emperors can inherit the destiny. The period during which this Immortal Emperor reigns is called an era. 】

[The length of the era depends on the reign of the Immortal Emperor! 】

[The longer the Immortal Emperor is suppressed, the longer the period of this era. An ordinary Immortal Emperor has a lifespan of nine eras. 】

[The Tai Cang Immortal Emperor in this universe has been in power for twelve epochs. His lifespan is approaching and he cannot break his own shackles. His destiny has been determined. 】

[The day of his fall is the beginning of the great catastrophe of the era! 】

"I see!"

"It seems that even if he is as powerful as the Immortal Emperor, who is destined to control a universe, he cannot escape the shackles of his destiny."

Lin Wudao was shocked.


From the system, his horizons and knowledge were greatly expanded.

[By the way, do the tides of the universe regulate the cultivation of living beings? Can I go inside the cosmic tide? 】

【Can! 】

[If you are not afraid of death and have confidence in your own strength, you can try it...]


Lin Wudao was speechless for a while.

"At that time, when the tide of the universe comes, I will take a look at the most edge area. There shouldn't be too much danger in this way, right?"

He thought secretly.


Just as he was meditating, the mighty cosmic will suddenly disappeared, but the vision in the chaotic void did not converge.

Still going on...

See this scene!

Ji Wuya and others dared to stand up carefully.

"Sovereign, is the cosmic tide about to begin?"

Ji Wuya was a little distracted.

His eyes were filled with unprecedented fear and uneasiness.

Even if you become an Ancient Immortal King, you will still be like an ant in the face of the Great Tribulation of the Era...

Lin Wudao saw his worry clearly in his eyes.

"The great calamity will come within a thousand years!"

At this time.

Lin Wudao dropped a big news.

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